Henry S Lawrence   Colorado, United States
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Zweildheimer 12/fev./2016 às 2:38 
ikr, duplicating m ego since 2010
Zweildheimer 6/dez./2015 às 14:14 
Yes sir
Dee Aygo 13/ago./2015 às 20:53 
I don't know why but I always seem to check your profile hoping for something but don't know what.. a hope with no road.
Dee Aygo 30/jun./2015 às 10:04 
∴JSH∴ 5/mai./2015 às 21:10 
Is it a mirage if it was born of illusion?
Dee Aygo 4/out./2014 às 10:01 
Does life contain quanitity or quality?