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Nova   Texas, United States
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Tayls 23 март 2018 в 11:03 

+Can drive real motorcycles
+Prohibits pants

-Cannot drive virtual motorcycles
-Prohibits pants
Pinhead Larry 13 ноем. 2016 в 15:48 
-rep thinks his userpicture wasnt drawn by a chimp with a toothbrush
Breezy ♠ 17 апр. 2015 в 19:06 
How do you sign up. Do I need to be signed up by a member or something
Arriator 15 апр. 2015 в 11:36 
Just found out about Distathon, I'll try my best to be there and watch it happen!
despacito 3 21 март 2015 в 11:05 
What is distathon? (Feel free to leave a comment on my profile page, I always leave it open).
Bophades 9 ян. 2015 в 11:40 
Hey, sorry for the delayed response to your question.
If you still want to showcase my track "The Source" in Distance you can go ahead.
If you have any questions I'll try to answer them.