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17 people found this review helpful
61.5 hrs on record (61.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I guess I got this game over 5 years ago now. Played it a fair bit on & off for a while at the start, and enjoyed what there was at the time. In fact, if I'd written a review at the time it probably would've been pretty positive. But.

I've kept an eye on it a bit in between - I see the notifications of updates when they come, and often at least skim through them. New class and race variations, and lately some images of new map tiles. Nothing of any real substance (gameplay, systems, content) - nothing to interest me in returning. Not even any solid insight into what, of substance, may be planned and when it might arrive - even in a preliminary form for feedback. Honestly, it just comes across as low-effort, string-em-along stuff. I had a lot of hope for this game at the start, but I finally have to accept that it seems to be going nowhere. So, right now - and realistically looking back over the past few years - I couldn't recommend this.

I love quirky indie type games, and tend to cut them a lot of slack - but unfortunately it seems the potential won't be realised on this one. Which is a real shame. When I think of how far some other 'quirky small-team indie games' have come in a similar time frame, and how EA has been used well elsewhere even when long in duration, it really stands out.

I hope I'm wrong and this ends up in a real good place, perhaps at some undefined time in the not-too-proximate future. I'd sure like a good reason to be excited to play it again, after all this time. But, as it is, there are definitely better options.
Posted 7 April, 2024.
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47.8 hrs on record (36.7 hrs at review time)
This game is a whole lot of fun. A classic, old school RPG. Top down, tile based, turn based, party based. An Ultima-like. A taste of some of the best parts of early-ish Ultima's, maybe some Magic Candle, maybe even a little hint of Tunnels of Doom (I may be reaching a bit on that one). But this game is at the same time altogether its own unique thing, with a character all of its own. This game is charming and engaging; easy to start into but a challenge too. Exploration is fun and rewarding, the story is entertaining and quirky, the world is wide and wild. I've only dipped into the early-ish parts of the game as it stands - much more ahead of me than behind me - and I'm already more than happy with it. I actually find the simple tile graphics to be a plus for me, leaving room for the brain to actually engage in imagination. The fact that this was developed to run on the TI-99/4A is a little fantastic bonus - I had that machine as a kid, and subtle things in the sounds and graphics and colors of this game give a nice little hint of bonus nostalgia. I expect to be playing this for a long while yet, and to come back to it again down the road. This has been a labor of love for the single Dev, and it shows. I'll definitely be keeping any eye out for anything more from him in the future. A fun game with plenty of character. Thumb's up!
Posted 2 November, 2022.
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72.9 hrs on record (45.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fantastic! Moments of the mind blowing existential horror of that comes of unrestrained Perspective, and moments of super chill cosmic sightseeing. In roughly equal measure.
Posted 15 October, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
121.2 hrs on record (35.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great fun - and still being actively worked on too!
Posted 20 March, 2021.
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642.8 hrs on record (308.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I love this game.  

Without any doubt it is one of my top couple favorite games ever.  And I see it as a kind of Forever game for me. 

But I've held off for ages on writing a review - because I didn't (& still don't) think I can do it justice.  Or even put into coherent words why I like it so much.  
But as I've officially ticked past 300 hours showing on Steam (with more offline too), I have to at least try..  So..  

I love this game's world and character and vibe.  I love its depth and quirkiness and openness.  I love the feeling that anything is possible, for good or bad, anything can happen.  I love the feeling that it kinda can go on forever.  I love being constantly surprised.  I love that exploring is fun and wild and rewarding. 

I love that my character can be a four armed, two headed, beaked freak with burrowing claws one time, a cybernetically enhanced human the next, and a mind boggling number of other mad creations for all the countless times after that.  

I've loved every moment of my more than 300 hours - and I've barely scratched the surface in this game!

I've hardly even touched the main quest line yet.  Because just going wandering in the world (or down below inside it) just creates it's own series of can't-stop now, one after the other, crazy unpredictable stories.

Sorry for the incoherent ramblings of a Qud infected madman.  There's loads of other reviews here that will give you much more i actual nfo.  So I'll just stop.  

