
crispy 最近的评测

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有 27 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 5.8 小时
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game immediately after release. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So I decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories.
发布于 1 月 30 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 0.7 小时
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game immediately after release. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So I decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories.
发布于 1 月 30 日。
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有 9 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 117.2 小时
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game immediately after release. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So I decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories.
发布于 1 月 30 日。
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有 5 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 2 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 1.0 小时
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game immediately after release. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So I decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories.
发布于 1 月 30 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 187.7 小时

Homemade Landjäger Sausage

- 500 g beef
- 500 g pork
- 20 g curing salt (nitrite curing salt)
- 5 g coarse ground pepper
- 5 g sweet paprika
- 3 g garlic powder
- 2 g ginger powder
- 2 g dried marjoram
- 1 g ground coriander
- 1 g grated nutmeg
- 1 g ground cardamom
- Pork casings for stuffing
- Kitchen twine

1. Cut the beef and pork into small pieces and pass them through a meat grinder with a coarse plate.
2. Place the ground meat in a large bowl and add all the spices (curing salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, ginger powder, marjoram, coriander, nutmeg, and cardamom). Mix well until the spices are evenly distributed.
3. Cover the meat mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to develop.
4. Thoroughly clean the pork casings and soak them in cold water to soften.
5. Remove the meat mixture from the refrigerator and knead it again to ensure proper blending.
6. Stuff the meat mixture into the prepared pork casings, ensuring there are no air pockets and that the casings are evenly filled.
7. Cut the filled casings into approximately 10 cm long pieces and tie the ends with kitchen twine.
8. Hang the Landjäger sausages in a cool place to dry for about 2-3 weeks. The ideal temperature is around 15-18 degrees Celsius.
9. After the drying period, the Landjäger sausages are ready to be consumed. They can be enjoyed raw or lightly pan-fried.

Note: When making sausage, it is important to maintain proper hygiene. Ensure all utensils are thoroughly cleaned, and use fresh meat. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with basic sausage-making principles and consider employing specific sausage-making techniques.


Selbstgemachte Landjäger Wurst

- 500 g Rindfleisch
- 500 g Schweinefleisch
- 20 g Nitritpökelsalz
- 5 g Pfeffer, grob gemahlen
- 5 g Paprika, edelsüß
- 3 g Knoblauchpulver
- 2 g Ingwerpulver
- 2 g Majoran, getrocknet
- 1 g Koriander, gemahlen
- 1 g Muskatnuss, gerieben
- 1 g Kardamom, gemahlen
- Schweinedärme zum Abfüllen
- Küchengarn

1. Das Rind- und Schweinefleisch in kleine Stücke schneiden und anschließend durch den Fleischwolf mit grober Scheibe drehen.
2. Das gewolfte Fleisch in eine große Schüssel geben und alle Gewürze (Nitritpökelsalz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Knoblauchpulver, Ingwerpulver, Majoran, Koriander, Muskatnuss und Kardamom) hinzufügen. Gut vermengen, bis die Gewürze gleichmäßig verteilt sind.
3. Die Fleischmasse abgedeckt für mindestens 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen, damit sich die Aromen entfalten können.
4. Die Schweinedärme gründlich reinigen und in kaltem Wasser einweichen, um sie geschmeidig zu machen.
5. Die Fleischmasse aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und erneut gut durchkneten.
6. Nun den Fleischteig in die vorbereiteten Schweinedärme füllen. Dabei darauf achten, dass keine Luftblasen entstehen und der Darm gut gefüllt ist.
7. Die gefüllten Därme in etwa 10 cm lange Stücke schneiden und die Enden mit Küchengarn verschließen.
8. Die Landjäger für ca. 2-3 Wochen an einem kühlen Ort zum Trocknen aufhängen. Die ideale Temperatur liegt bei etwa 15-18 Grad Celsius.
9. Nach der Trocknungszeit sind die Landjäger bereit zum Verzehr. Sie können roh gegessen werden oder kurz in einer Pfanne gebraten werden.

Hinweis: Bei der Herstellung von Wurst ist es wichtig, auf hygienische Standards zu achten. Sämtliche Utensilien sollten gründlich gereinigt und das Fleisch frisch sein. Es empfiehlt sich außerdem, sich mit den Grundlagen der Wurstherstellung vertraut zu machen und gegebenenfalls auf spezielle Wurstherstellungstechniken zurückzugreifen.



