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36.0 giờ được ghi nhận (10.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I first came across this game on GOG during a sale. I loved it so much that when it came out on Steam, I made sure to buy it (because achievements). Rinse, repeat for Android. This was the start of my downward spiral into otome games, a fandom I am so deeply entangled with now, there is simply no return for me.

Hatoful Boyfriend wasn't supposed to be serious. It wasn't supposed to make me FEEL. But it did. At first, you're so taken with the "Haha I'm dating birds" aspect, but then the game tricks you into seeing the characters, each nuanced in their own multilayered backstories, for more than what they are. You start wanting to know more about them, wanting them to be happy, hurting when they hurt. It's ridiculous.

And don't even get me started on the BBL stuff. My face had melted by that point.

I would encourage basically everyone to play this game, especially since it goes on sale often enough, and the whole experience is worth the small amount of money for it. The world needs more games like this one!
Đăng ngày 26 Tháng 11, 2016.
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15.3 giờ được ghi nhận (14.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I hardly ever write reviews, but felt that this one was necessary. At the time of this review, I've completed one route, which took 5.5 hours. I loved this game! As another reviewer has said before me, this was really the full otome experience, harkening back to games like Amnesia and Hakuoki, Dandelion and Nameless. After playing mobile otome games for the past few months since I don't have a PSP, this was a more than welcomed change, the depth and length (bow-chicka-bow-wow?) of the storyline dwarfing the typical mobile experience, leaving me more than satisfied with the time spent.

Right off the bat, the artwork really stands out. The light watercolor-esque designs of the characters, settings, and CGs lend a luminosity to the experience despite the darkness of the storyline in places. The music is inobtrusive and atmospheric, and the characters are well-developed, nuanced, and dynamic. The inter-character relationships are well-developed from the start too, and the dialogue is realistic, really well-translated, and quite funny!

The MC, ♥♥♥♥ (renamable), is pretty vapid, though her cheerful air-headedness certainly makes for some pretty funny situations, especially when placed against Caesar or sharp-witted Kyrie. Her complacency bothered me a little, as I'd have thought someone who lost all of her memories and woke up in a strange place where no one knows her would kind of want to work on figuring stuff out, but she's just as content to let the Oz family take care of her like a pampered housepet, which more than one character points out to her.

I enjoyed the adaptations of the Oz "Main Three" for this game: The Cowardly Lion has earned his courage, yet lacks brains; The Scarecrow has a razor-sharp wit, yet in all other ways lacks a heart; The Tinman has a heart, but lacks courage and is very shy in the face of love. It's little tweaks like this that really made this game unique and its characters quite endearing to me.

Relationships are built slowly and, for the most part, blindly (there are no heart gauges or affection menus), letting you get to know the characters like you're peeling the layers off of an onion (or a cake, or a parfait!), until you reach their rich, nougaty center. (Why does this onion have a nougat center? What has happened here?)

Sunday is the only day of the week that the mafia famiglie agree on a strictly imposed peace (violations punishable by death in some cases), and allow you to visit with a character of your choice in order to build your relationship. I started off picking Caesar whenever possible, apparently because I have a predilection for things like Hybristophilia and Stockholm Syndrome. JKlulz ~ I just really really love tsundere characters, and what can be more tsun tsun than a guy who's literally trying to kill you, amirite? (sigh) Courting the literal Big Bad Wolf on the Sunday Compromise starts out as an exercise in futility. Over the weeks that you visit him every Sunday, there certainly were moments that I doubted that the appeals to Caesar's humanity would prove fruitful, as they must, considering he's like a viable romanceable character, but I was rewarded in the end for my foolhardy persistence. That being said, I could totally see how a bad ending would be possible if you weren't thorough enough with your good choices. My advice, as always, is to quick save at the choice and wait for the affirming "ding". Without playing the other routes, I just felt like you walk a very, very fine line between love and impending doom in this route, Caesar sometimes playing the caged animal peering out from between the bars all too well. On the other hand, once you've won him over completely, he's fiercely loyal and unarmingly sweet, though still a blustering, self-important tsundere character, no matter what anyone says, huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf should.

In short, Ozmafia!! is a well-designed, beautiful otome experience that both rookies and veterans alike would enjoy, as well as fans of fairy tales, manga, and anime.
Đăng ngày 1 Tháng 05, 2016.
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57.4 giờ được ghi nhận (55.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
10/10 would bone pets again
Đăng ngày 31 Tháng 12, 2015. Sửa lần cuối vào 20 Tháng 02, 2019.
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