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20.2 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Good ol' simple fun
Posted 15 October, 2024.
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117.9 hrs on record (94.5 hrs at review time)
The games great. If you enjoy 4x games you need this in your library. Outside of the events that happen during the game, I really enjoy the fact that the units and tech dont go up past old times. Technology research is random and you pick from 4 different cards. It keeps the game fresh and adds a layer of "hmm do I take this now even though its extra turns or do I go for the free spearman unit" It keeps the game fresh.
Posted 21 June, 2024.
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26.3 hrs on record (25.5 hrs at review time)
My Rating 6.1/10
I recommend this game if you:

A.) Liked the movie Aliens
B.) Want to feel terrified
C.) Understand that the best part of the game exists in the first 6 hours or so.

I want to note I had some issues while playing on PC & MKB. The dialogue audio would sometimes be non-existent. I found at during a mission where you're told which levers to hit in order. I failed the first time because I just randomly picked one. Once the game reloaded after I died I heard the dialogue. I had a fear of this happening and me not knowing it. Later on, in the game I get to a door with my friend and turns out we are supposed to have a dialogue there before he opens the door. I learned this because I had to watch a youtube video on how to pass a "Get to this door" mission. It made me think I was the one doing something wrong. But after a few reloads, the dialogue kicks in and he opens the door. Complete momentum kill. There's a mission where you had to tune satellites.. You see a dial with random numbers. After sitting there and just taking guesses. I again had to look up how to beat a level that is seemingly easy. Turns out, when you're close to the right number your controller increasingly vibrates. Being on M&KB I would've never been able to get that without guessing 1-90 numbers correctly TWICE!

The Art & Sound design are exactly like the movie, which is incredible. The Alien in combination with great art and sound made the Alien scare the bricks off me!

After the 7 hours, you get a soft-ending, meaning you think the game will end but it keeps going on for 11 or so more missions.

FOR MOST PEOPLE (Not Kidding) if you want to experience what everyone is raving about. Just play up until that point. You'll know. Notice how no one is talking about how awesome the androids are and they're a LARGE portion of this game.

Afterwards, you fight androids for 5 missions, or so, and they're terrible. They walk everywhere and are easy to kite. Mind you on top of this im just running around avoiding androids, pulling levers, and switches.

Which segways into the missions. The missions are go here pull this lever for this door. Get back to the door. Ah crap when you tried to open the door, the generator broke, go back and turn the generator on.

Missions like that over and over on a map that I found extremely confusing.

It feels like the game sucked you in for the first 7 hours to get you committed and forces you through the other 13 hours.

I stopped getting excited about the game and took it as a chore.

There's one level that is cinematic with lightning blasting everywhere and its guarded by androids. There's about 5 of them with their red eyes walking towards you. It looks cool when you first get there.

But me, having already 15 hours or so invested at this time. I know my best course of actions is to run around the androids, get them to stack together, and kite them, and shoot them. Once they're dead, the whole area they just made is dead also. Its just me, no care or threat in the world, walking around holding LMB and RMB then pressing S to pull levers.

In summary, play this game for the Alien because it is well designed and terrifying. But please only play for the first 7 hours or so. You'll thank me later.
Posted 31 May, 2024.
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53.7 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
Get through the slow start and the rookie mistakes and this game becomes a rewarding experience. Divinity will test you and reward smart play and punish carelessness.
Posted 14 February, 2020.
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5.3 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
This is one of my favorite games out of the 70+ I have on my Steam account. Admittedly, I torrented the first Mount&Blade and LOVED it! Therefore, I decided to support them and buy the whole entire pack that was on sale during the Holiday Sale. This game is just absolutely crazy. The amount of things you can do is just.... amazing. The only downfall I have to this game is the dialouge. I don't think I have heard anyone say a word in this game, it's really just reading the words they say. But that is such a minute problem that the great gameplay and story completely covers it up. If you enjoy the medieval times or shows like "Game of Thrones" then you owe it to yourself to buy this game. You wont regret it!
Posted 28 December, 2013.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.0 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
This is one of those games that really doesn't have that high of a "curb appeal" to most audiences. But if you enjoy a retro style game then this is a very good choice. I saw a famous YouTuber by the name of "Cr1tiKal" play it, thus why I bought it. Not regretting my purchase at all.
Posted 28 December, 2013.
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