Darcanian 18/jun./2023 às 8:58 
saknarejme :kreygasm:
PETTIE 27/out./2022 às 20:38 
mannen snear
Darcanian 21/jan./2022 às 12:00 
Killen trodde han va kool fö han hade ett pistola :VBCOOL: ps inte min tompis :VGRUMPY:
Vemod 14/mar./2021 às 18:30 
ᵘʷᵘ whooPs ♥♥♥♥ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ
  \\ my egg
   \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    > ⌒ヽ
   /   へ\
   /  / \\fell out
   レ ノ ヽつ
  / / 💦
  / /| 🥚
 ( (ヽ.
 | |、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
 | |  ) /
ノ )  Lノ
ᵘʷᵘ 💦 ♥♥♥♥ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ
ᵘʷᵘ 🥚 ᵘʷᵘ
ᵘʷᵘ💦ᵘʷᵘ ♥♥♥♥, sorry guys
ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ 🥚 ᵘʷᵘ
ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sorry im dropping
ᵘʷᵘ my eggs all over the ᵘʷᵘ place ᵘʷᵘ
ᵘʷᵘ 🥚 sorry ᵘʷᵘ oh ♥♥♥♥ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ
ᵘʷᵘ 💦 ᵘʷᵘ
Shrekussy 14/mar./2021 às 14:35 
____*******_________******* _____
___***____***____***______*** ___
_***______SORRY FOR_____***_
Darcanian 17/jan./2021 às 10:50 
du är ̶i̶n̶t̶e̶ min tompis
Vemod 7/jan./2021 às 17:58 
Den isotropiska distributionen av gammastrålning kan empiriskt endast förklaras med den geocentriska modellen. Observerade data kring utbrott av gammastrålning påvisar bestämt att jorden måste vara belägen i centrum av himlavalvet.
Shrekussy 4/jan./2021 às 20:27 
Ah, gamew, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautifuw, gamew. Maybe if you got wid of that owd yee-yee ass haiwcut you got you'd get some e-giwws on youw keyboawd. Oh, bettew yet, maybe Tanisha'ww caww youw dog-ass if she evew stop gamin' with that bwain suwgeon ow wawyew she gaming with. Gamew…
Rundle 31/ago./2020 às 16:42 
Darcanian 13/mar./2019 às 20:28 
du är inte min tompis din lilla hor@
Rundle 7/fev./2019 às 23:05 
Ello <3
Darcanian 31/jan./2019 às 17:23 
bish as ♥♥♥♥♥
Darcanian 17/jul./2018 às 0:06 
Day 37.
I wandered outside the village today, I had decided to pick apples. Behind a farmstead I saw a boy dressed in blue, he looked at me and gave me a peculiar stare. I smiled.
Whenever I see trees dance in the autumn breeze I always think back of the day we met behind your fathers lodge and snuck away to our nearby creek to say our vows.
To think our lives could have turned out to be so different. But then again, what is life without any sour apples? A better one most likely.

PS. You still haunt me in my dreams.
Darcanian 16/jul./2018 às 23:31 
oml i huv cancer-?++++??:kreygasm::kreygasm::kreygasm::featherduster:
Darcanian 26/mai./2018 às 13:53 
i hav aids :steamsad:
Mr. Barry 16/out./2017 às 20:26 
inte min kompi
patricia 19/jun./2017 às 21:04 
Could not find "girlfriend.exec", please continue with "cl_righthand 1"
Darcanian 19/jun./2017 às 21:01 
♥♥♥ of
Darcanian 19/jun./2017 às 7:34 
Darcanian 28/mai./2017 às 1:43 
Hurttix ✌ 18/dez./2016 às 1:49 
-rep min broder
Darcanian 29/out./2016 às 0:58 
wow my frend u squat liek real slav
very good dimitri
slavidas outfit yes
Darcanian 16/mai./2016 às 21:47 
   \( ° ͜ʖ ͡° )
    > ⌒ヽ
   /   へ\
   /  / \\
c==3 レ ノ   ヽ_つu wan sum ♥♥♥?
  / /
  / /|
 ( (ヽ
 | |、\
 | 丿 \ ⌒)
 | |  ) /
`ノ )  Lノ
Darcanian 29/jan./2016 às 2:22 
Darcanian 2/dez./2015 às 19:12 
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Darcanian 15/jun./2015 às 11:01 
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