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Wyświetlanie 21-30 z 53 pozycji
Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
10.1 godz. łącznie
Spent 5 hrs on 1 map and I am still no where near the top records. Did they use rocket?
Opublikowana: 26 marca 2023.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
6.5 godz. łącznie
It is a fun game. The graphic looks really nice.

Would come back to finish this game
Opublikowana: 26 marca 2023.
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Według 12 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
38.9 godz. łącznie
Similar to Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, but in WWII from a Russian perspective this time.

I quite enjoyed the game, especially the stealth missions. You will constantly cheer for your comrade to move faster while carrying a corpse with Nazi patrols behind his back. It is fairly easy to get all achievements with the base game.

More details about the game will be posted later...

I encountered a game-breaking bug. be aware while you play it:
  1. One mission where you need to rescue a teammate stranded on an island, even though you can finish the part of the mission in stealth, you should complete it with guns blazing. (if you do not, the next objective won't be triggered. And you will be forced to replay the whole mission again)

There are a few other minor issues with the game:
  1. Sometimes enemies and your character will get stuck on furniture in a building. Reloading the game will solve the issue.
  2. When your inventory gets bigger towards end-game, the game will lag when you open storage in your camp. Framerate will drop to 15 FPS for a few seconds.

Overall, I recommend this game and will buy the DLC to see what the DLC offers.
Opublikowana: 14 stycznia 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 stycznia 2023.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
9.5 godz. łącznie
A relaxing card game with a bit RPG and turn-based elements. The soundtrack is nice. Some of them are quite epic.

I did not pay attention to the story at all.
Opublikowana: 25 grudnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 listopada 2023.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
33.8 godz. łącznie
Great game combining Door Kicker and XCOM.


Detailed reviewing coming later
Opublikowana: 24 grudnia 2022.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.6 godz. łącznie (5.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Fun game to play along with AI or with friends
Opublikowana: 23 listopada 2022.
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Według 123 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 8 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
32.4 godz. łącznie
Vito: "Mr. Angelo?"
Tommy Angelo drops water hose and calmly turns around: "Yes."
Vito: "Mr. Salieri sends his regards!"

I can never enjoy playing Mafia II as I used to before.
Opublikowana: 14 sierpnia 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 sierpnia 2022.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
8.5 godz. łącznie (8.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The review is based on 8 hrs of the gameplay.

The Good:
  1. The game blends adventure, RPG, turn-based, and puzzle genres really well.
    • There are mainly two modes: The point-and-click adventure exploring mode (where you gather background information or objective items when not in combat) and turn-based strategy mode (loud or stealth to reach specific locations). I enjoyed the turn-based system, focusing on the cover and motivation. The player should always stay in cover and keep the enemy in the open. The player can destroy all the covers in the game! There is also no health bar. The game uses “motivation” instead. When a character is in the open, being shot, staying in the same place for too long, having debuffs, or out of ammo, the motivation drops. When the character’s motivation reaches 0, they will flee and can be easily killed. The player can regain motivation by completing objectives, having buffs, or going into cover.
    • The game completes the character development through dialogues. For example, how would the player handle the issues with her parents? How would the player treat random strangers they encounter Although the game direction is set (to rescue the children), will the player be a pacifist or the grim reaper or somewhere in between?
    • Puzzle mini-game: whenever the player needs to hack something, the game offers a combination of three mini-games with “time-limit”: (a) Rotate the object so it can fit into the model before the allowed turns run out; (b) Redirect a ball to the target tile; (c) Find the sound source by sending out pulses. They are not complicated but can be annoying when trying to get a particular achievement.
  2. The graphic looks fantastic. Each area (7 areas in total) has its theme and color. It truly gives the cyberpunk feel. I especially love the atmosphere in Wilona’s apartment, during the taxi ride, and in the lab.
  3. The choices you make will affect the dialogue and specific aspects of the game. The player can also choose how to play the game (loud or stealth). The player can complete most of the missions in stealth.
  4. The soundtrack is terrific, and I quite enjoy listening to them during the game. Most of the soundtracks are quite relaxing, and I would recommend listening to the soundtrack even if you do not play the game. The music also changes whenever the player switches between the encounter and confrontation mode. (Search Rain of Reflections: Set Free on Spotify). The theme song is great as well - Into the Night by Jonatan Järpehag & Paulina Palmgren. It totally fits the game!
  5. The voice acting is well done. The tone, speed, and dialogue feel natural and realistic.

The average:
  1. The story: Nothing stands out from the story itself. As mentioned on the game page: “Wilona, a scientist working towards a solution to our future world’s sudden infertility. As she starts doubting the morality of the experiments, she decides to free the live subject – the lastborn child – from captivity. This will prove difficult, as powerful forces try to stop her.” Just a typical story.
  2. The gameplay time is short, about 3 hrs if the player completes all the “side quests.” The game is $11, so the price justifies the length (especially during sales, the game costs $2.7. If you buy it from a bundle, it can be much cheaper)

The bad:
  1. No manual save. You won’t be able to leave the game whenever you want and expect to return to the moment you leave. The game will load the last autosave, and it is likely you will have to repeat all the cut scenes and dialogues since the auto-save point.
  2. Not able to skip the cutscene. If you are achievement hunting or cannot finish the game in one go, it can be annoying. You will have to go through the same cut scene repeatedly.
  3. Some bugs. I encountered two during my post-game playthroughs. The first one was on my second playthrough. I could not move Wilona during the first encounter in Point 7. The second one was on my third playthrough towards the end, I was unable to rescue Year 1 Reflection after Dad locked Wilona out of the system (thus wasted 3 hrs on this playthrough).