- 500克牛肉
- 500克猪肉
- 20克食盐(亚硝酸盐食盐)
- 5克粗磨黑胡椒
- 5克甜辣椒粉
- 3克大蒜粉
- 2克姜粉
- 2克干马郁兰
- 1克芫荽粉
- 1克磨碎肉豆蔻
- 1克磨碎草果
- 猪肠衣(用于填充)
- 厨房绳

1. 将牛肉和猪肉切成小块,然后通过带有粗孔板的绞肉机绞碎。
2. 将绞碎的肉放入一个大碗中,加入所有的香料(食盐、黑胡椒、甜辣椒粉、大蒜粉、姜粉、马郁兰、芫荽粉、肉豆蔻和草果)。充分搅拌,使香料均匀分布。
3. 盖上碗,放入冰箱中静置至少24小时,使香味融合。
4. 彻底清洁猪肠衣,并将其浸泡在冷水中软化。
5. 从冰箱中取出肉馅,再次揉捏均匀。
6. 将肉馅填入准备好的猪肠衣中,确保没有气泡并且填充均匀。
7. 将填充好的猪肠衣切成约10厘米长的小段,用厨房绳扎紧两端。
8. 将兰德亚格香肠挂在凉爽的地方晾干约2-3周,理想温度为摄氏15-18度。
9. 干燥期结束后,兰德亚格香肠即可食用。可以生食或轻微煎炒。

发布于 2023 年 11 月 18 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 11,207.5 小时 (评测时 11,055.2 小时)

Homemade Landjäger Sausage

- 500 g beef
- 500 g pork
- 20 g curing salt (nitrite curing salt)
- 5 g coarse ground pepper
- 5 g sweet paprika
- 3 g garlic powder
- 2 g ginger powder
- 2 g dried marjoram
- 1 g ground coriander
- 1 g grated nutmeg
- 1 g ground cardamom
- Pork casings for stuffing
- Kitchen twine

1. Cut the beef and pork into small pieces and pass them through a meat grinder with a coarse plate.
2. Place the ground meat in a large bowl and add all the spices (curing salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, ginger powder, marjoram, coriander, nutmeg, and cardamom). Mix well until the spices are evenly distributed.
3. Cover the meat mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to develop.
4. Thoroughly clean the pork casings and soak them in cold water to soften.
5. Remove the meat mixture from the refrigerator and knead it again to ensure proper blending.
6. Stuff the meat mixture into the prepared pork casings, ensuring there are no air pockets and that the casings are evenly filled.
7. Cut the filled casings into approximately 10 cm long pieces and tie the ends with kitchen twine.
8. Hang the Landjäger sausages in a cool place to dry for about 2-3 weeks. The ideal temperature is around 15-18 degrees Celsius.
9. After the drying period, the Landjäger sausages are ready to be consumed. They can be enjoyed raw or lightly pan-fried.

Note: When making sausage, it is important to maintain proper hygiene. Ensure all utensils are thoroughly cleaned, and use fresh meat. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with basic sausage-making principles and consider employing specific sausage-making techniques.


Selbstgemachte Landjäger Wurst

- 500 g Rindfleisch
- 500 g Schweinefleisch
- 20 g Nitritpökelsalz
- 5 g Pfeffer, grob gemahlen
- 5 g Paprika, edelsüß
- 3 g Knoblauchpulver
- 2 g Ingwerpulver
- 2 g Majoran, getrocknet
- 1 g Koriander, gemahlen
- 1 g Muskatnuss, gerieben
- 1 g Kardamom, gemahlen
- Schweinedärme zum Abfüllen
- Küchengarn

1. Das Rind- und Schweinefleisch in kleine Stücke schneiden und anschließend durch den Fleischwolf mit grober Scheibe drehen.
2. Das gewolfte Fleisch in eine große Schüssel geben und alle Gewürze (Nitritpökelsalz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Knoblauchpulver, Ingwerpulver, Majoran, Koriander, Muskatnuss und Kardamom) hinzufügen. Gut vermengen, bis die Gewürze gleichmäßig verteilt sind.
3. Die Fleischmasse abgedeckt für mindestens 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen, damit sich die Aromen entfalten können.
4. Die Schweinedärme gründlich reinigen und in kaltem Wasser einweichen, um sie geschmeidig zu machen.
5. Die Fleischmasse aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und erneut gut durchkneten.
6. Nun den Fleischteig in die vorbereiteten Schweinedärme füllen. Dabei darauf achten, dass keine Luftblasen entstehen und der Darm gut gefüllt ist.
7. Die gefüllten Därme in etwa 10 cm lange Stücke schneiden und die Enden mit Küchengarn verschließen.
8. Die Landjäger für ca. 2-3 Wochen an einem kühlen Ort zum Trocknen aufhängen. Die ideale Temperatur liegt bei etwa 15-18 Grad Celsius.
9. Nach der Trocknungszeit sind die Landjäger bereit zum Verzehr. Sie können roh gegessen werden oder kurz in einer Pfanne gebraten werden.

