Vigneshs87 1 Mar, 2021 @ 12:34am 
Added to discuss a trade for Blur.
ReflexAlex 15 Feb, 2021 @ 11:39am 
my guy, i've sent you an offer on dm..
jumphil 11 Feb, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
Hi, ich hab gerade dein Angebot bei Steamtrades gefunden. Ich würde dir Blur echt gerne abkaufen für meine persönliche Sammlung. Ich weiß nicht wie viel es "wert" ist, wie wäre es mit 150€? Bin natürlich offen fürs verhandeln. LG
Gixanix 9 Feb, 2021 @ 10:23am 
Added for trade :)
resnick 9 Feb, 2021 @ 9:48am 
Added for trade
Tomex 14 Mar, 2014 @ 9:51am 
Hey, can you add me? I need ask you something for HUD
Relax you are doing fine! 10 Mar, 2014 @ 6:56am 
Hey grate disainer, if you can leave your comments to my work, for me it is important, ty
Mr. Fancypants 16 Feb, 2014 @ 8:48am 
Hey me and a friend are going to work on a new tf2 map and i would be honord if we could use your tf2 ww2 props for it. Would you have any objection if we do so?
WildBeλ³st 11 Jan, 2014 @ 11:22am 
Adding you with a business idea.
a skeleton 3 Jan, 2014 @ 12:32pm 
Hey there man, just wondering how you got the #Spring2014 tag on to your item.
Boblet 30 Dec, 2013 @ 4:02am 
Great HUDs :sfsmug:
Syndeon 22 Dec, 2013 @ 9:44am 
Problem with your HUD : Familiar Woods.

Hi, I just bought your HUD.

I saw that there are 2 stiles, the one with Woods and another with the Shagbark.

When you apply Shagbark's ones the preview image it's broken, it doesn't show the original one.

It only works with the style : Woods.
zapadenec Trade Banned 22 Dec, 2013 @ 6:01am 
Hey Markus, i got small idea for new HUD, can u pls create skin, witch was at start of Dota 2, it was so cute and I'd like to use it.
P.S: your HUDs best :P
Moerrrb 21 Dec, 2013 @ 10:41am 
Thanks for the notice. Lots of HUDs currently have problems with the minimap on the right side. I hope i'm able to fix this for all of my HUDs in the near future without having to change the default look too much.
Pimpin Pippin 21 Dec, 2013 @ 8:36am 
The Golden Treasures has a bug with the "minimap on right side", the big golden scepter is clipped/cut in half. Can you please fix it? It looks very defective :(
为什么 6 Dec, 2013 @ 3:32am 
Hey, ich habe eine Frage bezüglich deines Blogs und den von dir erstellen Models im Style des WW2. :)
Kid Named Cu Den 3 Nov, 2013 @ 6:20pm 
Hey, how come I can't see the Armory HUD anymore? Did it get deleted?
✔ FalcσŋεяO 28 Oct, 2013 @ 5:02pm 


:d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter: :d2tidehunter:
DOLGs SIDE-O CHESTO 17 Oct, 2013 @ 1:38am 
hate you
Papa Liam 14 Oct, 2013 @ 8:56am 
Ah, yes. The stanley parable demo. Did you know you can also get the achivement by putting the cup on the littlesupport beams on the roof?
Llama 9 Oct, 2013 @ 11:01pm 
I have a brilliant idea for a hud! But i am not good enough at graphic designing, Would really want to share this idea with you!
anthophila 9 Oct, 2013 @ 12:25pm 
Hey dude, I am starting in making HUD's. Can u give some useful information?
Izvinite 9 Oct, 2013 @ 11:17am 
hey man i want ask i buy jungel ruin HUD can change backgraund to?
VTY 8 Oct, 2013 @ 2:10am 
xaaxxaxaxa good
SoldierBoy 6 Oct, 2013 @ 11:56pm 
AWESOME Hud's! I will surely buy HUD - The Armory. :3
FLOOPtRON 5 Oct, 2013 @ 2:48am 
Hi! Please add me, i have a copule of questions about your map and possible collaboration. Thank you.
Lucifer恶魔 26 Sep, 2013 @ 4:31pm 
Really nice HUD's.
NGTwins26♪ 21 Sep, 2013 @ 10:26pm 
trade for the taunt set?

