Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
:SurfHoliday: "O mal dessa geração é corpo bonito e a alma feia." :SurfHoliday:
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allanzoka 30 Jul, 2020 @ 6:13pm 
allanzoka 4 Jan, 2020 @ 7:22am 
RJ do Paraná, deus do Rainbow Six!! melhor streamer que eu vejo ( tambem o único).
Juicy 🩲 Raya 12 Sep, 2019 @ 9:47pm 
Actor Peter Strauss and Actress Sean Young were brought together by their shared vision. Together, they worked hard to make it a reality. Lena Olin was dedicated to the underdog cause, which coincided with William F. Buckley's sense of perfection. Joined by common cause, the couple became an iron alliance against common adversaries. 🔧
Óðinn ☣⭕⃤ 26 Jan, 2018 @ 5:35pm 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4 CASES = 1 KEY : {LINK REMOVED}