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269.1 hrs on record (220.9 hrs at review time)
The devs finally decided to make the game fun instead of catering to the game-too-easy idiots who cant ♥♥♥ unless one of their testicles is about to be eaten by a spider or something.
Posted 6 May, 2024. Last edited 23 October, 2024.
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4,626.8 hrs on record (901.2 hrs at review time)
I am honestly very confused as to how the user reviews for this game arent worse. The developers of this game do not respect your time and they seem to treat the playerbase with essentially giggling contempt. Before you pick up those pitchforks and whine about how its better than other MMOs, being better than something else does not excuse poor quality, case in point: getting the flu is still better than getting the coronavirus.

This season, season of the worthy, is completely unworthy of your time. The main content drops for this game are as follows:

1. Seasonal arena - glorified public event. No just no. People have been complaining about matchmaking for these kind of things for so long. Since warmind. Since blind well. How did this even get past the planning stage? Furthermore the AI for these events make them really obnoxious. Hope you like teleporting/sprinting/jumping ads that will cause you to fail an event cos you didnt one shot them when they spawned.

2. Trials - Pinnacle PvP that wasnt supposed to come out half baked. Well mission accomplished since completely raw is basically not half baked now is it? No loot incentive for the top end of players causing them to farm less skilled players at the lower end of cards, so now low end card farming by god tier flawless 3 stacks (why are you even here other than to gatekeep?) is making the hardest matches of a ticket right at the start and cheaters now dominate the ends of the card. I have literally matched people whose names in chinese translate essentially to "gatekeeping lighthouse, pay for carry" killing you from spawn with tether or stormtrance. Furthermore, Western players of the game might face cheating once in a while, but you havent seen anything yet if you live anywhere close to mainland china. Being a player from SEA, most of my pvp games have at least 70-80% of the players from china, land of the cheaters thanks to toxic "only the results matter" culture. Ive been trying to do my confidence card this weekend only to have it stomped multiple times by aimbotters, and a particularly egregious 10000rpm ten paces. Bungie's anticheat at this point is pretty lacklustre if it even exists at all. Our clan's discord server has a channel specifically for hacker reporting and guess what, 1) 99% of these fools are from china and 2) not even half of them are banned.

3. GM nightfall. Basically just pinnacle pve activity. Think trials but for pve players instead. And of course the standard trial and error of what things can one shot me this time applies each week for each new strike map. (the answer is everything. everything one shots you) Remember that eloquent piece written by Luke Smith before shadowkeep about how guardians are too powerful and encounters are designed around them having full super etc etc (reckoning)? yeah whats your excuse this time? The seasonal mods are essentially all on short range weapons and snipers got nerfed this season, making this essentially needlessly obtuse.

Bungie isnt a small indie company contrary to all the dumb memes, theyre more than capable of defending themselves online, albeit pretty badly. However, before I go into full on complain mode, here are the positives first:
1. Great gunplay
2. Large open world
3. Raid content is great, mechanics wise, loot wise not so much

And now thats out of the way, here are the biggest problems
1. Lack of respect for time investment. You can spend hours grinding for something, trying to climb in pvp, trying to farm exclusive drops etc but the majority of rewards are basically instant dismantle trash blue gear. Its essentially a ritual to go into your inventory and waste time dismantling all the drops after each activity. Is it not too hard to expect something decent instead of a wasting-my-time ritual after grinding for a long time? Furthermore, the devs seem to think that to make something more difficult, everything just needs to one-shot you. Why? Are you afraid of coming up with new mechanics? Or are we gonna be falling back on the old excuse of making content is hard?
edit: now with sunsetting coming into the equation, the whole idea of a loot chase is rubbish. If you are chasing a specific god-rolled item, depending on how many individual options there are for each slot, the chance of you getting your god roll is anywhere from 2% to 0.02% (yes i checked my math). combine that with rubbish drop rates, large bloated loot pools and you could be looking at more than a month's worth of in game time just farming for the weapon.. that you can only use for a few more months before it becomes useless in endgame.

2. No pvp anticheat. I feel like i dont have to say anything here. Cheaters exist yeah, but the blatant ones arent even getting picked up? People manually reviewing reports isnt an anticheat. If I can die to a dude in super at the start of the match right after moving, why isnt that being picked up? Why isnt someone spawning with full heavy and super not being picked up? Why is someone insta reviving not being picked up? Why is someone killing my entire team hiding behind a barricade with a single scout rifle shot not being picked up?

3. Eververse is a slap in the face. I feel like I dont need to really explain myself here either, you dont get to make the adding content is hard excuse if each season theres more new things in the eververse store than in the rest of the entire season combined. Changes are coming yeah, but we've heard that before, ie during warmind where eververse wasnt even this egregious. I dont understand why people on reddit are praising bungie for you know doing something thats not scummy? Is the bar really that low in the communities' eyes? Praise should be given when something is praiseworthy right? Not just when people didnt mess up. Or is that my strict asian upbringing making me salty?

Jokes aside, 4. Issues persist. Way too long. Bungie has said before their tools are hard to work with. Honestly yeah, thats kind of what to expect when your engine is that old, but also we've seen them act on things really fast. When exotics break the game multiple times in a season to the point where they just get disabled over and over again till a fix is worked out, thats some really incredible reaction speed right there. Im not even gonna start talking about balance since thats just gonna cause class warfare worse than the pathetic guardian games bounty simulator that just ended, but I am gonna leave this here: think about an exotic you think is overpowered in pvp. Now think about how long it has been overpowered for. I dont care what class you play or which class you think is the best. Is it okay for something to be essentially the only viable (read: crutch) option for upwards of months?

While the game may feel pretty fun for a new player, the games lifespan will depend on how you manage to keep them playing through the initial feelings of "hey this is pretty cool" and that is where the game falls flat. Im not even a D1 vet and the amount of content they decide to ship as a single season is downright pathetic to me, not to mention how it feels more like they are treating players like beta testers and only taking action when outrage starts to boil over as can be seen from the sudden desire to talk about destiny's issues and direction going forward after being crucified multiple times on reddit. If you intend to play this for a short time to experience the fun gunplay and story, sure go ahead, itll keep you occupied for a while. If you intend to find a game to stay on long term, no, move on to a game that actually respects your existence.
Posted 12 May, 2020. Last edited 16 May, 2020.
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