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4.6 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Welcome to the railroad
Posted 11 February, 2022.
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17.6 hrs on record
The game is great but to be honest... the cops are just plain annoying. Chases aren't fun, crashing cops isn't fun , and mission including cops isn't fun... it's nothing but a majorly annoying inconvenience.

Paired with a gamebreaking bug that forced me to kill the games process twice- , ironically a mission in which one has to crash a cop, which who knew was nothing but an annoying drag,- this game is just not good in my eyes... I prefer good old underground anyday over this :P
Posted 10 December, 2021.
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5.2 hrs on record
Egal wie oft ich es probiere mich anzupassen um dieses spiel zu moegen ... es sieht einfach schlecht aus, spielt sich schlecht und hat keinen charme mehr wie die alten teile ... es macht einfach keinen spaß und mehr als 5 stunden ertrag ich nicht , da spiele ich sehr viel lieber das Originale crusader, leider das letzte gescheite spiel der reihe =/
Posted 5 December, 2021.
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37.2 hrs on record (31.4 hrs at review time)
I've tried it so many times to enjoy this game... but I run into issue after issue everytime , and many of those are prettymuch gamebreaking. It has so much potential but I just keep running into roadblocks over and over...

I work hours on a building, gamecrash all lost.

I work hours on a building and let them build it... suddenly 2 blocks red out of nowhere shortly before they were done, nothing can be done about it and building is never finished.

AI often doing whatever it wants and not what was ordered .

for a game about building the building system is just painful and unflexible, it is so much easier to just build into a mountain.

I wish I could enjoy this game... I tried it like 12 times already , but every single time ended with gamebreaking issues that just caused me to quit :/ So many nice things this game has to offer ruined by a handful of mechanics... it's painful.
Posted 24 September, 2021.
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0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Game is literally not working at all...

No singleplayer... trying to create a normal game for myself makes the game be stuck on "loading server" forever... trying to close the game caused a "deadlock" that prevented the game from closing until I was forced to restart my machine. This is unacceptable.

I've been just sitting in the Menu to write this review :P So I would say from my experience... Do not buy.
Posted 23 January, 2021.
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0.2 hrs on record
Ich habe dieses Game in einem Bundle erhalten und wollte es wegen dem angeblichen 3D sound mal testen... Ich muss sagen was das angeht klingt das spiel jedenfalls fuer meine Ohren schlecht... Das ganze "binaurale" gequatsche ist hoechst unkomfortabel und wurde auch von mir nach sehr kurzer Zeit abgeschaltet. Spannung kam keine auf und die konstanten erzwungenen zwischensequenzen die man nichtmals ueberspringen kann sind einfach nur laestig... Dazu kommen gescriptete Events die man schon zig mal gesehen hat und welche 0 Spannung oder interesse wecken, es wirkt alles extrem aufgezwungen und unwillkommen...

Nach kurzer Zeit runtergeschmissen und auf meine " Nicht anruehren " Liste gepackt . fuer mich war es fast unertraeglich.

Posted 28 September, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.6 hrs on record
Very short but very enjoyable and thematic Game. Great visuals and sound design , good Puzzles and overall enjoyable.
It's a pretty short experience but for these kind of games that's usually not too much of a bad thing. No grinding or filling and it feelably never overstays its welcome , hence I actually prefer its short gameplay time.

Like a Good meal with barely any fillers~
Posted 18 September, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.3 hrs on record
Short but very enjoyable and thematic Puzzler~ Sometimes dark, sometimes a bit disturbing in just the right amount and overall has very fitting and immersive scenerys . In my playtime I've only experienced a single issue which was solveable by skipping the minigame, but I didn't miss out on much.

For people that have a Knack for these kind of games and those that like to be immersed for a couple hours I can really suggest to give it a try.
Posted 17 September, 2020.
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3.5 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
99.99% realism .
0.01% Fun.

I think that's suitable for a review. Unless people enjoy that kind of stuff this "game" is just a pure nightmare to play... clunky controls, clunky aiming , clunky vehicle controls , annoying damage system , feelably cheating ai, getting stuck everywhere, awkward feeling gunplay and the performance and graphics are just... well... bad.
I bought it to play with a friend... but it's so horrible that I can't even get myself to play it even if it would be with said friend... it just feels that bad to me.

Some might enjoy this...which I can't understand why ... but for me this game has absolutely no redeeming qualities or values... would have prefered to watch movies on Amazon prime or something than waste money on hot air like this ,

I can't understand why or how people enjoy this or how this got so many good reviews... but I guess everybody has his/her own tastes... For me personally it's been one of the if not the worst game experiences I've had since quite a while.

