神 Monteiro 神
𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃   Japan
鑓塵幗膂蓿f寥寢膃暠瘉甅甃槊槎f碣綮瘋聟碯颱亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : :
澣幗嶌塹傴嫩榛畝皋i袍耘蚌紕欒儼巓襴踟篁f罵f亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : :
漲蔭甃縟諛f麭窶膩I嶮薤篝爰曷樔黎㌢´  `ⅷ踟亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : :
蔕漓滿f蕓蟇踴f歙艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襴骸    贒憊亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : :
榊甃齊爰f懈橈燗殪幢緻I翰儂樔黎夢'”    ,ィ傾篩縒亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : :
箋聚蜚壊劑薯i暹盥皋袍i耘蚌紕偸′    雫寬I爰曷f亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : :
銕颱麼寰篝螂徑悗f篝嚠篩i縒縡齢       Ⅷ辨f篝I鋗f亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:; : : .
碯聟f綴麼辨螢f璟輯駲f迯瓲i軌帶′     `守I厖孩f奎亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : : .
綮誣撒f曷磔瑩德f幢儂儼巓襴緲′          `守枢i磬廛i亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : : .
慫寫廠徑悗緞f篝嚠篩I縒縡夢'´              `守峽f徑悗f亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : : .
廛僵I數畝篥I熾龍蚌紕襴緲′             ‘守畝皋弊i劍亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;:: : : .
瘧i槲瑩f枢篝磬曷f瓲軌揄′             ,gf毯綴徑悗嚠迩忙亦尓㍍i:i:i;;:;::
襴罩硼f艇艀裲睚鳫襴鑿緲'               奪寔f厦傀揵猯i爾迩忙亦尓㍍i:i:
椈棘斐犀耋絎絲絨緲′                     ”'罨悳萪f蒂渹幇f廏迩忙i亦尓㍍
潁樗I瘧德幢i儂巓緲′                   r㎡℡〟”'罨椁裂滅楔滄愼愰迩忙亦
翦i磅艘溲I搦儼巓登zzz zzz㎜㎜ァg    緲 g    甯體i爺ゎ。, ”'罨琥焜毳徭i嵬塰慍絲
枢篝磬f曷迯i瓲軌f襴暹 甯幗緲 ,fi'   緲',纜。  贒i綟碕碚爺ゎ。 ”'罨皴發傲亂I黹靱
緞愾慊嵬嵯欒儼巓襴驫 霤I緲 ,緲   ",纜穐  甯絛跨飩i髢馳爺ゎ。`'等誄I筴碌I畷
罩硼I蒻筵硺艇艀i裲睚亀 篳'’,緲  g亀 Ⅶil齢  贒罩硼i艇艀裲睚鳫爺靠飭蛸I裘裔
椈f棘豢跫跪I衙絎絲絨i爺i㎜iⅣ   ,緲i亀 Ⅶ靈,  甯傅喩I揵揚惹屡絎痙棏敞裔筴敢
頬i鞏褂f跫詹雋髢i曷迯瓲軌霤   ,緲蔭穐 Ⅶ穐   讎椈i棘貅f斐犀耋f絎絲觚f覃黹黍
孵襴蔽戮貲艀舅I肅肄肆f蝓Ⅷ   緲$慚I穐,疊穐  甯萪碾f鋗輜靠f誹臧鋩f褂跫詹i雋
孵鋐篆f瘧蜑筴裔罩罧I孵蓼Ⅷ  i鷆嫩槞i歉皸鱚  冑縡諛諺彙溘嵳勠尠錣綴麼辨螢

➜ Silver 1 :
➜ Silver 2 :
➜ Silver 3 :✔
➜ Silver 4 : ✔
➜ Silver Elite : ✔
➜ Silver Elite Master : ✔
➜ Gold Nova 1 : ✔
➜ Gold Nova 2 : ✔
➜ Gold Nova 3 : ✔
➜ Gold Nova Master :✔
➜ Master Guardian 1 : ✔
➜ Master Guardian 2 : ✔
➜ Master Guardian Elite : ✔
➜ Distinguished Master Guardian : ✔
➜ Legendary Eagle :✔
➜ Legendary Eagle Master : ✔
➜ Supreme Master First Class : ✔
➜ The Global Elite :

⠀⠀⠀⣴⠿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢳⡀⠀ ⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢷
⠀⠀⢠⣟⣋⡀⢀⣀⣀⡀⠀⣀⡀⣧⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡇
⠀⠀⢸⣯⡭⠁⠸⣛⣟⠆⡴⣻⡲⣿⠀⣸⠀OKE⠀ ⡇
⠀⠀⣟⣿⡭⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢱⠀⠀⣿⠀ ⢹⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡇
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Created by - 𖹭 exo 𝒥.
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!Welcome to my Profile!


Trade Rules and other stuff:
💥Trade Rules:
1. Your profile and inventory must be public;
2. I don't accept Real Money;
3. I only accept CS:GO Items;
4. I don't like wasting time in trades, so be faster or I'll remove you;
5. Don't make LOW offers, I know the prices;
6. Don't try to Scam me, i am smart and i can notice if you are a scammer or not;
7. I don't give anything for free (if you want to donate CLICK HERE ;
8. If I'm offline or AFK, send steam offer;
9. Be nice and kind, or I will cancel your deal;
10. If you make a good offer, I will write +rep on your STEAM profile.

💥Block/Remove Reasons:
1. Spam me with invites to the games;
2. Private profile or inventory after posting a trade;
3. Extreme low offers;
4. Scammer;
5. Troller;
6. Keylogger spam;
7. "+rep" Spams;
8. Asking for giving items;
9. People who try to voice chat me on steam;
10. People who don't meet my friend requirements.


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Last Update @2019
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86 hrs on record
last played on 9 Feb
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Syras 5 Sep, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
丂尺.Ꮆ卂爪乇尺 @ROW 8 Oct, 2022 @ 9:52pm 
:orb: Signed by Gamer :orb:
Vasile289 7 Oct, 2022 @ 4:18pm 
Signed by Mother Russia
Tenseigan 26 Jun, 2022 @ 2:43am 
endoh. 9 Apr, 2021 @ 7:34pm 
Como este perfil não tem nada de interessante vou ensinar a fazer churros:
200g de farinha de trigo sem fermento
250 ml de água
50g de manteiga
1 casquinha de limão
Sal q.b.
3 ovos
Óleo para fritar
Açúcar para polvilhar
Canela para polvilhar
1. Num tacho leve ao lume a água.
Tempere com umas pedrinhas de sal.
Junte a casca de limão e a manteiga.
Deixe ferver.
2. Logo que comece a ferver, retire a casca de limão e adicione a farinha.
Mexa até descolar do tacho.
Coloque a massa numa tigela e deixe arrefecer um pouco.
3. Junte os 2 ovos e comece a bater.
Por fim, adicione o ultim ovo e bata até que fique uma massa lisa.
4. Coloque a massa num saco ou numa seringa de pasteleiro e utilize a boquilha larga e frisada.
Frite tiras de massa em óleo quente.
Deixe fritar de ambos os lados até que fiquem bem douradinhos.
Depois dos churros fritos, coloque-os num prato com papel absorvente.
E estão prontos a servir.
Acompanhe com cacau ou chocolate quente.
Syras 24 Mar, 2021 @ 3:53am 