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19 people found this review helpful
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1,466.8 hrs on record (1,441.0 hrs at review time)
good game. played it for years, its my go to game for a quick map and kill time.
Posted 29 April, 2020.
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170.6 hrs on record (83.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Alright, so i have spent about 30+ hours playing this game. Im actually starting to get bored of it cause the lack of content. Some bugs here and there, not much to talk about exept for the damn camp gate that wont work atm.

I would have to say there has been alot of fun moments in the game when running in crews of random people you meet during the way, i played in teams, i played alone, i built a camp, i was a bandit and i was a hero. Feels like i have tired most of the features and things to do in the pvp mode of game so far. I have learned where to go, where to look for loot and i belive i have a good idea over all of the game but with mixed feelings. The game feels half done but that is to be expected in a alpha.

Here is a fast list of some pros and cons that i could think of atm.

1) Mapp is way to small considering the ammount of players and that you would at some point want a camp built.
2) loot is pretty hard to comeby, it seams like loot wont respawn until the server do so how ever when some one dies and his loot is not being taken it will end up on a zombie so it will show up again.
3) Hunger and thirst is going down way to fast. i found myself looking for berry bushes almost all the time just to get myself some food but after i ate and moved on it was about time to eat again. Also seing as the animal traps and water catcher isnt working atm it makes it hard to stay in camp for longer periods.
5) I hate the fact that there is EU and US servers only.. me playing on EU server i keept running into russians who cant speak a single word in english and then became hostible becose of it.
6) the first hour or so i was constantly on my watch as it the audio seams messed up. I could hear people run right next to me but in reality they were about 100-150 meters away from me.
7) no real way to sneak exept prone walking wich semas weird.
8) Metal gates are not functional yet so i basicly got a camp that i cant enter.
9) lack of inventory space was frustrating even when i had a backpack. The object sizes needs some changes and a plastick water bottle takes up as much space as a wooden plank and then a branch takes up dubble of that..
10) Day time cykles went through way to fast wich is both good and bad as i hate spending 3 hours in the dark if it was longer but as of now there is like 20-30 minutes day light.
11) bow bullet drop is wayy too high, altho it was pretty easy and fast to learn how to aim it is still anoying. (turns out there are better quality bows that work better)

1) most players i found was friendly but overal reason to this was as they had no guns/hatchets/bows or any other type of weapon.
2) Very nice looking enviorment with sweet wheater details (exept the rain particles..).
3) cars hard to find and to fix wich i think is good!
4) It takes time to build a base, me myself dident even get close to starting one. so it wont be over crowded with bases like in rust. (bases turned out to be pretty easy to build..)
5) 3rd person and 1st person view (depending on server) that im so used to from Dayz.
6) you can jump! and easy press E to use/loot/scavange in world objects that Dayz is totaly missing so a big plus there
7) fast fixes, patches and editing being done really fast!

Sorry for the misspelings and bad grammer! This review will most likely be edited as updates start to roll out. (Edited once so far)
Posted 16 January, 2015. Last edited 18 January, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
i got this sent to me by a friend. And i dont even... I did instal it and tried it but whew, its was nothing for me.

after not understnading what i was suposed to do the first map i ofc died. then i died some more and then again until i found out what to do and then i died again and got pissed off. No fair review from me considering i spent about 20 minutes in game on first map and now im uninstalling this crap.
Posted 10 December, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
940.9 hrs on record (457.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
i do a unfair recension on this game at its current state (edited this to fit the updates that came along since my last review) and things may have changed.

Pros. Its a very fun and addictive game wich you can spend alot of time playing. Building villages to big castles and kingdoms. Loads of skills to lvlup and explore. New upadtes allows bigger storage containers, wheelbarrels, big tradecarts and farmanimals wich added alot for the game as these wasnt there befor.

Cons. Loading screen takes way to long. The game gets boring after you are done building, there is nothing more to do realy. You HAVE to play in a team of 2-3 people to accualy be able to enjoy the game or make multiple carrachters on the same server to balance the skills and take on professions.

Tiltles of this game has been: pesant simulator and gras punching simulator.

Overal it is a great game with good potential. It forces you to play as a team member and you should atleast have 2-3 hours free every time you play to actualy get something done in the game. Worth playing altho the game at current state gets boring relativly quickly and it takes for ever to build a kingdom. I dont regret buying it, 11/10 woul do again.
Posted 28 October, 2014. Last edited 27 December, 2014.
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