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Visa global prestationsstatistik
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0 av 17 (0%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

ZEUS Neutralized

Successfully defuse as a defender


Get a kill with each body in any round

Check my Fit

Equipping a skin in the locker room

Stronger together

Complete a team quest

Won a ranked match

First time you competed in Ranked and won

Crew Recognition

First time you are recruited to a crew

Howdy Partner

Win a match with a friend

Mad Skills

Get 15 kills in any queued match

Working for the fans

Completed all daily and weekly quests for any week

Moving up!

You are part of a crew that is promoted

Classic Ace

Get an Ace (kill all members of opposing team)

First Star

Recognized as a Crew Star

Puck Thrower

Throw your Spectre puck and successfully move your Spectre body

Mind Revenge

Get a kill on a Player that has killed one of your bodies this round

Cleanup Time

Kill both of an opponent Player's bodies within a 5 second time window

Bop N' Swap

Get a kill with each of your bodies within a 5 second time window

Three's Company

Win a match as a team composed of 3 Crew members