Hinweis: Bei der Herstellung von Wurst ist es wichtig, auf hygienische Standards zu achten. Sämtliche Utensilien sollten gründlich gereinigt und das Fleisch frisch sein. Es empfiehlt sich außerdem, sich mit den Grundlagen der Wurstherstellung vertraut zu machen und gegebenenfalls auf spezielle Wurstherstellungstechniken zurückzugreifen.



- 500克牛肉
- 500克猪肉
- 20克食盐(亚硝酸盐食盐)
- 5克粗磨黑胡椒
- 5克甜辣椒粉
- 3克大蒜粉
- 2克姜粉
- 2克干马郁兰
- 1克芫荽粉
- 1克磨碎肉豆蔻
- 1克磨碎草果
- 猪肠衣(用于填充)
- 厨房绳

1. 将牛肉和猪肉切成小块,然后通过带有粗孔板的绞肉机绞碎。
2. 将绞碎的肉放入一个大碗中,加入所有的香料(食盐、黑胡椒、甜辣椒粉、大蒜粉、姜粉、马郁兰、芫荽粉、肉豆蔻和草果)。充分搅拌,使香料均匀分布。
3. 盖上碗,放入冰箱中静置至少24小时,使香味融合。
4. 彻底清洁猪肠衣,并将其浸泡在冷水中软化。
5. 从冰箱中取出肉馅,再次揉捏均匀。
6. 将肉馅填入准备好的猪肠衣中,确保没有气泡并且填充均匀。
7. 将填充好的猪肠衣切成约10厘米长的小段,用厨房绳扎紧两端。
8. 将兰德亚格香肠挂在凉爽的地方晾干约2-3周,理想温度为摄氏15-18度。
9. 干燥期结束后,兰德亚格香肠即可食用。可以生食或轻微煎炒。

发布于 2023 年 11 月 18 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 12.9 小时
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game immediately after release. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So I decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories.
发布于 2023 年 11 月 18 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 30 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 44.1 小时

Homemade Landjäger Sausage

- 500 g beef
- 500 g pork
- 20 g curing salt (nitrite curing salt)
- 5 g coarse ground pepper
- 5 g sweet paprika
- 3 g garlic powder
- 2 g ginger powder
- 2 g dried marjoram
- 1 g ground coriander
- 1 g grated nutmeg
- 1 g ground cardamom
- Pork casings for stuffing
- Kitchen twine

1. Cut the beef and pork into small pieces and pass them through a meat grinder with a coarse plate.
2. Place the ground meat in a large bowl and add all the spices (curing salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, ginger powder, marjoram, coriander, nutmeg, and cardamom). Mix well until the spices are evenly distributed.
3. Cover the meat mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to develop.
4. Thoroughly clean the pork casings and soak them in cold water to soften.
5. Remove the meat mixture from the refrigerator and knead it again to ensure proper blending.
6. Stuff the meat mixture into the prepared pork casings, ensuring there are no air pockets and that the casings are evenly filled.
7. Cut the filled casings into approximately 10 cm long pieces and tie the ends with kitchen twine.
8. Hang the Landjäger sausages in a cool place to dry for about 2-3 weeks. The ideal temperature is around 15-18 degrees Celsius.
9. After the drying period, the Landjäger sausages are ready to be consumed. They can be enjoyed raw or lightly pan-fried.

Note: When making sausage, it is important to maintain proper hygiene. Ensure all utensils are thoroughly cleaned, and use fresh meat. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with basic sausage-making principles and consider employing specific sausage-making techniques.


