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73.8 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
Dj' a lou ène ôte review i gn a cwate-cink djoû ki dijhève ki ç' djeû chal ni sreût nén mî k' on Arkham-like è l' Daegne do mitan si gn' aveût nén l' sistinme "Nemesis". Çoula est totafwaitmint wåre mins l' sistinme Nemesis est la eyet çoula vout dire k' nos avans adon on Arkham-like è l' Daegne do mitan wice ki l' sistinme do bate candje les etrevéns d' l' istwere ådvins do djeû. Tolmonde djoûwe ène on pô diférinte istwere eyet totafwait candje toltins ådvins. Djî djoûwe cwåsimint sins m' arester dispus troes djoûs. Djoûwer c' djeû chal est wårmint dandjî.
Posted 16 October, 2016.
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9.6 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Duke Nukem Forever, li définaedje do djeû ki n' vudrai måy... mins 'l a vudî. Bråmint des djins ont stî disbåtchîs eyet djî pou l' comprinde : i gn aveût ddja bråmint des meyeûs djeû k' avént vudî, so ç tins la. Mins, po-z-esse honesse, ci djeû n'est nén si mwais. I gn a nén bråmint d' pûs eyet djî n' a nén veyou d' arokes. C' est on normå FPS et c' est l' problinme del pupårt des djins. Ni mwais, ni foirt bon mins djî l' a trové clapant.
Posted 7 June, 2016.
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38.3 hrs on record (37.5 hrs at review time)
Steam ni sopoirte nén (co) l' walon mins djî n' èn a nén cour. Ci djeû chal a stî poirté so linux foirt enawèrmint. Ci wékend, djî tuze, tot djusse sol moumint di dj' esteû ki metève mes copiutreces a djoû. Djî dvève co d' sayî mi grafike cwarte adon dj' a sayî çoula avou Saints Row 2. C' esteût foirt clapant. Si ouk aveût sayî di m' dire sol moumint do vudaedje di c' djeu k' il esteût sur d' il alève stî poirté, djî n' l' åreû nén crou. Adon, i gn a bråmint des pûs è c' djeû chal, tolmonde li sait bén, mins i dmane totafwait clapant. Gentlemen of the Row martche eto sins problinme so linux. Li djeû martche comifåt so m' indjolrêye, asteure, eyet djî n'åreû måy mi sô di rcovrer les djins avou del miere. Ricmindé.
Posted 20 April, 2016. Last edited 16 October, 2016.
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28.0 hrs on record (18.5 hrs at review time)
Excellent RPG, et je le pense. Si vous voulez voir à quoi un RPG devrait ressembler, en voici un parfait exemple. Si vous êtes le genre de personne qui ne pense qu'aux graphismes et à bourriner, vous vous êtes trompé de genre, passez votre chemin. Shadowrun n'est pas particulièrement beau, c'est simple joueur et la difficulté ne pardonne pas. Si vous voulez voir du sang gicler en bavant au fond de votre fauteuil sans réfléchir, faites comme les gosses de 13 ans : jouez à Call of Duty. Si un vrai RPG vous intéresse, foncez!
Posted 3 February, 2015.
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7.3 hrs on record
This game is pretty short, sure, but it's clearly filled with adrenaline. No game has ever achieved catching the spirit of free running as well as this title did and there's a strong possibility that will never happen again.
Posted 11 September, 2013.
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95.0 hrs on record (97.1 hrs at review time)
There's a few funny bugs here and there but the gameplay is excellent. Every mission has a huge replay value and the leveling keeps pushing you into playing for more awesome bonuses. The sad part is I feel no urge to play again, now that I reached level 193 but achieving that took me quite a few hours.
Posted 11 September, 2013.
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10.3 hrs on record
Nice game, I had fun playing it. Pretty weak replay value, though…
Posted 15 November, 2012.
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0.2 hrs on record
If you don't mind playing an old turn based RPG, go for this classic. If you're into a nicer and action fueled version, go for Mass Effect.
Posted 15 November, 2012.
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27.0 hrs on record
This is an obvious real time rehashing of KOTOR. But since KOTOR was awesome to begin with, this one had a good basis and ended up being awesome too.
Posted 15 November, 2012.
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9.3 hrs on record
This is basically a more RPG oriented version of Fallout 3, which, of course, is awesome. Still pretty buggy, though…
Posted 15 November, 2012. Last edited 3 February, 2015.
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