C:\users\unknown\whoami   Long Beach, California, United States
‏​ ‏​ ‏​ ‏​ ‏​ ‏​ :2016roasted: Steam Community Translator - STS :2016roasted:

Bae over Bay ;)
"We played hide and seek in waterfalls.. we were younger"

"hacking is like magic, with both it is a matter for the other of being deceptive" ~
Currently Offline
Some good ♥♥♥♥ :P
Translating game descriptions, strings applied to steam community pages and other stuff for Valve into German. Sounds dope? Apply here

:csgox: Only accepting friend requests from users with LvL 10+ :csgox:

:csgox: If ya wanna play with me on a community server, just shoot me an invite. :csgox:

:csgox: Tradelink for trading cards you don't need or good offers :csgox:
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Name: Most commonly mispronounced as "Timon" :LIS_poker_face: My real one's top secret ;)

Nationalities: German/American

Everything else is completely immaterial :)

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Emoticon collection:

:gold_coin: :TheBlues: :angryjeff: :confident: :happyjeff: :worriedjeff: :csgoa: :csgox: :balloon: :box: :facepunch: :gmod: :melon: :missing: :physgun: :candycane: :clementineelf: :cupcakeelf: :dwayneelf: :madelf: :2015candycane: :2015car: :2015coal: :2015cookie: :2015holly: :jd2cake: :LIS_PolaPhoto: :LIS_flower: :LIS_poker_face: :LIS_star: :LIS_Arrow: :LIS_PostCard: :LIS_butterfly: :LIS_brush: :blissful_creep: :happy_creep: :sad_creep: :P: :A: :TheD: :Y: :2: :chains: :dallas: :hoxton: :overkill: :wolf: :p2chell: :p2wheatley: :0E: :80: :slender: :slendy: :tradingcard: :B1: :2016bee: :2016butterfly: :2016popsicle: :2016roasted: :2016skull: :2016snocone: :2016watermelon: :2016weiner: :2016yeti: :beatmeat: :dealwithit: :golden: :terraria: :TheJetPack: :TheSkunk: :2016imnotcrying: :2016trophy: :2016villain:
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Luck3r_ 9 May, 2015 @ 10:36am 
+rep nice and fast trader
<blank> 2 May, 2015 @ 9:10am 
23 Mar, 2015 @ 1:52pm 
+rep good trader, fair :)
Bob der Bongmeister 18 Mar, 2015 @ 6:39am 
+rep harter hurensohn
✞︎♡︎我是一個皮條 15 Mar, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
SPREAZ 15 Mar, 2015 @ 12:04pm 