в акаунта

Скорошни рецензии на Pigaroulettes

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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
23.2 изиграни часа (22.8 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is a huge pile of trash with an "insert coin" device on top of it.
All I wanted was to play offline without all this pay-to-win garbage. Guess what ? You can't ! If you play offline in my carreer or my gm you don't have access to the story mode.
You will have to pay for everything if you want your player to be decent...

Don't buy this game. I had it for less than 10 euros during steam sales, and i feel like i just wasted this money...
Публикувана 25 юни 2018.
Беше ли полезна тази рецензия? Да Не Забавна Награда
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