Sal Paradise
Scrambled eggs
This profile is testament to the fact that I wasted big fat chunk of my life playing videogames.
It is too late to save myself, but you might still have a chance. Go and make yourself some scrambled eggs. Then come back and think again, if you really want to waste your time playing games, when you could waste your time by watching pointless youtube videos and having small talk with boring people. Think again.
Are you still here? Don't know how to make scrambled eggs? Well, here's the recipe and sod off. Think again. Don't waste your time here, this profile is pathetic and so are you, if you care about it.

Scrambled eggs (or fried eggs, if that pleases you) are one of the age-old and traditional dishes for nearly every world culture. It’s unclear who first thought of transforming an egg (we’re talking about a bird egg, specifically a chicken egg) into this delicacy, but it’s a simple fact that due to its simplicity, deliciousness, and accessibility, it’s one of the most common human foods that undergoes some culinary process.

The process of making scrambled eggs involves frying them while stirring to prevent them from sticking to the pot or pan and turning into a strange, unappetizing mess that not even a hungry pig would eat. Since the whole frying process doesn’t take more than a few minutes, I recommend preparing everything in advance; otherwise, your dinner could quickly turn into the aforementioned mess.

To begin, you need to decide whether you want to fry with oil or fat. Both undoubtedly have their pros and cons, and also affect the final dish differently. My personal preference is oil, as you don’t have to wait for it to melt, it doesn’t splatter too much, and it doesn’t smell too bad.

The number of eggs used should correspond to your needs or those of the people you’re cooking for, but I’d say the magic number is five. Crack the eggs and pour their contents into a prepared bowl, and try to “whisk” the yolk (even with a fork is fine), so you won’t have trouble mixing later. Of course, you can make the eggs plain, but I personally recommend adding some flavor, like fried onions, which you can chop into small pieces and fry in the same kitchenware you’ll be using for the eggs (it’s up to you how you like your onions—golden, brown, or even black). You can also add things like tuna, tomatoes, or pieces of sausage.

Once everything is ready (including other ingredients like fried onions), pour the whisked eggs into the pan or pot and start stirring immediately (let’s assume with a wooden spoon). Stir in a way that prevents the eggs from sticking to the utensil and lightly salt them. As the desired consistency of the eggs approaches, turn off the stove and keep stirring until they’re fully cooked.

I recommend eating them with bread and drinking light beverages or BEER, but really, you can drink just about anything with them.
Brian Hates Games 8/nov./2022 às 14:00 
Wie ben jij?
Peter´s Chabr 30/out./2022 às 3:05 
+rep za recenzi u Civ V
angelo- 27/dez./2021 às 11:34 
+rep dobrá recenze u farcry 1 :)
Don’t cry ✞ 30/mar./2021 às 12:39 
ja som rad ze tebe dava zmysel tento tvoja nadherny steam profil co si si tu najebal same kokotiny nadherne fotky a snimky obrazovky xD ty budes robit podla mna v cirkuse
Doctor 30/mar./2021 às 9:40 
Ty kráso, dětská invaze z Horních Uher? :D
Plikonius 29/mar./2021 às 15:09 
Á už zas nedává smysl co meleš, pako.