Selbstgemachte Landjäger Wurst

- 500 g Rindfleisch
- 500 g Schweinefleisch
- 20 g Nitritpökelsalz
- 5 g Pfeffer, grob gemahlen
- 5 g Paprika, edelsüß
- 3 g Knoblauchpulver
- 2 g Ingwerpulver
- 2 g Majoran, getrocknet
- 1 g Koriander, gemahlen
- 1 g Muskatnuss, gerieben
- 1 g Kardamom, gemahlen
- Schweinedärme zum Abfüllen
- Küchengarn

1. Das Rind- und Schweinefleisch in kleine Stücke schneiden und anschließend durch den Fleischwolf mit grober Scheibe drehen.
2. Das gewolfte Fleisch in eine große Schüssel geben und alle Gewürze (Nitritpökelsalz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Knoblauchpulver, Ingwerpulver, Majoran, Koriander, Muskatnuss und Kardamom) hinzufügen. Gut vermengen, bis die Gewürze gleichmäßig verteilt sind.
3. Die Fleischmasse abgedeckt für mindestens 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen, damit sich die Aromen entfalten können.
4. Die Schweinedärme gründlich reinigen und in kaltem Wasser einweichen, um sie geschmeidig zu machen.
5. Die Fleischmasse aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und erneut gut durchkneten.
6. Nun den Fleischteig in die vorbereiteten Schweinedärme füllen. Dabei darauf achten, dass keine Luftblasen entstehen und der Darm gut gefüllt ist.
7. Die gefüllten Därme in etwa 10 cm lange Stücke schneiden und die Enden mit Küchengarn verschließen.
8. Die Landjäger für ca. 2-3 Wochen an einem kühlen Ort zum Trocknen aufhängen. Die ideale Temperatur liegt bei etwa 15-18 Grad Celsius.
9. Nach der Trocknungszeit sind die Landjäger bereit zum Verzehr. Sie können roh gegessen werden oder kurz in einer Pfanne gebraten werden.

Hinweis: Bei der Herstellung von Wurst ist es wichtig, auf hygienische Standards zu achten. Sämtliche Utensilien sollten gründlich gereinigt und das Fleisch frisch sein. Es empfiehlt sich außerdem, sich mit den Grundlagen der Wurstherstellung vertraut zu machen und gegebenenfalls auf spezielle Wurstherstellungstechniken zurückzugreifen.



- 500克牛肉
- 500克猪肉
- 20克食盐(亚硝酸盐食盐)
- 5克粗磨黑胡椒
- 5克甜辣椒粉
- 3克大蒜粉
- 2克姜粉
- 2克干马郁兰
- 1克芫荽粉
- 1克磨碎肉豆蔻
- 1克磨碎草果
- 猪肠衣(用于填充)
- 厨房绳

1. 将牛肉和猪肉切成小块,然后通过带有粗孔板的绞肉机绞碎。
2. 将绞碎的肉放入一个大碗中,加入所有的香料(食盐、黑胡椒、甜辣椒粉、大蒜粉、姜粉、马郁兰、芫荽粉、肉豆蔻和草果)。充分搅拌,使香料均匀分布。
3. 盖上碗,放入冰箱中静置至少24小时,使香味融合。
4. 彻底清洁猪肠衣,并将其浸泡在冷水中软化。
5. 从冰箱中取出肉馅,再次揉捏均匀。
6. 将肉馅填入准备好的猪肠衣中,确保没有气泡并且填充均匀。
7. 将填充好的猪肠衣切成约10厘米长的小段,用厨房绳扎紧两端。
8. 将兰德亚格香肠挂在凉爽的地方晾干约2-3周,理想温度为摄氏15-18度。
9. 干燥期结束后,兰德亚格香肠即可食用。可以生食或轻微煎炒。

发布于 2023 年 11 月 18 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 1,318.5 小时

Homemade Landjäger Sausage

- 500 g beef
- 500 g pork
- 20 g curing salt (nitrite curing salt)
- 5 g coarse ground pepper
- 5 g sweet paprika
- 3 g garlic powder
- 2 g ginger powder
- 2 g dried marjoram
- 1 g ground coriander
- 1 g grated nutmeg
- 1 g ground cardamom
- Pork casings for stuffing
- Kitchen twine

1. Cut the beef and pork into small pieces and pass them through a meat grinder with a coarse plate.
2. Place the ground meat in a large bowl and add all the spices (curing salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, ginger powder, marjoram, coriander, nutmeg, and cardamom). Mix well until the spices are evenly distributed.
3. Cover the meat mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to develop.
4. Thoroughly clean the pork casings and soak them in cold water to soften.
5. Remove the meat mixture from the refrigerator and knead it again to ensure proper blending.
6. Stuff the meat mixture into the prepared pork casings, ensuring there are no air pockets and that the casings are evenly filled.
7. Cut the filled casings into approximately 10 cm long pieces and tie the ends with kitchen twine.
8. Hang the Landjäger sausages in a cool place to dry for about 2-3 weeks. The ideal temperature is around 15-18 degrees Celsius.
9. After the drying period, the Landjäger sausages are ready to be consumed. They can be enjoyed raw or lightly pan-fried.

