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Évaluations récentes de Nada Afterwards

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14 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
5.3 h en tout
Let me preface:

I'm only giving this a negative review because the "over 8 hours of gameplay" feels like false advertisement to me. I had some AFK playtime in the pause menu so my total playtime was closer to 4.5 hours and that's not accounting for my problem solving skills being rusty when it comes to Portal.

While I do see they express the mod can take from 5 to 7 hours depending on experience, they do this in the "about this game" section where not many people will look. So having "over 8 hours" on the description while giving a different estimate out of view feels disingenuous to me.

Aside from that: It's alright and I'd recommend it if you're in the mood for some quick Portal gameplay. I do feel the level design could've been better in some areas as I found myself not properly knowing where to go a couple of times.

Level design flaws

- During Chapter 5 after powering up the intercom. It's not clear enough where to go once you grab the portal gun. The white wall behind the warning signs is not lit enough to tell it's a portal surface and for some reason you can take a ladder down to the water hazard, there is also a broken bridge that looks like you can fling yourself across. So you got several potential paths of progression to investigate but the correct one is not well visible.

- I also found myself lost on how to progress after descending the elevator shaft, it was clear to me I needed momentum but I couldn't figure out where to place the entry portal to jump off. You're expected to climb up a ladder and strafe jump down when it could've been a lot more telegraphed if they had removed a guardrail instead (every "balcony" you can get to is guarded).
The movement is also a bit awkward to perform, I don't believe casual Portal players are used to doing this so I can see people struggling while "jumping over the fence".

- There is a big open area with spewing white gel that you need to use to climb up but the openness of the room makes it difficult to tell how you're supposed to get up. At times it seems you need to switch the portal back and forth on walls closely facing each other, other times you need to jump down and gain momentum.
I somehow managed to unintentionally do the later and end up on an unintended part of the map where I could see through the level. This is not so much of a problem once you reach the middle point with the cube and pressure plate, this part is a lot more streamlined.

- The final sequence was pretty bad too... The locations you need to reach are not well highlighted and it's easy to lose track of them as every wall looks the same and you're under the clock. On another note, having to repeat your steps after pressing each button EXCEPT for the last one just adds to the confusion.
You'll think you need the excursion funnel only to spot a slanted surface at an awkward angle where you have to redo all of your steps. There is also a hole in the glass next to the funnel for seemingly no reason making it seem like you will eventually need to shoot a portal through that hole (you don't). I ended up needlessly repeating this process, from the cube to the funnel, about 3 times.

Minor lesser details

- You can easily get int the elevator while Stirling is talking and miss out on dialogue after reaching the surface for the first time. It's unfortunately bad because he will start talking pretty much the moment you touch the emancipation grill leaving you with the choices of stalling for time or riding the elevator.
Portal 2 will always prolong the elevator ride so that's the most expected thing to do. Other instances of dialogue nearing an elevator in this mod didn't seem to present this problem so I'm guessing it's just an oversight for this exact map.

- There is a puzzle you have to complete using the vacuum tube after finding Conly. You are meant to send a cube through the tube to bypass an emancipation grill but the tube is too high up and you have to place the cube on an elevated platform that you cannot climb.
There is no way to gain momentum here either, you're meant to hurdle the cube upwards which once again, I feel it's awkward to perform and not something casual players are used to doing. There is seemingly no reason to force the player to do this.

Ending note:

For what it is, it's a good mod and I encourage the developer team to keep pursuing future projects. Each project is a learning experience after all. I'm only coming off as a harsh critic because I've played quite a few Portal 1 and 2 mods, as well as a lot of workshop maps so my expectations are unfavorably high.

I've also jumped right into this mod after completing The Talos Principle 2 so that could be biasing my criticism as the two games are distinctive enough when it comes to problem solving, as I alluded before at the beginning of the review.

On a positive note I will give them this: Seeing the surface-level of Aperture science, as well as having two cores interacting with each other, is not something I recall seeing before in Portal mods. So you have my kudos for bringing us that experience.
Évaluation publiée le 20 janvier.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.2 h en tout
It crashes to desktop when entering the elevator at the end of the tutorial level. I only got 10 minutes of entertainment out of a 4.3 GB game, riveting.

Dev suggests to verify files, that did nothing. I could probably just use console to load the next map but I shouldn't have to. I'll just play more modded levels for Talos Principle thanks.
Évaluation publiée le 15 juin 2022.
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