Bulwark ♪ 17 Sep, 2013 @ 2:13pm 
You've got the best HUDS out there man, keep it up and I'll keep buying them!
Trent Reznov 17 Sep, 2013 @ 1:40pm 
your Dota HUDs are amazing :heart:
TearsOfPirates 17 Sep, 2013 @ 8:11am 
Keep up with the good work of your DotA 2 HUDs! :D:
Andy 11 Sep, 2013 @ 4:09am 
Hi! I'm doing some HUDs as well, and I'd like to ask some questions. Add me if you're interested, thanks for your time! :)
SUNSfan 24 Jul, 2013 @ 4:01pm 
Hi there this is SUNSfan from DotaCinema. I have a proposal for you. Please accept my friend request :)
Endrit 24 Jul, 2013 @ 3:23pm 
Hey man would you mind adding me for a few questions? i can pay you!
Joueur qui a peur 5 Jul, 2013 @ 3:06pm 
Hey, i'am doing a hud and i added you some some tips from the king of hud :) Would really appreciate if you accept to help me a bit
william 25 Jun, 2013 @ 5:57am 
Thanks man, appreciate it :)
Moerrrb 25 Jun, 2013 @ 5:55am 
yea the test part of the importer is somewhat buggy.
But there is also another way to test the hud.

Just add "-override_vpk" to the launch options of dota2. Rename your exported hud folder to "default" and copy it to "../resource/flash3/images/hud_skins/" in your dota folder.
Now you have to rename the 3 light pngs in the "inventory" folder of your hud from "light_right_4_3.png" to "light_4_3.png" and so on. (i guess that's the reason why it's not working with the importer).
Now if you play or watch a game the default hud should be replaced by your files.
Sometimes you have to select the default hud in the shared content tab again so it shows up.
william 25 Jun, 2013 @ 5:23am 
Woops, accidently added you, I just wanted to ask you a question about HUDS, if you have any idea why the lights on the right side don't show up on a test?

Love your work btw
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 20 Jun, 2013 @ 10:42am 

为什么 19 Jun, 2013 @ 1:21pm 
könntest du bitte meine Anfrage akzeptieren?
Will mit dir über die WW2 Models bei TF2 schnacken, einige, wie .zB die Tür haben nämlich darstellungs Fehler. Von der Seite sind sie z.B nicht, oder schlecht sichtbar! :)
DeeRanger 1 Jun, 2013 @ 3:45am 
Thanks for the feedback. I really liked your work, but this thing quite disappointed me. Good to know this is gonna be fixed :)
Moerrrb 1 Jun, 2013 @ 3:26am 
Hi. thanks for letting me know. I noticed it too. i guess they missed a file. Sadly there's nothing i can do at the moment but it will surely be fixed sooner or later. There will also be an update adding visuals to the stash part of the HUD and other small changes.
DeeRanger 1 Jun, 2013 @ 2:56am 
Here's the screenshot:
DeeRanger 1 Jun, 2013 @ 2:53am 
Hello, just got your jungle-themed HUD. It seems bugged for me, can't see the day/night graphical rotation in the top of the screen. Please, look into this.
xB33 30 May, 2013 @ 8:13am 
Hello sir, I want to ask how are you making those HUDs? Do you draw it or you use some moddeling and sculpting software?
𖤐Locked𖤐 26 May, 2013 @ 9:45am 
Hello dear, Where u guys get icon like that? its really cool :O
Parideis 25 May, 2013 @ 12:29pm 
Das sind aber nicht nur die 3, sondern daraufhin will er noch inventory/light_right_4_3.png und ab da habe ich aufgehört neue leere datein zu machen xD
Sag mir dann bitte bescheid, wenn Du etwas von neuen Templates erfährst, Danke ! :)
Parideis 25 May, 2013 @ 10:49am 
Hallo, wollte heute meinen frisch gemachten HUD hochladen und nun sagt er mir, dass noch weitere neue Bilderdatein wie "inventory/stash_active_lower.png" fehlen, obwohl ich die neuste Dateivorlagen verwende. (24.04.13) Ich hoffe Du kannst mir helfen.
all dogs go to heaven 13 May, 2013 @ 8:05am 
i have question
SemaTheCat 13 May, 2013 @ 6:41am 
nice hud