United States Minor Outlying

------------------------------------- HOW I TRADE / TRADE RULES ----------------------------------

Send a Pending Steam Offer with the Item/Items We Agreed To Trade With And Accept It On You're Mobile Confirmation So That I Can Recieve A Notification And Once I Recieve a Notification

Trade Offer Link: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=880703&token=4Hoa_N3X

Im Going To Accept The OPSKINS BOT OFFER of Item/Items That you ordered And Put it On The Same Steam Offer As The One You Send To Me

Then Recieve A Notification Then You Gonna Accept That Notification So We Recieve The Items At The Same Time.

If you will not follow my rules of trading, Lets not waste our time.    

---------------------------------------- WHY AM I OVERPAYING? -------------------------------------

Well its not just a overpaying. I can buy an item/s in discounted price.So its a good system for both sides.

-------------------------------- MORE ABOUT TRADING INFORMATION --------------------------

Please note, the following rules have been set as a result of increase in the number of trollers. If you do not meet my rules, please do not take it personal. I abide by these rules 100% and they will never change. For more information please do not hesitate to ask.

As a buy and seller I need to be sure that you are really serious about the deal we made first, due to my experience in trading. Ive been fooled many times here in steam. Thats why I need to be more careful before ill spend my money in buying the items that we have agreed. I need to be sure that while im buying that you are serious and legit trader. And you will not just back out and accept other higher offer than mine, while im buying the items I offered you.

Some other traders cancelled the deal when i am done getting/buying the items right away at opskins. i lost 20 - 30% of my profit for quickselling the items that i got from opskins.I never forget the karambit fade i buy on opskins and the trader cancelled the deal after i buy it he blocked me and deleted me. I lose a lot of money of that . And i dont want to do my mistake again for buying without assurance.
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