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1,333.1 hrs on record (1,077.2 hrs at review time)
I'm going to try my best to keep this review non-biased as someone who has played this game for nearly 10 years, has +1000hrs on record and started the pandemic with only 700 (sad, i know). Nonetheless, this game is a roller coaster of emotions. When you first start you have the excitement and motivation to reach high tier, about half way through you realize that it will take years to even reach then you quit cause the game gets frustrating. Then, a month goes by, you miss the game, they release some new big update that you think will help the game and it doesn't, all they do is add more cancer vehicles that Fortnite kids with their moms credit cards exploit to piss off the community. Like seriously, in what logical sense would you put a vehicle made in 1954 against WW2 era vehicles just cause it has less armor.

Anyways, honestly I still play because this game has a lot of fun and stupid moments and honestly I've made lots of memories on this game. If you appreciate military history like me then you can enjoy this game at times cause you get to pilot/drive some of your favorite historical vehicles (for me the Me262 in particular). Nonetheless, what I don't recommend doing is spending money on this game, I have and yes, the premium vehicles can be fun, but honestly don't give this game your money. I won't say to not play it but I will say that the only way I have found to enjoy this game is to just relax and take it for what it is, a free to play game which a semi-toxic community and developers who truthfully do not care that I will probably have a child before I actually finish grinding a tree.

When you first download just keep something in mind: enjoy the grind, I personally have learned with this game to just appreciate each tier I go through, now yes, right now being at 6.7 Germany frankly sucks, I enjoyed the 3.0-4.0 days where I had pretty OP tanks and could zoom around in the puma.

Gaijin, a message for you, don't make the grind shorter, it is worth it. However, for F's sake, stop giving me 1.2k vehicle research for a 10 kill game. Also, please, give a sh-t about your fan base, I know you won't but here's hoping you will. Frankly, its frustrating to find out that I spent 10 years grinding to only get to about 7.0 in the US and Germany just to find out that you hand out maxed out accounts to Youtube content creators left and right just for a single video. Not saying give us all maxed out accounts but I promise if a single Yotuber had to experience how slow the grind is they would never advertise your game.

As most War Thunder players agree, I absolutely hate this game but I can't stop playing and I love it sometimes.
Sorry for rambling but this is about 1077.2 hours worth of emotions.
Posted 23 October, 2021.
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