papa wolfy
/id/KitsuneUK   London, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)

admin he's doing it sideways

The bug itself relies on mathematics: when pressing a direction key, the game adds a unit vector in that direction to the player's movement speed. The final sum, however, is never normalized - this means that by directing the avatar away from the current kinetic vector but within 90 degrees of it, the player can exceed its own top speed.

Choose a dimension, mix and match
I stood there feeling like Fritz the Cat
And some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up pug trying to interact

Give me more drugs.
Zurzeit offline
LETHAL 5. Aug. 2019 um 13:36 
-rep wh
Jesterson 10. Apr. 2019 um 11:47 
-rep i hate furry XD
Ing. ✪pælko 10. Apr. 2019 um 11:37 
nak 30. Apr. 2017 um 15:34 
he has a middle size penis, which is neither a god or bad thing
nØbody_ 18. Mai 2016 um 10:04 
I can confirm, he is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.