After simply suggesting.. go for it!  Get this game and let the madness begin!
Posted 6 September, 2020.
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78.4 hrs on record (30.2 hrs at review time)
Others have said it all. This game (just as it's European cousin) is relaxing, enjoyable, strangely absorbing, and simply fun. The hours, and the cares of the day, just melt away. Never would have imagined a truck simulator would end up being among my favourite games - as well as an inexpensive, and highly effective, form of relaxation therapy! At this particular (and particularly odd) moment in time, it is especially enjoyable to be able to hit the open road from within the confines of the isolation bubble. The game /map already feels plenty big and it is still growing. I can see myself spending many more enjoyable hours with this game - starting with the moment I finish this comment.
Posted 20 May, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
184.2 hrs on record (33.8 hrs at review time)
Wow! Am loving X4 so far! It's early going; only a handful of hours played, and only the tip of the iceberg experienced - but I'm havng a blast, and I can already tell this will be an all time favourite. I have hundreds of happy hours spent in X3 and in Rebirth (as well as in Elite and in Evochron).. and X4 already, at launch, stands tall amoung these. A true evolution from X3, but what's new is very, very nice too. Technically.. pretty slick: no bugs of any note noticed, peformance is good on a middle-of-the-road machine at high settings. May well update this after more (probably many, many more) hours of playtime - but wanted to post an early and enthusiastic Thumb's Up. Thank you Egosoft (again)!
Posted 1 December, 2018.
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9.5 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
This game is great fun - pure and simple! Open and freeform, and with more depth than you might think. Appears to be a great dev team behind it too.. very curious to see what the new modding update leads to in the way of new community generated goodness. An easy thumbs up!
Posted 20 March, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.5 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Won't run. Have tried all the numerous suggestions in the numerous posts in the numerous threads in the forum. None work for me. I was so keen to play this game, but I don't have any more time to waste on this.

Was gonna dive into DWU in preference to Stellaris, but I guess it's time to put this aside and give Stellaris a go. At the very least I know it will start for me.

Hate to give a thumb's down - always like to cheer for the 'little guy' / 'underdog'.. but if it won't even start.. well, that's a pretty dang big negative unfortunately.

Maybe all the recent negative reviews will get some attention and a fix.
Posted 16 March, 2018.
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33 people found this review helpful
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87.2 hrs on record (70.3 hrs at review time)
I just keep coming back to Evochron. There's something about the FEEL of it that I just love. That lone-wolf-space-captain, free-as-a-bird, do-what-you-want, big-wide-galaxy type vibe. I find it a great way to just relax.. in space. It feels big and free and immersive. It's a hoot to jump into that cockpit, and just do 'whatever' in space for a while. The 'flying' is great: point-to-point jumpdrive, planetary landing, station docking, all seamless and all FUN.

I do, after a while, tend to find myself wishing there was more to do in the way of mission variety, just to intersperse with other activities like mining and exploring. Maybe this is partly because I play single player, and tend not to emphasize combat all that much. But really I think this is in many ways a space-euro-trucker, and the feel and experience of the journey(s) are what's important. You set your own goals, you make your own fun. The spacey sandbox is all set up for you, and all the 'bits' are fun to play with. Strap yourself in and set out and see where you land up.

Steam tells me I have about 60 hours logged in Mercenary and another 70 logged in Legacy. Those may not be huge numbers for some, but for me they are pretty big. There's only a few games I've played about as much or more (X3; X Rebirth; Skyrim; Morrowind; Elite Dangerous; Starsector; STALKER). But maybe even more telling is that Evochron just keeps pulling me back, to this day!

Bottom line is I give this game two very enthusiastic thumbs up: it's everything Mercenary was, and more, and better. This game won't be for everyone, but no game is. I love Evochron and it has a permanent place in my rotation, and in my top 10 or top 5 all time lists. If you're a sucker for space sims, space rpgs, space flight, space trading, space exploring, space whatever - I'd suggest it's at least worth a try!

Dangit! I wasn't planning on playing this tonite.. but I think I just talked myself into it!

(PS - if there are any Evo-veterans out there that happen to read this.. I'm always eager to hear suggestions on more fun things to do in this fantastic space sandbox)

Posted 28 December, 2017.
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