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5.4 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 1,572.4 h en tout (1,213.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 8 juil. 2016 à 12h29
Mis à jour : 23 nov. 2019 à 15h47

Évaluation de CS:GO
This game still has a lot of potential, still adds new things, minor changes that affect in a good (or bad) way the play style, but the cheaters and smurfers drag this game down. There isn't a system the classify them depending of playtime, last matches, the performance of the player until to the current match and so on. The VAC system is way to bad and Valve doesn't do anything to do something with it (I don't know, replace it with other anti-cheat system; like FACEIT's system) or at least to fix it in our good.
Despite that, I'm playing this game since 2015. I was crazy about this game and I have played it a big amount of time in a period. I met so many people, good community and so on. I haven't played it so much since it had become Free To Play, because I knew that kids and cheaters will play this game and ruin the matches of good players (including me).
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