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Ulasan terkini oleh Black Smilodon

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Tercatat 24.1 jam
Crossfire Legion is fun. It has a lot of potential too. Great game, cool concept. ONLY sucky part is the lack of community. The RTS genre of gamers needs to come back to one game. We ruled in the 90s and we must rule agin. PC is our console. Just need to FIND THAT game.
Diposting pada 3 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 76.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 73.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
Started this game in its early alpha and enjoyed it a lot. Final Stand comes out and I'm excited for a campaign just to be able to get some lore.

Well on mission two when trying to load in the game just stops. No reason just stops and leaves me stuck at a loading screen with no audio and it wont close. I had to task manager to get out after waiting an hour.
Diposting pada 5 Juni 2023.
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Pengembang telah menanggapi pada 14 Sep 2023 @ 11:59pm (lihat tanggapan)
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Tercatat 37.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
So my negative review is not game play so much as it is the community and some game issues.

The Community:
Bit of back story i bought this for multiplayer purposes and to have fun with others in the community.

1) If you plan to play multiplayer games be prepared for at least 75% of the games to be password locked. These people are getting online to play with their friends alone. I understand playing with your friends and wanting that but its a multiplayer game lobby and honestly is rather boring that the community is 75% doing this. Yes I understand i am complaining about people excluding others I really do not care because honestly the games are boring and makes the online life of this game nearly impossible. Now you may be thinking there's 25% left well not true. of that 25% they are hosts who will do comp stomps, play with their friends only in unlocked lobbies, and finally the games that never launch because the host goes afk. So there is really only at best 10% of games available to play and you have to be interested in those games.

Essentially this community is the most garbage I've ever seen and I've been playing disc based multiplayer games since yahoo games had servers for SWGB and other hot titles back in 2003.

This games only chance of surviving is if either A) private lobbies are removed which i dont want to happen at all so not an option or B) the community decides they will start playing with randoms and risk their asses in an open match.

As for the core game itself it is great feels awesome great audio and i still love my ottomans and their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cannons.

Mechanical issues wise the game crashes ALOT and at random times, you could be mid match and everything is fine and boom your out, lobby launch your out, etc etc along with some sluggishness once in a while.

If you want this for single player content do it dont hesitate buy this game now

if its multiplayer then be prepared to sit here for an hour in lobby at the chance of maybe getting a game that lasts half an hour.
Diposting pada 17 Oktober 2020.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
The Tyranid expansion brings with it all the power and horror of the faction that you know of, whether you play only the games, read the books, or are a table top player this expansion does the Tyranids justice to the monsters that they really are.
Base: Tyranid bases are simple and effective much like the species itself. Nothing is wasted and resources are cut down into only 3 major categories (5 if we include loyalty and population)
Biomass: This resource is instantly collected from a tile when you expand your hive, it is not a boosted percentage but rather a base amount. You can though build structuresthat will produce biomass to further propogate your army. The structures used for both military and resource production though do have an upkeep charge which is influence (Purple Resource)
Research was the easiest to keep up. I'm currently in a game where I have Tier 9 research being completed in 3 turns, no sweat.
Influence was also really easy to keep up.
Most of the time when im building a tyranid hive (I have 5 of them in my current game) I will rotate the extra tiles as follows: Biomass, Influence, Military Structure . If my research needs a boost ill then swap out the influence for research and if im needing to increase loyalty or population ill swap out placing a military structure i need aswell.
The reason being the base for the Tyranids is so simple though is because the army management is a whole lot harder.
Like in the lore most TYranids require a synaptic link to major Tyranid Creature to function at full strength, when lacking this link the smaller creatures of the Tyranid army begin to lose 10% moral each turn, larger monsters such as carnifex lose hitpoints each turn, and tyranofex will lose movement speed. THe only way to stem this loss is with building hero units or Tyranid Warriors, Hero Units like th Hive Tyrant are the most effective as one of their passive abilities to choose from is a increase in their synaptic radius and a boon to increasing loyalty to your hives as well. The off set to this however is that Tyrants are EXPENSIVE so usually you will be fielding about 4 or 5 Tyranid Primes which have a synaptic distance of 1 tile all around them. THey will be used for command small engagment forces while the tyrants will lead the bulk of your armies.
Its a hard balancing act sometimes though as the further you spread out the more Heroes and Synaptic Tyrnids you need. I have supplemented them with Tyranid Warriors but this isnt effective as Tyranid Warriors are extremely weak compared to the hero units.

