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Recent reviews by Somsri422R

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52.5 hrs on record (51.7 hrs at review time)
Never play classic version. Steep learning curve. Need to read up the wiki a lot but fun and satisfying when you got it right or got something working. Relaxing at times looking at how smooth your colony runs.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
236.3 hrs on record (107.8 hrs at review time)
So good and so fun. Out of my 108 hours, probably 50% went into sandbox and creating rides and buildings for blueprints.
You want theme park management+campaign? You got it. You want freestyle sandbox do-whatever-I-want? Here it is. You want to just build stuffs and share the blueprint on workshop? They've got it cover.

Great job devs!
Posted 9 December, 2018.
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415.9 hrs on record
Nov 28, 2024 Edit:
Stopped playing for years and came back when Wilds was announced and bought Iceborne. The game is alive and well! Fight is still very fun and challenging and satisfying. Can't wait for Wilds!

Sep 13 Edit:
Almost zero disconnect in the past week! Seems the latest update fixed it.
New issue: random frame drops (stutters) that never happened before this update. It's either this or the latest NVIDIA driver (version 399.07 and 399.24.)

Overall, it's good now. Finally, I can recommend it!

Sep 5 Edit:
Almost after a month after release. After 1 patch. The network issue is still there. I still got randomly disconnected mid-fight. My friend still got randomly disconnected mid-fight. Do you want to solo Nergigante scaled for 4 players? Even if you immediately abandon/leave quest, that's still a waste of time, money, RP, and your soul.

Now with new issue! Massive framerate drop when certain monsters use certain skills. Happens even if you're looking away.

I'll say again. Gameplay is amazingly fun and detailed. I'll tolerate the controller-biased UI. I'll tolerate the bad UX/UI design. I can live with poorly designed multiplayer system of fricking online session. But I don't want to tolerate frequent network issue. Therefore, still not recommended.

Aug 18 Edit:
Network issues still persist but with a lesser degree. However, I still can't recommend, because you can still get disconnected in the middle of the big fight, leaving you alone with the tougher-than-normal-due-to-multiplayer-level-scaling monster to beat.

The dev acknowledged these main issues and is said to be working on them though ETA has not been provided and we have no idea what exactly will be fixed or changed. I just hope for the best.

Original review:
I rarely review anything on Steam. This is one of that rare moment.

If you want to hunt with your friends, do not buy this game yet. With the current connection problems, you'll get dropped out of quest or session out of nowhere. You could be in the middle of fighting Anjanath with your friends and seconds later you are alone and have to solo it. That's 30-40 minutes of your life to take Anjanath down alone.

If you are happy to play alone, for now, at least until the problem is fixed, which doesn't have ETA, go for it. Your money, not mine. The content it self is great with tons of things to do. It's my first time with MH and I like what I can do in this game.

Graphic-wise, don't serious about it that much. It's a console port so expect limited graphic configuration and technical implementation. Expect quality at most on par with console version. Some weird graphic glitch and some pop-ins here and there. I run i7 + 1070ti on 1440p (60Hz) and could only get 50-60 fps on 'highest', not a steady 60. And it's CPU heavy! About 60-70% when in game.

Same goes with control. It's a console port. UI+UX is aimed at controller first and KB+M second. And UX is a mess! So many clicks to get something done. Need to use both mouse and keyboard to do anything in the menu. I guess the devs just didn't care enough to redesign the UI for KB+M users. Oh and did I mentioned that if you are in the middle of the quest, you can not 'return to the title' nor 'quit the game' from the menu. They will be greyed out. What. The. F. ???

What baffled me the most is the multiplayer part. It's the most complicated implementaion I have ever seen or played. That's not a compliment. First you have to make sure you are not offline by joining or creating an online session, so that you will see other player's names, 20 at most. The only place you can see those players avatars are at the gathering hub only. It's only you and NPCs everywhere else in HQ. Yes, only you, alone, no one else. Then, to take a quest, you will also create a quest session that other players can join. These players can be from a different online session. Why? I don't know. Then why do we need online session with 20 players? I don't have a clue.

Since most people will spend time in HQ out of the gathering hub, there will never see other players. Why don't just ditch this 'online session' thing with 20 players max and make it so that we are always online in global session/instance with 2000 player names. And make the gathering hub the place you will see your quest friends only, that's 4 players max including you. That makes much more sense to me. Would you want to see some random guy in the same random session you're in? Do you want to chat or trade with them? Or do you want to do that with your friends or the ones willing to go on a quest with you? The game wasn't made to have 200 players in the same map anyway. So 20 or 4 players don't make a different to me.
Posted 14 August, 2018. Last edited 28 November, 2024.
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