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4 people found this review helpful
207.3 hrs on record (124.7 hrs at review time)
Yes, I will personally recommend you this game, why? you may ask... This game is known for the rough start it had and the hopes and alot of other things they did not fulfill from since the first trailer/teaser for example the tablet/mobile drone that was supposed to be a part of the game which didn't turned out to be.

Okay so here's who this game is for:
-rpg lover
-people that likes to grind for certain item or in this case set items
-people that like 3rd person shooters
...and obvious alot more

The game starts off with about a 10-40 hours of story mode/main quests for you to complete and apon completing it you will be about 27 to 29 levels into the game and the maximum for character level in this game is 30 which means you have to do a bit of side quests or encounters to reach level 30. When you reach level 30 its really where the real gearing process starts, set pieces for you to choose from, stats to reroll to meet your needs for PvE or PvP (which is another part of this game) while during this gearing process depending on RNG it will pretty much always take you quite a bit of time to fully get your first min maxed gear which are most probably the new classified sets for the moment and most likely forever since by prediction there won't be anymore major updates to the game because the developers have placed their main focus onto the new Division 2 game which comes out next year at March again which means the game is about as stable as it's gonna be right now and at summer sale the price dropped to i think 10US which to me I think is really really worth it no doubt hands down whoever hated the game for alot of reasons and there is alot of reasons to hate this game from bugs to no proper anticheat leading to large amount of cheaters in the first 2 years or so but I think the Devs. have done enough to reform most of the game without taking out what made The Division so unqiue at first glance.

PvP in the division is mainly focused on the Dark Zone. It's an area where they mix PvE and PvP and users can obtain loot from killing either other players which have loot on them or NPCs which drops loot by chances. There is also the DLCs Last Stand and the new 1.8.2 Skirmish mode which is a 4v4 PvP something like a team death match which allows people who prefer the PvP side of things fighting against other players realtime with different builds and setups of skill talents and more allowing a wide variety of choices.

Therefore if you are thinking of getting this game to just try out or as a game collection it's absolutely worth it. I've played it on more than steam time if you were wondering it's just because I launch the game from Uplay instead of Steam most of the time therefore if the game is not launched from Steam it doesn't record the played time. Overall this game had it's ups and downs and have also brought me through my ups and downs and brought me along with friends memories and joy. Hope this encouraged you to try this game and changed some people's mind who once thought this was a bad game.

I can keep going on for days talking about this amazing piece of art but why don't you just go ahead and try it out when it's within hands reach?
Posted 7 July, 2018. Last edited 18 July, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
109.7 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Way too high requirements on hardware, even if you have decent cpu and graphics card you still have to tweak all settings to low in order to get a constant fps
Posted 12 May, 2017.
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