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Pray for Paris 20 févr. 2024 à 10h29 
Como este perfil no es interesante, te enseñaré cómo hacer churros:

200 g de harina sin levadura
250 ml de agua
50 g de mantequilla
1 cáscara de limón
Sal q.s.
3 huevos
Aceite para freír
Azúcar en polvo
Canela para espolvorear
1. En una sartén encender el agua.
Sazone ♥♥♥ unas pocas piedras de sal.
Agregue la cáscara de limón y la mantequilla.
Déjalo hervir.
2. Tan pronto como comience a hervir, retire la cáscara de limón y agregue la harina.
Revuelva hasta despegar la sartén.
Pon la masa en un tazón y deja que se enfríe un poco.
Listo para comer
Pray for Paris 2 janv. 2024 à 20h07 
Carti looks so cool smoking the the 2024 video I went and bought my first pack I wanna be like him so bad bro 😭
sex with hitler 26 nov. 2023 à 20h55 
+rep helped me with my inter-personal communication skills. horrible player tho
Pray for Paris 25 nov. 2023 à 17h20 
when I tell you that I just ate this Taco Bell taco with a ferocity that would make you say ‘damn I wish I was that taco’, I mean it. That ♥♥♥♥ was BUSSIN
Pray for Paris 13 mai 2023 à 20h12 
The secret to getting gloriously puffed-up Yorkshire puddings is to have the fat sizzling hot and don't open the oven door.
ClampGod 11 mars 2021 à 17h37 
most horrible player youve seen ..went ancient with 35% overall win rate ... guys really good in getting carried by team ..check dota buff stats ahahahahaha