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134.1 hrs on record (30.3 hrs at review time)
Basically it's the same as KCD1 just better in every possible way: dialogs are better, plot is deeper, animations are better, combat is smooth, performance is great, haven't met any bugs as of yet.
If you like the first one, you will definitely like this part. If you have never played KCD1 - better to start with KCD2 as it will tell you anything you could have missed, but you will have a much better time.
Definitely is worth it's money and all the praises it received
Posted 14 February.
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247.2 hrs on record (209.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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302.4 hrs on record (301.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game will teach you how to worship Odin. sail the seas and pillage the draugr villages
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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2.8 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
If you like cats you will definitely like this
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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29.7 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Good one, more info after some more playtime. A solid adventure with a turn-based combat
Posted 29 October, 2021. Last edited 25 November, 2021.
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161.5 hrs on record
Ok, so now when I have finished the game I can say that it great and I will definitely remember it.
Yes, it's unpolished, to say the least, but it's so much more than your average open-world game of late.
Let's start with the bad things:
- cops appearing behind your back and crime system is laughable
- vehicle handling is horrible without mods
- leveling and RPG elements are super bland and most skills just add some percents to something you already have and don't give you anything interesting to play with
- chrome is mostly boring and strictly optional (there are some rare exceptions though). also, it looks like some of the implants were yanked from the release and stitched in an extreme hurry
- minor quests (named gigs) look like placeholders for something much better which devs didn't manage to get ready in time

Now the good things and the reason this game is still great:
- absolutely stunning main story with living and breathing characters. Keanu has really outdone himself and I now like his Jonny Silverhand more than even Neo or John Wick. Other characters are not far behind - Goro Takemura looks like he just came here from a Kurosawa movie, Panam Palmer is a really strong leader but at the same time a beautiful and caring woman, River Ward is a hard-ass detective from a noir movie. I can go on and on but you probably get the idea.
Hell, sometimes the main story made me happy or sad or both at the same time.
- secondary quests (ones for the main and side characters) have a decent script and are intertwined with the main story and in a good way. Even not counting the "companion" quests they are pretty good. Without any major spoilers - during the ending scene of the second Peralez quest just look on the balcony overlooking the bench you will meet him on. Then scan and remember the guys there and note the guy near the very end of Johny/Rogue path of the main story. And there are tons of details like this.
- the city is looking great and you can see how much work went into it. Yeah, it's not the liveliest one if you travel in it for long, but most of the time I didn't use fast travel because I liked riding through Night City especially at night (which seems logical).
- the world is an authentic cyberpunk world where the main character cares only for himself and his friends and is not trying to save the world at any point. On the contrary - sometimes the main character even creates new conflicts in the world by following his/her interests.
And it's all like that - a true cyberpunk world with dirty megabuildings where people live in small cages of rooms that are standing next to luxury apartments and corpo towers.

So all and all the game is a must play especially if you like true cyberpunk worlds and you can just skip the leveling and open-world quests/gigs and go straight to the main story and major sidequests for important characters.
Other than that it looks rushed and most of the issues the gamers are mad about come from this.
This game really needs some more love from the devs and modding community to make it better, but the foundation is already here and it's already more than worth its buck.

"Haven't forgotten a thing. Never will" (c) Jonny Silverhand
Posted 13 March, 2021.
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3.5 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Could not go far as the graphic settings won't save at all

Well some time have passed and I stumbled on this demo again. Now I was able able to set up everything and the game is actually pretty nice. It is not the Gothic in many aspects but I would definitely buy and play this game if it would ever be released in a full version
Posted 14 December, 2019. Last edited 25 February, 2021.
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58.9 hrs on record
A cute and funny game with a little bit of everything
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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1.9 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
The most loveable classic game ever
Posted 28 June, 2019.
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58.3 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
The best detective game ever, unfortunately also very unapressiated by the press and players. Sorry Team Bondi, you were too good for this world
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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