A solid 7.5/10 cyberpunk game!
Opublikowana: 4 grudnia 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 listopada 2023.
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Według 42 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
120.0 godz. łącznie
The review is based on 119 hrs of the gameplay. I enjoyed most aspects of the game, while some content is meh.

The Good:
  1. A nice mix of genres: turn-based strategy + RPG + Shooter. The shooter aspect makes me feel more engaged in the game. The weapon damage varies depending on where the player aims, and the "hit chance" is determined by the character's location.
  2. The battle system design:
    • The faster the player completes each battle, the better rewards the player gets. It does feel challenging to finish some missions to get an "A" ranking. A lot of the trial and error with different squad setups and pushing strategies makes each mission enjoyable.
    • Direct command, orders, and ship orders: they add more layers to the strategy aspect. The proper combination of direct command, orders, and the squad can help the player finish the mission easily.
  3. Squad stories and character development: There are a lot of characters in the game, and each of them has some nice backstories. If the player uses a character long enough, a squad story will unlock, and you get to know why they have certain perks on their character screen. The player will also get to know what happens to each of the squad members after the war (after you beat the game, their personal entries will be updated)
  4. The art style: see the screenshots and gif on the game page.

The in-between:
The stories and some main characters: I enjoyed the game stories overall. However, certain characters are quite annoying in early-game. (The main characters follow the JRPG character stereotype). I enjoyed the squad stories and the side characters more than the main characters.

The bad:
The grind... To get all the squad stories, the player needs to replay many missions to promote all the side characters. Also, the money and experience you received from one playthrough are insufficient to upgrade your squad and their equipment. Post-game is even worse because there are more upgrades the player can purchase. I spent at least half of my gameplay hours on grinding. If you plan to 100% on this game, be prepared to spend 60+ hours on grinding.

Overall, this is a solid turn-based strategy game with a shooter element implemented. The main characters follow the typical JRPG, and the art style is really good.
Opublikowana: 28 listopada 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 listopada 2023.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
18.4 godz. łącznie
The review is based on 10 hrs of the gameplay. Have not finished the story yet (the reason will be explained later). My experience with the game is mixed. I enjoyed some aspects of the game, but the rest is sub-par.

The Good:
  1. I quite enjoy the graphics of the game. It looks amazing, depending on the day’s time and the weather.
  2. Some of the game mechanics are great:
  3. The car control:
    • I had a lot of fun driving different vehicles. Some cars are easier to control, some are not, especially the police cruiser. I once tried to escape the cops with a classic van, ending up being pushed into a lake.
    • The intrusion system (looting houses & sticking up stores) I love that the house owner will call the police if they see someone trespassing and casing their house.
    • Part of the wanted system: there are so many reasons to be wanted by the police. It could be carjacking, property damage, failure to stop, etc. Sometimes, it forces me to be careful when on a mission.
  4. Ordered list

The in-between:
  1. Getting used to the combat system takes some time. Once I am familiar with it, it does not bother me anymore.
  2. The score/soundtrack of the game is nice but short. There is no car radio, though.

The bad:
  1. DO NOT PLAY ON THE WINDOWED MODE and then ALT + TAB. If you alt + tab to do something else when the game is in the main menu, there is a chance you will start a new game and lose all your progress. For me, I lost 10 hrs worth of progress.
  2. The bug: When you hit properties, your vehicle can be stuck on objects it hits. Sometimes you can free the vehicle by re-entering it, but sometimes it won’t. In extreme case, the player will also be stuck if the driver’s side of the car is very close to a non-destroyable object. When you leave the car, it will spawn you in the tiny space between your car and the non-destroyable object.
  3. The storyline: I finished the storyline up to the mayor being arrested (that is when my progress was reset). There are too many fetch quests that seem unrelated to the storyline. It only serves as a means to get some cash and upgrade point(s). I feel he deserved to be framed, with all the dirty work the main characters do. The storytelling is not engaging at all.
  4. The logic: The police want the main character. His wanted posters were everywhere across the city, and his photos were in the newspaper twice. However, the police won’t recognize you when you stand in front of him.The main character will only be recognized during one story mission, which involves rubbing a bank, and when you enter a police station in the open-world (Funnily enough, not in the story mission. In fact, you can go to a police station during one story mission and the police will let you in). It does not give you the feeling of being a fugitive.
  5. The wanted system:
    • If you let cops be on your tails long enough, your wanted level will reach the highest 6-stars for no apparent reason. A tank will be dispatched for what was originally a carjack.
    • You can enter the crane operating room in the scrapyard, and police won’t drag you out. My wanted level rose from 4 to 6 for hiding inside. A tank was dispatched, and it killed all the police & military that gathered in front of the operating room and destroyed all their vehicles.
    • It is too easy to escape from the police. All you need to do is to drive on the train track to escape the search area. A police car can drive on the road parallel to the train track, and they won’t chase you.

Overall, this is an average open-world game that is inspired by classic GTA. There are some good designs, but the flaws in the game will prevent me from replaying the game or restarting the game.
Opublikowana: 6 lutego 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 listopada 2023.
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Wyświetlanie 21-30 z 53 pozycji