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31.2 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
cookie clicker but its weird little guys with guns. 10/10
Posted 20 December, 2024.
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22.2 hrs on record
It really is just a worse Civ
Posted 30 August, 2023.
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36.3 hrs on record (31.4 hrs at review time)
Outstanding game that modernizes the JRPG aspects insanely well. Incredible characters and world, but you probably already knew that.
Posted 21 July, 2023.
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49.2 hrs on record (32.7 hrs at review time)
Stone cold classic.
Posted 14 July, 2023.
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5.3 hrs on record
Absolutely do not buy this game. ESPECIALLY now that The Skywalker Saga exists.
Posted 14 July, 2023.
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38.0 hrs on record
I know I'm in the minority, but personally I think this game is kind of a bloated mess that's lacking almost all of the charm present in the original Lego Star Wars games. Not to mention those are constantly on sale for like $5 while this is $50 just for the base game.

Then there's all the DLC. I understand charging for packs of new characters that released after this game came out, but at launch it felt terrible KNOWING that Clone Wars, Rebels, Mando, etc, characters just wouldn't be unlockable at all without paying.

In general this game is just mired by the absolutely dire state of modern AAA gaming. Lego Star Wars does not need to be a massive AAA game, but this is designed like one. Go play The Complete Saga instead.
Posted 10 July, 2023. Last edited 10 July, 2023.
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8.2 hrs on record
Great story, but it's really short. Bee-lining the main quest would probably take you like 6 hours. If it were even like $10 or $15 cheaper, I'd almost say it's worth it. Charging $50 for what is essentially a small expansion to Spider-Man Remastered just feels a little too stingy; especially if you had just played the original, like I did.

If you liked the original, wait for this to be on sale.
Posted 10 July, 2023.
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9.7 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
Celeste is the type of game who's impact easily stretches far beyond the game itself, from Lena Raine's iconic music, to the heartfelt themes and characters found on your journey up the mountain. This game released in 2018, yet to this day you see fan art, hear its music in YouTube videos, and is brought up in the lexicon of gaming alongside household names like Mario.

Even ignoring its incredible staying power, Celeste is an outstanding game; easily one of the greatest 2D platformers ever made. The movement is so precisely tuned, and the dash an instant classic, to the point where it's become an almost expected feature for 2D platformers going forward.

Celeste manages the perfect balance between intense difficulty and accessibility, utilizing the genius strawberry system that makes it so, even without any outright settings changes or accessibility modes, the player can choose just how much of a challenge they want. But the game also temps you to push yourself by placing some strawberries in deceptively-obvious spots, and soon enough you'll find yourself flying through routes you never even thought possible. And that just connects back to the themes of the game even better... man.

Celeste is the type of game that felt so special that I held off finishing it for a long time because I didn't want it to be over. And I still haven't gone back to play the B sides or farewell content. But someday, I will.

If you haven't played it yet, 1) what are you doing, and 2) buy it! go play it!!! You won't regret it :)
Posted 10 July, 2023.
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9.2 hrs on record
Very fun with friends, until you realize there's only like 4 levels in the base game that you're expected to grind over and over unless you wanna shell out for the frankly disgusting amount of DLC.
Posted 10 July, 2023.
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342.9 hrs on record (244.8 hrs at review time)
Trackmania is the Counter-Strike of racing games: instantly understandable, impossible to truly master; a simple concept, perfected, yet with near-infinite depth. A game where your character doesn't get better, YOU get better. Both feature mechanics are as crisp and clean as they come. Several tricks that top players use were originally bugs from past games the developers have since embraced. These unconventional features allow both games to be as silly and goofy or serious and technical as players want -- entirely held up by a wealth of user-made content.

I personally don't care for a lot of the newer content (specifically the new cars), but the beauty of a game like this is that official, developer-made content is just one of many ways to enjoy the game, and thus can simply be ignored.

Yes, the free-tier experience is truly terrible, and Ubisoft does an awful job marketing as a free-to-play game rather than something more accurate like free-to-try. And yes, I am generally not a fan of subscription service-based games. I think it would be a lot more palatable with even a simple change like, paying for a new season of tracks, than the

Haaaaving said all that, this game frankly just *is* worth $20 a year. And considering the fact that there are NO micro-transactions in this game, I think that $1.67/mo is more than fair for a game who's developers are constantly releasing new content, hosting community events like Cup of the Day, etc, not to mention the server costs associated with allowing players to create essentially INFINITE tracks, alongside a persistent, global leaderboard for each one of those tracks, letting people host their own games on Ubisoft servers, upload custom skins, vehicle and terrain models, etc.

Yeah, a couple bugs could be fixed here and there, and major community-solutions like OpenPlanet could be implemented directly into the game, making them far more accessible for new players. But all of these things are just tiny blemishes on a game that is utterly best-in-class, and by a crazy margin.

TL:DR - the best racing game you'll ever play, with an endless wealth of incredible, community-made tracks, but with a somewhat imperfect business-model.
Posted 10 July, 2023. Last edited 7 July, 2024.
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