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Conquistas pessoais


Unlock Chapter 2

Mr. Creative

Unlock the creative mode

The Expressionist

Used Free Hand Tattoo Gun for the first time

Lift certified

Reach highest and lowest point of customers chair height


Change client outfit for the first time

Mr. Diligent

Get 3 stars for 10 characters in Barbershop
0 / 10


Get 3 stars for 20 characters in Tattoo Salon
0 / 20

Blowing bubbles

Use the bubble hair grow spray for the first time

Grow Baby Grow

Use wide grow spray 10 times
0 / 10

Bull's eye

Try all glasses on one client

Style of symmetry

Character has matching earrings on both ears

Trim Master

Use all shaving machines on a single client

Down the rainbow

Use all color sprays on a single client

Temper tantrum

Throw 5 tools on the ground without using them or in short time span


Do a 3 star haircut in under 30sec

Bald eagle

Shave 5 characters bald
0 / 5

7 conquistas ocultas restantes

Os detalhes de cada conquista serão revelados quando alcançadas