абсолютный уебок 18 aug. 2021 la 13:15 
+rep Pretty good goblin model. The design would have been worth working on, but it does a great job with its brain-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ function. The vocabulary contains a variety of swear words in different languages, and if you do not understand what he is talking about, just wait a little and he will definitely figure out which language you are using.
♡Sakura♡ 14 aug. 2021 la 13:59 
я юрик и я лизал п 13 mart. 2021 la 2:29 
абсолютный уебок 22 dec. 2020 la 11:13 
HaruSuzu 1 nov. 2020 la 4:03 
+rep, играет как огурец, позитивный, а за аниме ловит БАН.
нарко-доги 26 aug. 2019 la 4:24 
+rep любит негет СИЛА НЕГЕТА