All in all this update is fantatstic im a bit biased as my two favorite factions in Warhammer 40K are Chaos and Tyranids BUT none the less they did this faction justice. Worth the 16.23 i spent.
Diposting pada 16 Januari 2019.
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Tercatat 20.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Im recommending the game due to the fact it still has a great south park narrative and feel. plus it is fun.
im not happy with quite a few aspects of it. for one thing when i first started the game up i got the black screen, luckily a restart of the game fixed it for me, but the issue i am having is the lag on audio to the actual in game mouth movements. it takes the narrative and just throws it against the wall or worse has you missing punch lines in joke. idk if this is soley my issue but its one that greatly brakes the game.
Diposting pada 17 Oktober 2017.
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Tercatat 57.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
So now that they fixed a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ patch to get the game running i will write my review.
im a long time player of this game, and when i say long time i was in middle school or elementary school when i first played this game and from there i played on the online zone community and gamespy community up until college which was 4 yrs ago so literally ive been plaything this game for almost two decades now.
this game is by no means a remastering or a new games its simply a bringing back of what is still in my opinion the best star wars themed RTS game in existence, having also played the Empire at War Game.
The faction units have different models though unit types are the same but its 3rd techand 4th tech tree where faction uniquity starts to show and you being to develop better units for the factions Ex: Tech 4 Empire gets awesome mech upgrades that even allow their AT-ATs to attack air units BUT Tech 4 Rebel Allience also gets a counter upgrade to this that being their Snow Speeders get bonus damage to AT-ATs AND they can dodge most of their air attacks.
point is if you hvant played this before and dont mind playing old school games with old graphics i recommend buying this. A physical disc version usually costs around 40bucks and the digital is 5.99 WITH the DLC.
if Steam begins to support a online community for it this game can explode again. Back i nthe day there were some pretty cool Maps made by people too. World Blood, Galactic City Cuilder, Galactic Senate, Mech Wars, Trooper Wars, Turret Defence Games the lsit goes on and on.
People give this game a chance its only 5.99 and if it gets big again i bet steam will make more of this happen.
I literally logged like over 1000hrs into this game online btw so its clearly worth becuase i havnt logged anything clsoe to that many hours in recent games.
Diposting pada 20 April 2016.
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Tercatat 38.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
So i bought this game with the hope of finally getting a great CB, Sandbox, game in a sci fi theme other thans civs BE.
sadly i started up the game and immediately noticed a horrible framerate drop.
i have a GeForceGTX 860M graphics card and even on low settings the game was still noticably having framerate drops.
i immediately refunded the game as one of the point i purchased this game was cause it looked GORGEOUS but if i can enjoy the graphics then well i dont think i can go much firther wit hthe game as its just a CB so graphics are kinda the carry of these types of games.
im down voting it for that reason not on gameplay or anything just that the requirments are not accurate to what is needed and i feel kinda cheated now.
Diposting pada 3 November 2015.
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Tercatat 0.8 jam
so i was told this was a great game. was really excited as i dont normally play many Final Fantasy games and to be honest i don't much care for JRPGs.
I get past the 30min intro which bugs me a tad as it was just this stupid kid dying the whole damn time and boom. The Frame Rate is GARBAGE! i mean my mass effect runs smoother than this piece of trash does. i cannot believe this crap runs like this. anyways i wont play it any further and ive already requested a refund. i refuse to play a game that looks like a slide show is happening every second.
Diposting pada 18 Agustus 2015.
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Tercatat 1.2 jam
probably would be a great game to play. if the overhelming problem wasnt tht it goes straight to a blac kscreen right after the tutorial.
paid money for a broken game. also says my graphics card is not good enough to run this game. I have a NIVIDA GTX 860M and can play all newer games on ultra just fine. Skip this game and dont purcahse it. not worth the waste of money. and there is no help in forums either.
Diposting pada 3 Januari 2015.
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Tercatat 42.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 36.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
So i started playing this game off and on during its earliest os starting. i mean literally from the time this game has started till nnow im i have had this game and i can say without a day that this game has LOST all of its potential thanks to Admins, Updates, Favoritism, and other bull alike, but the worst part being that there is almost no more USA players in this game now. i deleted the game off my library and my computer since it sat there taking up space. i also had bought $50 worth of content. huge waste. SKip this game and dont bother with it free or not you will literally regret that they didnt pay you to play this game.
Diposting pada 14 Desember 2014.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 10 kiriman