John   New York, New York, United States
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Completionist Showcase
Perfect Games
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Review Showcase
FOREWORD, I'm giving this game a review based on being an AC Boomer who wanted this game to be something it currently isn't.

I THINK IT'S A GREAT GAME, it's just not a great game for people who expect a classic Armored Core experience, even when comparing it to more Divisive titles like ACV and Verdict Day, and more extreme shifts in gameplay, like AC4/4A.

If I were to rate the game, I'd probably give it a 6/10. I wish steam didn't make it recommended or not recommended, because I think the game is for different people. I like the Mech Designs, the tight controls and there's a much better story than a lot of the older games.
But here comes the criticisms:

I'll be going into depth in very particular detail about my gripes and why I feel like it's not going to really be able to replace 1st and 2nd gen Armored Core in any fashion. I'd say if anything this game is closest to AC4A.


This is just a different game, and as an old fan, I suppose I have to understand that. This game is not for you if you're looking for a classic Armored Core experience, with all of the little details and minutia that made the old armored core games feel deliberate.

This game is NOT FOR YOU if:
-You're an ardent fan of Armored Cores 1-3(and sidegames) and wanted more of the same or a continuation of that formula
-You want to get into specific details about your build, and take a long time preparing for missions
-You want a methodical, exploration based, and punishing but rewarding mission structure with surprises around every corner
-You get filtered by the tutorial boss

This game IS for you if:
-You liked Armored Core 4A
-You like From Software's Elden Ring, Dark Souls, and Sekiro Offerings, but want to try it in a Mecha Format
-You want a fast paced game with tight controls, a good decal editor and customization
-You want a less detailed (or some could say autistic lmao) but fun Mecha game with a decent power fantasy but also challenging bosses
-You like tryhard styled souls PVP that focuses on a very present Meta

Onto the review:

A lot of parts are missing as a whole, and so are the stats and features that made them each unique and interesting parts of your build, instead of just being a part you look at the AP/Attitude Stability stat on.

We're missing:

-Optional Parts: (these were bonus features that were interchangeable between missions like less recoil, better energy consumption, missile auto launch etc etc)

-Extensions: These were outer shoulder mounted parts that ranged from Stealth/ECM pods, Missile interceptors, quickboosters for various directions, Extra shielding etc)

-Internal Bays: These included radar decoys, deployable mines, and missile decoys

-Weapon arms: You basically had arms that didn't hold weapons, the WERE the weapons, you wanted machine gun arms? Missile Arms? Grenade launcher arms? You got em, and they all came with various benefits and disadvantages over just taking 2 of the same weapon or weapon type.

-Radars: You didn't always have perfect knowledge of where your enemies were on a compass, you had to equip a head part or shoulder mounted radar that gave you a Halo/Call of Duty style radar on your top left screen, and some of the more advanced radars came with better features and longer ranged scanning/Incoming missile warnings

The worst offender here is the HEAD part. Here are the list of features on a Head part from Armored Core 2, using this part as an example, as it contains almost every feature a head could possibly have:

Part Type Head
Price: 73300
Manufacturer: Emeraude
Weight: 145
Energy Drain: 611
Armor Points: 698
Def Shell: 118
Def Energy: 104
Defensive Points: 222
Computer Type: Detailed
Computer Voice: Male
System Recovery: 480
Auto Balancer: 300
Hacking Function: 4
Map Type: Area & Place Name
ECM Noise Canceler: Provided
Bio Sensor: Provided
Sensor Interval: 12
Radar Function: Provided
Radar Range: 570
Radar Type: Standard
Scanning Interval: 16
Cooling: 98
Computer Ability: 348

Now compare that to a head from Armored Core 6, in which most if not all of them share the same features:

AP: 1250
Anti-Kinetic Defense: 191
Anti-Energy Defense: 169
Anti-Explosive Defense: 192
Attitude Stability: 370
System Recovery: 68
Scan Distance: 340
Scan Effect Duration: 14.4

In armored Core 6 the only thing unique about each head is basically how much Attitude Stability (we'll just call this "Poise" Because that's essentially what the stagger feature is), System Recovery (how long it takes you to lose a status effect), and how far and how long your wallhacks scan is. In AC6 you don't naturally target enemies through walls like in previous generations, you have to scan a unit to target them through walls, and this effect has a duration.

THESE STATS are pretty much endemic to the overarching problem of the game, and essentially what most of us feel are the "Elden Ringification" of Armored Core.

Back in the old AC generations you had to carefully consider each part of your Mech for each mission, you only had one life or you failed, there were no checkpoints, and if you failed you'd lose money.

-Do you want to use energy weapons to save money at the cost of the larger ammo pool or damage of some kinetic weapons?

-Do you want a head that has more AP/Defense and less Energy Drain at the cost of high tech features, like ECM resistance, Hacking ability to get through certain doors on missions for either secret parts/fights/shortcuts.

-Leg parts had a turn speed stat that was imperative to lightweight builds to outflank opponents and effected your stability with certain heavy weapons and how you fared against higher impact weapons as well.

However, in AC6 we got a high speed tread and boost meta where you can get all the speed of lightweight legs or reverse joints with none of the drawbacks. They have the speed of light weight legs, the AP of medium/heavy legs, the weight load of Heavy legs, and the ability to fire heavy weaponry without recoil. And you net all of the defensive and Attitude stability of being able to equip heavy cores with heavy weapons and maintain all the same mobility. And a whole host of other parts whose features are all basically the same: Weight, Armored points, Damage reduction, And poise. Your Generator has no red zone like in the old games and its usage is far less deliberate now, it's essentially a glorified Stamina Bar.

These things just don't work, there's an imbalance in missions where you fight tons of cannon fodder who hardly whittle down your AP at all, and if you're remotely familiar with AC controls, you can probably no hit the first 4 missions like I did.

The boss fights are far more challenging, I'd say this is a good thing, however they aren't very challenging in the traditional sense of AC where you just fought an army of people to get to the boss fight, with possibly low ammo and Low AP. You get a checkpoint, a full refresh of AP and Ammo, AND the ability to change your build right before the boss fight. Not to mention your estus-like repair kits. The boss fights essentially boil down to you equipping a meta build and finishing the boss in 30 seconds- 1 minute, or you trying anything other than the meta and having a little bit harder of a time, but not really that much because you DID just get all your health and ammo back, and a checkpoint to boot.

Most bosses have a Dark Souls like strategy of dodging a lot and paying attention to a specific moveset on repeat. That's just not how Armored Core has operated in the past.

The focus was on how you managed yourself during the mission, how much ammo and AP you went into that last fight with, and your movement and aim skill to finish off that boss with what resources you have left.

I think the Stagger mechanic is... okay.... but as far as it's concerned, your builds can easily revolve around what will cause stagger the fastest, and that's easily the present meta in both PVE and PVP.
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