
miapoet 最近的评测

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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 1.5 小时
I don't usually leave Steam reviews, but I wanted to give some insight for those D&D and/or CRPG hesitating on purchasing this:

There are three central features so far that have bugged me.

1) The janky movement. Holding down left click for even a fraction of a second longer than a quick click causes you to highlight rather than move. It makes pathing tedious and annoying.
2) Grammar issues. There are missing periods and commas all over the place, and there are sentences that make little to no sense due to their syntax and word choice.
3) This might be an odd little niche, but there are lots of dead ends without doors or ways out. It breaks a lot of immersion for me when I'm in a tutorial cave and there are no visible ways out.

While these are relatively minor things, they broke my interest in the game within the first thirty minutes (the first hour was spent in character creation).

That all being said, there are lots of wonderful aspects about the game as well. Character creation is amazing so far. The menu screens and UI are easy and intuitive. The voice acting feels well done despite being slightly awkward at times.

I would only recommend this game to those who want to support the developers in the process because I am sure this game will be phenomenal on release. But, if you are looking for a fun CRPG that uses 5th edition rules with polish and smooth playability, this game isn't there as of the time of my review.
发布于 2021 年 3 月 2 日。
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