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Recent reviews by Mokti

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153.9 hrs on record (150.2 hrs at review time)
Fun, quirky, filled with plenty of game modes (watch out for the microstransactions in the Android version, though) and a Zen Garden that I love watering, my only regret is the lack of the Thriller Zombie, which was patched out after threats from the Jackson Estate. Bleh.

I do much prefer this game to the Android version which hides all its game modes behind a coinwall and it's microstransaction-heavy sequel.
Posted 16 February, 2016.
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33.3 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
Challenging, even on easy mode, FTL is a fun resource management/race-against-time game that puts you at the helm of a scout ship trying to warn your people about IMPENDING DOOM... an unstoppable fleet of pirates who have one helluva mothership. As you race from node to node gathering material, crew, and weapons, you are put in charge of customizing your ship and training your crew to battle both the onrushing hordes and the other not-so-friendly lifeforms in your sector of space.

I got quite a kick out of FTL, first mastering the easymode then going onto the much harder NORMAL setting. Sure, it wore thin after a while, but I got quite a few playthroughs before my interest began to wane. While I don't come back to it much anymore, I find myself remembering it fondly.
Posted 17 January, 2014.
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