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8 people found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Reviewed in GER / ENG
Ein ernstes Thema (Erde 2020/2021: schändliche Verschwörungs-Dullies, die bewußt Fehlinformation verbreiten und deren Schafe, die willig alles unreflektiert glauben und die PayPal-Kassen der Schwurbler klingeln lassen, verbreiten sich schlimmer als eine Seuche über den ganzen Planeten) wird ironisch aufgearbeitet als kurzweiliges Spiel, bei dem der/die Spieler*in in die Rolle eines mächtigen Strategen schlüpft, um im Auftrag reptiloider Wesen mit Chemtrails und Mainstreammedien gegen die Verblödung zu kämpfen.

Im Spiel kann man über den Browser Hintergrund-Information zu den (traurigen) wahren Begebenheiten dahinter erhalten, und da es noch "early access" ist, sind die Funktionen und die gelieferten Links noch recht begrenzt. Und es ist natürlich repetetiv.

Aber es macht Spaßt und man rettet nicht nur die BRD, sondern die ganze Welt. Also kaufen und ab ins Cockpit :-)

Remember 2020/2021, when a pandemic caused a lot of new experiences most of us never wanted to face, handle and solve? When - next to countless lots of losses of beloved (and even more unknown) people -, some unexpected problems came up?

No, not some stupid politicians ignoring schientists and letting the desease spread too much before taking needed action, this was expected.

The strangest and saddest thing was the huuuuuge ammount of dumb sheep following some really, really bad guys, populists, right-wing extremists and conspiracy ideologists who (in a shameful and dangerous way) did everything to grab the sheeps money and radicalize them for their own benefit. You probably remember it and might still wonder, how huge this number of fact ignoring people grew and how they could ever believe the most crazy flat earth BS and so on.

Well, this is the setting of this game and your turn is to prevent the earth from spreading the dumb desease too much. The reptiloid overlords grant you power to establish chemtrails and mainstream media to fight the misinformation.

In the game are some facts and background info (via browser) too and at this early access stage, the provided info is limited and gameplay is repetative, but it's fun to play. I'm looking forward to what the developers might immplement in future times. I advise to buy it even at this stage, if you always wanted to be a chemtrail pilot in duty of the NWO :-)
Posted 28 June, 2021. Last edited 28 June, 2021.
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20.7 hrs on record (20.7 hrs at review time)
Well, I don't play card games regularily, but when I do, I play Poker Night 2.
It's fun to meet some well known guys at the table and although their humorous talks get repeatative over time, it's still okay.
Sometimes I'd wish to speed up the time and skip the animations, but all in all the few animations don't annoy .. it's not half as annoying as it sounds (but it is annoying to me sometimes).

And except this I don't see any flaws to critize .. you don't need the most high end computer, you don't need to follow a story or try to remember what you were about to do last time you played it, .. you start it, play it, leave it again till next time. Easy as that.
Posted 23 November, 2017.
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24.4 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
I'll just add a short note: highly recommended! The game offers extremely beautiful Steampunk graphics and has a nice plot. Sure, it's not that open-worlded as other titles, so you can't leave the road too much, and you probably won't be that much involved or identified with the protagonist like in FC3, but it's really worth playing. The BioShock-Series entered another level and I suggest to play it on an easy level first, otherwise it might lead to frustration :-)
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Really great new KF!
You'll meet familiar enemies and they all look way better now (what a surprise) and you can instantly start playing if you played the classic KF. Just played a few waves during the free weekend promo, but one fine day I'll surely buy it.
This version looks uncut, you can cut off limbs etc (you can manually set the gore level, if you prefer less gore). We'll see if countries like Germany, Australia and other "gore censorship countries" may force the developer to provide a cut version for their regional markets.. hopefully it will remain uncut everywhere!
If you like multiplayer survival zombie horde shooters with lots of gore, you're advised to buy Killing Floor 2.
Posted 10 December, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
This is a short game, but it's worth it (not only because it's free) ... you may learn (or remember) some historic stuff from the not too long ago past. The title might seem misleading, but as you "use" the cat to travel through these episodes, the title seems legit.
So, do I recommend?
Yes. Takes you about 15-20 minutes to finish if you solve the puzzles and read the texts at moderate speed - that much time you can spare I guess. Gains you knowledge at no cost and features some nice artwork. Give it a try.
Posted 31 December, 2013.
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124.5 hrs on record (112.1 hrs at review time)
Usually I prefer photorealistic graphics in video games, but this comic-styled game is really, really fun to play and lovely designed. Great artwork! Every now and then there are collectible items to dress your character(s) with and you don't need to permanently play it with a "clan" or on a daily basis - just jump in any game whenever you like to, play a few rounds and leave till next time. I highly recommend this game!
Posted 25 November, 2013.
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57.7 hrs on record
Three words: I love it!
Posted 10 May, 2012.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries