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2 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Locking career mode behind online requirements is no good. At least add micro transactions and loot boxes to justify.
Posted 17 January.
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27.9 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
It's an abomination.
Posted 28 July, 2024. Last edited 28 July, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
6.1 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Needs a lot more work. Graphics, mainly lighting and textures should be improved for better clarity. AI is still easily exploitable much like in M&B. Combat feels too clunky and hard to control. Hit direction often changes during intense fights like 1 vs many which becomes frustrating fast. Also, inverted x axis option for hit directions should be added as this makes using third person view a huge pain in the ass.
Posted 12 July, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
46.4 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Capcom really did tick all the boxes here:
☑ Bad optimization
☑ Denuvo
☑ Forced/unnecessary/greedy DLCs/microtransactions
☑ Higher price than usual

Even if you look past the monetization the sub-optimal optimization gets in the way of actually playing the game properly. It is even more sad because of the fact that they made a proper DD sequel with mostly everything that made the first game great and unique in place. One thing that I miss is the combined thief/archer class which are now separate and do not have advanced or hybrid versions where you can use them both. Generally this is an expanded and in many ways a complete DD experience.
Posted 23 March, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
28.4 hrs on record
Great space sandbox title with tons of customization, ships and you can even have your own fleet of various vessels. You are generally free to do whatever with some basic limitations around gear and reputation. The game is mostly well-balanced and gets updated regularly. Worth every penny.

As for the recent blunder regarding DIG keys I support the developer with his decision. I generally against revoking keys but when third party sites scam (small) developers, intentionally or not, I think invalidating these copies sold 'illegally' or without permission is justified. He is also giving discount tokens to anyone 'hurt' by this incident which is a decent gesture. Anyone who thinks that their 3 dollars worth the price of causing the dev thousands of dollars of potential damage (keys resold on reseller sites) should look in the mirror.
Posted 5 January, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
680.4 hrs on record (87.9 hrs at review time)
The most complete FM to date. The new additions make certain chores better but there are still areas that are poorly designed or simply outdated.
On the other hand FM24 has a couple fairly basic bugs and glitches that should have been fixed by now. There are constant issues with UI being slow and twitchy, shortlists clearing themselves on save and so forth. Game balance is weird as usual as there are things that work way too well limiting the freedom in terms of tactics and prioritizing certain player attributes.
Maybe SI is preparing for next year's release already but hopefully they can still implement patches along the way.
Posted 30 November, 2023. Last edited 24 February, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
648.9 hrs on record (648.8 hrs at review time)
Although a bit outdated these days GW2 is still one of the best MMOs out there with great combat and a huge world to explore.
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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60.2 hrs on record
The reboot of Lords of the Fallen has the interconnected level design of Dark Souls, the combat of DS2 and the style of DS3/Elden Ring. I would say it is 80% there in terms of general feel but it is certainly closer to DS2 in many ways. The combat is floaty enough with large distances covered by player and enemy alike. Placements and general encounter design can be rather frustrating at times. Feedback can be also improved both in terms of audio and visual cues. Regardless, you can still find enough here to have a good time. For now there are issues that need to be fixed as soon as possible like the lacking performance and various gameplay issues. Unfortunately, co-op barely works, usually having some kind of problem when trying to play with random people. Connecting problems and stability issues are part of the course for now. I even experienced a 'bug' where my character got totally different stats after a rather glitchy co-op session but there might have been an editor hack in play on the other side.

Update: the game is being updated regularly but there are still too many annoying things going on - like just recently the fixed drop of Overseer's Halberd vanished after a rest while random loot still persists on earlier maps after many hours. Core things are being changed like boss weapon levels causing players to lose progress in many occasions. There is a gem underneath the problems here but first the ashes must be cleaned up in order for us to be able to appreciate it.

Update 2:
While the LotF is still far from being perfect it still remains the best non-From Software souls-like to date, only the Surge games coming close to matching its quality. It manages to provide superior gameplay and design compared to the many AA titles in this category expectedly so.
Posted 17 October, 2023. Last edited 19 September, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 28 Oct, 2023 @ 10:56am (view response)
3 people found this review helpful
66.5 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
This is really disappointing. After Stranded: AD I was expecting a pretty decent game. In many ways JA3 delivers and fails in the same areas but there are many more problems here which affect the overall image. Annoying things like frequent freezing on quick loading and subpar performance are the least of the problems. Balance and design is all over the place. In some ways the game promotes realism and at the same time there are elements that are extremely gamey, often arbitrary. Equipment drop chances are extremely low that feels really weird in a game like this (worked well in Wartales that gives loot after each battle). Hiding hit chance because the AI is poor is also weird. Difficulties enhance enemies artificially rather than giving them better coordination making them spongey. In many ways JA3 feels like a cheaper, less though-out game even if it came out later than Stranded. Unfortunately this gets worse the more you get into the game, eventually ending up with more frustration than enjoyment. This was a problem in Stranded too, but there it was way less severe. Mods are already out addressing some of the mentioned things and providing a way to tailor the experience to your liking but using them without actually trying to do a full overhaul breaks the balance even more.
Posted 20 July, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
106.9 hrs on record (23.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Base building is fun when it works. Pre-allocated territories can be weird.
Combat feels pretty good most of the time. Main problems are with balancing atm. You can get hit really hard out of nowhere. Boss movesets and general leveling/stats would need a rework.
Gear level and general progression is rather linear, railroady. This makes things kind of dull right from the get go. There is not much freedom in terms of valid equipment because of the thin selection for each section.
Releasing DLC in early access is just really ♥♥♥ up. Whatever the price of the game is. Overall you pay more for the full set. Founders pack is also extremely overpriced. At the moment every effort should go into creating the best game possible not extra content. Also, this will always feel like cut content in the end.
For these reasons I would say that you should wait for this so issues can be ironed out. Might not worth it jumping in now with all the problems.
Posted 25 May, 2023.
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