Note: When making sausage, it is important to maintain proper hygiene. Ensure all utensils are thoroughly cleaned, and use fresh meat. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with basic sausage-making principles and consider employing specific sausage-making techniques.


Selbstgemachte Landjäger Wurst

- 500 g Rindfleisch
- 500 g Schweinefleisch
- 20 g Nitritpökelsalz
- 5 g Pfeffer, grob gemahlen
- 5 g Paprika, edelsüß
- 3 g Knoblauchpulver
- 2 g Ingwerpulver
- 2 g Majoran, getrocknet
- 1 g Koriander, gemahlen
- 1 g Muskatnuss, gerieben
- 1 g Kardamom, gemahlen
- Schweinedärme zum Abfüllen
- Küchengarn

1. Das Rind- und Schweinefleisch in kleine Stücke schneiden und anschließend durch den Fleischwolf mit grober Scheibe drehen.
2. Das gewolfte Fleisch in eine große Schüssel geben und alle Gewürze (Nitritpökelsalz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Knoblauchpulver, Ingwerpulver, Majoran, Koriander, Muskatnuss und Kardamom) hinzufügen. Gut vermengen, bis die Gewürze gleichmäßig verteilt sind.
3. Die Fleischmasse abgedeckt für mindestens 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen, damit sich die Aromen entfalten können.
4. Die Schweinedärme gründlich reinigen und in kaltem Wasser einweichen, um sie geschmeidig zu machen.
5. Die Fleischmasse aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und erneut gut durchkneten.
6. Nun den Fleischteig in die vorbereiteten Schweinedärme füllen. Dabei darauf achten, dass keine Luftblasen entstehen und der Darm gut gefüllt ist.
7. Die gefüllten Därme in etwa 10 cm lange Stücke schneiden und die Enden mit Küchengarn verschließen.
8. Die Landjäger für ca. 2-3 Wochen an einem kühlen Ort zum Trocknen aufhängen. Die ideale Temperatur liegt bei etwa 15-18 Grad Celsius.
9. Nach der Trocknungszeit sind die Landjäger bereit zum Verzehr. Sie können roh gegessen werden oder kurz in einer Pfanne gebraten werden.

Hinweis: Bei der Herstellung von Wurst ist es wichtig, auf hygienische Standards zu achten. Sämtliche Utensilien sollten gründlich gereinigt und das Fleisch frisch sein. Es empfiehlt sich außerdem, sich mit den Grundlagen der Wurstherstellung vertraut zu machen und gegebenenfalls auf spezielle Wurstherstellungstechniken zurückzugreifen.



- 500克牛肉
- 500克猪肉
- 20克食盐(亚硝酸盐食盐)
- 5克粗磨黑胡椒
- 5克甜辣椒粉
- 3克大蒜粉
- 2克姜粉
- 2克干马郁兰
- 1克芫荽粉
- 1克磨碎肉豆蔻
- 1克磨碎草果
- 猪肠衣(用于填充)
- 厨房绳

1. 将牛肉和猪肉切成小块,然后通过带有粗孔板的绞肉机绞碎。
2. 将绞碎的肉放入一个大碗中,加入所有的香料(食盐、黑胡椒、甜辣椒粉、大蒜粉、姜粉、马郁兰、芫荽粉、肉豆蔻和草果)。充分搅拌,使香料均匀分布。
3. 盖上碗,放入冰箱中静置至少24小时,使香味融合。
4. 彻底清洁猪肠衣,并将其浸泡在冷水中软化。
5. 从冰箱中取出肉馅,再次揉捏均匀。
6. 将肉馅填入准备好的猪肠衣中,确保没有气泡并且填充均匀。
7. 将填充好的猪肠衣切成约10厘米长的小段,用厨房绳扎紧两端。
8. 将兰德亚格香肠挂在凉爽的地方晾干约2-3周,理想温度为摄氏15-18度。
9. 干燥期结束后,兰德亚格香肠即可食用。可以生食或轻微煎炒。

发布于 2023 年 11 月 18 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
总时数 4.4 小时 (评测时 2.3 小时)
I don't know what went wrong during development, but this is not a game.

This is a time machine that warps you to the next day.
发布于 2023 年 10 月 25 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
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