Özgür   Istanbul, Turkey
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk;
The biggest battle is the war against ignorance

I Only talk to God when I need a favor.
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Şu amına kodumun oyununun Online sistemine sokayım. Adamın kalesine 30 tane şut çekiyorum kalecisi panter oluyo max 2 gol yiyo. Adam benim kaleme 3 ♥♥♥♥ geliyo 3 ünüde gol yapıyo. Şut vuruyosun pas şiddetinden az şut vuruyor amına kodumun Neymar'ı. Ultimate team desen benim gen 80 karşıma full ikon adam veriyo hadi yen diyo amk oyunu. Tek güzel yanı pro club onun dışındaki bütün modlarının anasını sikeyim. Hakemler de tam bir orospu çocuğu adam hakemin gözü önünde ayağıma kayıyo hakem devam diyo ben omuz omuza mücadeleye giriyorum penaltı veriyo anasını siktiklerim Türk hakemi sistemi getirmişler resmen.
Etalase Workshop
My first map I've made, scary / horror level, explore everywhere and make sure to not use flashlights, use the 'Horror Story' mod with minecraft torches to make it more fun :D May require: HL2 EP:2 for some of the textures Credits given at the end. Also, i
3.348 rating
Dibuat oleh - Antzy
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared
But no one would listen 'cause no one else cared
After my dreaming, I woke with this fear
What am I leaving when I'm done here?

So, if you're asking me, I want you to know

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
And don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don't be afraid
I've taken my beating, I've shared what I made
I'm strong on the surface, not all the way through
I've never been perfect, but neither have you

So, if you're asking me, I want you to know

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else
Can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are

When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Forgetting all the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Pretending someone else
Can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are
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Tercatat 182 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 27 Feb
Tercatat 3.478 jam
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Tercatat 189 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 27 Feb
Powerpuff 17 Sep 2024 @ 6:57am 
gg add
rustang 15 Sep 2024 @ 2:21am 
gg add
W R P 13 Sep 2024 @ 2:30am 
accept my invite bro
alayinagider 19 Nov 2021 @ 9:18am 
Merhaba dostum ben ronaldo. Profilinde benim de imzam olsun istedim.

Signed by ronaldo
yaderu 15 Feb 2021 @ 5:22am 
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yaderu 1 Feb 2021 @ 7:52pm 
-rep great guy