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Recent reviews by sathariel

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41.4 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
I haven't had this much fun in sonic since playing adventure back on the gamecube, and i've consistently bought every sonic game through the years
Sonic Team I beg you for a chao garden DLC and all will be right in the world, I love this game so much
Posted 9 November, 2022.
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6.9 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
do yourself a favour and play this game on mushrooms please
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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48.3 hrs on record (17.2 hrs at review time)
These are strong words but if there's any game deserving of it I think it's NieR as a series, Yoko Taro might have genuinely created one of the best written RPGs of all time and I don't say that at all lightly, every character carries such heavy emotion and you get to know your companions so well to the point that you're crying over them. I mean it when I say both NieR Replicant and NieR Automata are both hands down the best RPGs I've ever played, and if you haven't yet, please, give it a chance because even if you're not a fan of traditional RPGs I think the story might catch even the most vehement RPG avoiders. Even with the issues (I only experienced the FPS issue and locking to 60 fixed everything) I think it deserves a playthrough, especially if you've never had the chance to experience NieR.

Thank-you to everyone involved in this remaster, it's everything I could've hoped for and more as someone who played the original on release day. (please do drakengard next!)
Posted 26 April, 2021.
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37.3 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
To put it simply, it feels like a fancy tech demo with little actual substance to it.
Sure the environment is pretty (outside at least) but beyond that the story is little more than fetch quest, do job for random character you’ll never hear from again, talk to this lady for some reason. The gameplay just.. falls short of anything interesting with lacklustre combat and incredibly boring stealth mechanics.
But lets talk about the graphics for a second, while pretty, there are also numerous places within the game that look downright unfinished with textures that look straight out of a ps3 game even with all the settings on Ultra. Outside is incredibly pretty minus the blinding bloom that makes it almost impossible to drive in certain places, but regardless of that the moment you go inside anywhere that isnt essential to the story it just looks unfinished, tons of bugs, tons of those little environmental details just gone.
All in all I wish there was a mixed review option because while there is some things about this game that make it worth playing, I’d completely avoid it right now due to the numerous issues.
Posted 10 December, 2020.
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12.1 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
One of the few games this year to truly pull me in and surprise me at every twist and turn, find your own truth because not all is as it seems in Paradise Killer. I'm not a very good reviewer but I'll make an exception for this game and say for the price it is, you absolutely need to give it a try, the world feels so alive and you become so attached to the characters, during trial you may find your choices affected by the bonds you make with characters, not wanting to give the guilty verdict to certain lovers, friends, etc. There is a ton of replayability in finding secrets, different endings, relationships, I seriously hope Kaizen Game Works expands on Perfect 25 as an expansion or a new game because everything down to even the music in Paradise Killer was amazing.
Posted 7 September, 2020.
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3.5 hrs on record
really good game dude i just don't got anyone to play it with anymore
buy it though i'd recommend it real good coop game
Posted 26 April, 2020.
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114.9 hrs on record (114.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I haven't played this game in months but what an actually terrible dev decision, way to be completely out of touch with your core userbase.

Like I get what the devs are slowly inching towards, they obviously want to make more money off this game, abandoning the userbase that actually wants to stick around seems like a super odd choice though
Posted 17 January, 2018. Last edited 26 July, 2022.
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1,212.6 hrs on record (1,186.8 hrs at review time)
arguably the best game ever made
a masterpiece
Posted 22 July, 2013. Last edited 19 March, 2021.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries