Hermir   Gjirokaster, Albania
Welcome to my profile. CLICK VIEW MORE INFO.
My alias is nonjkee, but I go by a lot of names. This one will be the most common for now. :happyrandy:
Pay attention kids!
:bshealth: 1. I DO NOT TRADE! I cannot stress this enough. I don't trade my inventory or anything in it. If I want to trade, I'll seek someone / something out myself. I do accept card donations however.
:bshealth:2. Don't add me if you have only a general inquiry about Lambda Wars that can be answered by the Community themselves. I'm busier than that.
:bshealth:3. Don't add me for support on Workshop items that I've been marked Contributor on. Odds are I won't help you. Leave a comment instead.
:bshealth:4. Private profiles, level 0 profiles or unconfigured profiles will be ignored.
:bshealth:5. Were you blocked by me? Tough ♥♥♥♥. You probably had it coming, anyway. There's some light at that tunnel, though. I tend to clear my blocklist every ~2 years.
:bshealth: 6. DO NOT ADD ME IF YOU'RE UNDER THE AGE OF 14! No offense, but I've had my fair share of kids on CSGO and GMod, so please don't invade my personal space too.
:bshealth: 7. If you're adding me after you've played a Competitive match, you better be good, because I don't usually add people from matches.
:bshealth: 8. If you go Snooze, Away, or start playing a game when talking to me, and stop replying altogether, I'm going to take it that your question wasn't that important, and I'll remove you. Second time doing this is a block.


Whatever the reason, ALWAYS leave a comment as to why you're adding me!
:HorusVII:Add me if you have a general question about my ventures / communities that I can answer within 5 minutes.
:HorusVII: Add me if your intention is anything else than the above mentioned, and not part of the wrong section.
:HorusVII: Add me if you would like advise, and/or assistance with community management and/or commonly used forum software.
:HorusVII:Add me if you have a specific inquiry that hasn't been answered before / need to make your concerns clear without stepping into the public.


Things you should ONLY leave a comment for (So don't add me, please?)

:Dimensional:Leave a comment if you have an inquiry into maps / gamemodes under my ownership and/or wish to acquire them.
I currently own:
:Dimensional: Black Mesa Roleplay, licensed to the Bitter Avalanche Community.
:Dimensional:For any support of items I own / co-own on the Workshop.
:Dimensional: For a general inquiry regarding Lambda Wars. (Don't be afraid, I always get back to people.)


A little about me

I'm Songbird - my real name left ambiguous, and it always will be - and I am 21 years old, currently employed in the Administrative sector, and serving as Transportation Coordinator mainly.

I have an abundancy of experience in leading and hosting Garrysmod Communities, and do this with pleasure every time again. You may notice me from Bitter Avalanche, one of my largest communities that tends to close sometimes, but always re-opens again.

I currently manage Vortal Storm's administrative affairs including personnel management and marketing.

Yes, I'm gay. Yes, I'm proud of this. No, I will not answer nor respond to any belligerent questions or comments, other than the sheer response of blocking you.

That's all folks! *Insert Warner Bros piggy here.*

Enjoy your visit!
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