But atleast I can say that I tried ... for a friends sake... doesn't give me my money back though.
Posted 8 August, 2020.
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2.3 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
I've played a while and tried it sevral times to get into this game but it's just so damn slow... Continously the lings or w/e they are called just seemed to do anything but what they were supposed to do and after my third or fourth try to get into it I managed to seemingly make them craft a workbench and a single stonebrick. This games AI just doesn't make any sense to me... I usually love games like this especially isometric ones but this...
Not to mention that the buildings menu is a mess... House A and House B aswell as House C... workbenches in the same category as axes etc.pp... the whole UI just felt like a mess to me.

Anyway ... I wanted to like it, I tried to like it ... but after roughly 25 minutes of honestly trying I deinstalled it and don't even feel like touching it anymore.

Maybe I've done something wrong, or not, but yeah... I sadly can't recommend it.

Some notes for the developer (if they are even read) :

1. This game has lots of potential... so here a few well meant tips : Overwork the UI , make a seperate window for workbenches and seperate many things out... make it way easier to keep track of... in addition please properly sort the houses and make it clearly visible what they need ... also give them proper names , "house A , House B" etc. just sounds so friken cheap and low effort that it isn't even funny :/ Add a "living " tab for houses and maybe a "production" tab with the warehouse etc. pp.

2. Another important thing would be to add ressource bars for the most crucial ressources so one doesn't always has to check the storage or gets surprised by low amounts of building materials which always happened to me.

3. Add an AI "ordering" system for lings or generally overwork the AI ... Allow people to set task priorities or outright ban tasks for some lings .. for example 1: Craft 2: gather 3: Haul etc.pp ... make it easily manageable and also add the ability to directly influence them atleast a tiny bit ... A Lumberjack / or any ling really with a crafting order should prioritize said crafting order and make sure to gather ressources to fullfill that crafting order... not headlessly run around like a headless chicken doing everything but crafting that damn plank for days on end sometimes.

4. Make the whole "diplomacy" system less invasive... Directly getting contracts here and a contract there so early in the game just highly confuses people especially if one of the races for some reason suddenly declares war ... it makes the whole system feel like a jumbled mess and invasive/pushy instead of helpful or fun.

5. overwork road placing - Roads should be able to connect to other roads flawlessly ... if 2 roads are built seperately they seemingly cannot merge which always left a spot of grass left in my case which was highly annoying... add an option to make close roads like that automatically merge together or allow placing road tiles inbetween two roads to "connect" them into one road.

6. building placement system - Allow placing "blueprints" and allow the creation of buildings to be cancelled... most definately work on the ressource issues... lings seemingly always picked ressources and brought it to the building within a fixed order ... if the recipe shows 5 wood 6 stones 10 rooftiles they would first bring 5 wood, then 6 stones , then 10 rooftiles instead of going for the fastest route and just placing everything at once... even had it happen that i had enough rooftiles but lacked a stonebrick so the whole thing came to a halt cause they first had to create said stonebrick which also took way too long and I didn't even notice it as I wasn't even notified , noticed it considerably later as the building still wasn't finished despite seemingly having enough ressources....

7. Overwork the building "ai" ... see point 6 , in addition to that I often had it happen that a ling was carrying some ressources to a building site that already were carried there so they ended up turning around once another one already placed that ressource into the building and the needed quantity for said building was reached... this was really irritating... one idea coming to mind would be a global reserved variable ... lings can " opt in" to that variable let's say temphouse1.wood and "reserve" a space in said variable. if it needs 5 wood it has 5 spots and lings can say " i wanna do that" and reserve a spot starting to haul it there ... that way other lings know " ah.. that variable is full, means wood is being carried there!"... add a timer to it so if it isn't carried there within so and so many seconds someone else takes over...

PS: I'm not a programmer, that's just a spontaneous idea, if it works Idk.

8. Don't make it start in the dark at night and make it easier to illuminate the place... I really can't see ♥♥♥♥ everytime I try starting a game ....

9. And just a quickie - Add better notifications ... makes it visible that something is missing with an uninvasive popup or maybe if stocks are getting low or if there's an issue, people will thank you for that.

There are many more nitpicks I have but those are the ones that spontaneously come to mind... I really hope this game goes places .

Posted 6 May, 2020. Last edited 16 May, 2020.
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