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49.4 ώρες συνολικά (46.6 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
EDIT on May 2018 : NOT RECOMMENDED !!! Game is dead & abandoned by devs & servers are closed. DON'T BUY ! *this is what we get for 1st year anniversary > a grave ; Rest in peace*

You can still the review below IF you are interested about this game.

Though I like the game and I admit I got it for free, it has it's faults and the devs, too. I won't bring that everybody wanted to be Chivalry 2, but SURELY nobody wanted another f u cking Deadliest Warrior. Because this game is more Deadliest Warrior than Chivalry.

Not to mention, when they gave this game for free for 24h, they did a major, MAJOR mistake. Servers were bugged, no XP showing or items receiving *people thought that they don't receive anything*, but the greatest of them all, tutorials disabled because they didn't have the server-power to maintain it.

Now, let me put it like this...not everybody is a 10 to 20 years gamer that played FPS-games half of this time. There were people who installed the game, very casual players, mature, maybe married couples. And what happened ? They couldn't learn how to play the game, nor to figure it out how to do it, they joined a server and got "mass-ra ped" by other veterans and excited kids. Of course they unistalled the game after 2 minutes. I consider this to be, the biggest mistake of Torn Banner.

Now, from my point of view, the game is fun but classes are very unbalanced. Look at Tauren for example : the greatest weapon dmg, the greatest weapon reach, not slow at all, actually he attacks very fast, the biggest health pool, what else... ? Oh, the class that with 2 buttons, 2 spells at any given time, it's instant kill for the others ! Fu ck me, that sounds gorgeous ! It's like a vanguard from Chivalry with the speed of man at arms and health of a knight. And you get to play on the servers, only to see noob-taurens who press Q and E and get instant kill for them. And this is only one example...

Team Objective mode is a joke, compared to Chivalry's. Capture A, capture B, re-capture A, re-capture B, push a stupid cart into enemy base. That's all you can get from this mode, a mode that polished Chivalry into such a great game ! Where is the story-mode of all this ? Chivalry's maps had each a story of it's own !!!
Though map design is a very cool one, and very pleasing to the eye in terms of graphics and art, it is getting very, very repetitive. And the map pool is very small, something like, 4-5 maps per each mode.

Not to mention, I don't feel motivated to buy their special edition *though I considered it* because, they didn't fix any of the bugs there are, and there are plenty. Since I got the game, they deployed a single patch, one, giving dedicating servers. I have a cosmetic *long hair* for Vypress that, when I enable, she is bald in the game, both in my view and on other player's view. It's a big difference from long hair to bald, I like to believe. And YES it may sound childish, but I care on how I look on the battlefield ! :P

IF a simple bug like this they can't fix, why should I pay them money for ?

Also, you should ask yourself, if they praise they "sold" 1 million copies during the free-sale, and now there are only 30-40 active players in the week-time, and 60 to maybe 100 in the weekends ; only 100 active out of 1 million...ask yourself how good this game is.

To conclude, with all that have been said, I still like this game and I wish to play it, and I would like to see it growing. The player base is low, and seems to get lower and lower, and Torn Banner isn't doing a thing, they seem to have abandoned it *at least from the development point of view*. Maybe they should try a "Heroes of the Storm 2.0" tactic to bring the players back, if you guys know what I mean. I doubt it will happen, but I hope...

...Meanwhile, my Vypress will sharpen her blades...
Αναρτήθηκε 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2018. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 29 Μαΐου 2018.
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8 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
28.6 ώρες συνολικά (6.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
It's a really big shame what this game has become, considering it was my favorite FPS from 2008-2012, even took the place of my beloved Counter-Strike which I am playing since I touched the PC first time somewhere in the late 90's.

I do not recommend this game anymore, for the following reason : it's pretty much dead *and more below*. Yes, there are a few servers still running (private ones, not valve servers), but a lot of them are filled with bots and fake players (spectators that never play), so if you see a server that has 20/32 players...it's most likely it's only half of the numbers, actual players. I already tested severals servers and it's like this (at least for Europe, as I tested the servers under 100 ping, as I do not wish or recommend to play on servers above 100 ping).

Now, people say and claim on forums that this game is very much alive, especially during weekends. This MAY be true *during weekends*. But, and there is a big BUT, unfortunately, this game is no longer the same game I have played from 2008-2012. I mean, the game is the same in terms of engine/ graphics/ mechanics, but the player base and rules have changed. Yea, there is a big clusterf uck now, as you have to argue with every admin on the server, for some of the following reasons ::
1. either you don't obey their silly "server-rules" like, for example, you camp under capture point (but let's make it clear, capturing in 2 seconds and staying 1 second more is considered camping !!) and it seems that on every server, admins forbid it, AND
2. they simply don't like you, either you are too good or too bad, or they desire your class which you have taken and they will kick you, as simple as that ! I once played as sniper and the admin wanted my class, and said that I should get into rifleman, I said "I don't want to be rifleman, I suck with M1 Garand" but in the end I surrendered the class to him and took the assault and I got kicked 10 seconds afterwards...
Or after playing 30 minutes, trying to win for your side, they command you to switch sides. And if you don't obey in like, 10 seconds, bam KICK.
Very roughly put, you have to lick the a ss of the admin for a nice time on his server.
And to be honest, considering DoDs player count as it is now, admins should be much more forgiveful, especially towards new players. I am veteran and I am used being kicked for either breaking the rules or just because I upset the admin, but new players aren't. Most of the times, admins won't even tell you in english, most private servers are french and german ones, and they speak their native language. I hope you have learned them in school, in order to understand what "his majestic commands" are. I can really expand this list of, unfair kick motives, but this review will get the size of a book and nobody wants to read a book in a review. I already feel it's too much written.

And in conclusion, we have also the player-motive. Most of the players nowadays in DoDs are mature to very mature (that's a plus, really not many kids here), but the thing is...these players come in the game to blow some steam, or better said, to chat a lot and have "fun", but in my book, that is equal to troll a lot (like playing only bazookas and camp in a certain point all the round just to get a flashy 2 kills and then laugh after in microphone). They really spam the microphone non-stop, with things unrelevant to the game, and DoDs has the shi tty not-updated codecs from "source 1 episode 1" engine, the quality is really shi t, you hear a lot of bass and gain and boost, most of the times you won't even understand what they are saying, it's just a big noise and mess. But I jumped a little off-point, the thing that I really hate about the players in DoDs nowadays, is like I said above, they play to troll a lot and they really don't want, or even TRY, to win the game. On several occasions I found myself as being the only one, who was actually capturing and trying to win the game. They just camp, camp and camp, and talk on mic, and if somebody gets in their way, well they score a kill and again, back to talking and laughing, but they don't bother to win the game, to actual give a f uck, you know ? And I hate that...

Now, considering all the points I have made above :
-very low player count, many bots and spectators
-shi tty individual admin rules on each server you enter, consider licking them in order to stay
-players tend to troll more and play less
*and I can make more points in comments, if a certain individual has questions or doubts*

I do not recommend this game anymore, not even on special sale. Maybe only and ONLY IF, you really want a WW2 FPS game and you have played them all except this one. I am sorry to say this to my beloved game, but it is as it is, like that saying. It's Valve's fault that this game is left to die, just like an old gun, never to be used again.
Αναρτήθηκε 16 Μαΐου 2017. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 12 Ιουνίου 2017.
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3 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
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1,895.5 ώρες συνολικά (1,122.9 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική CS:GO
There was a time (late 2013 - beginning 2015) when CS GO was a thing : great FPS-game with a decent community, a lot of operations to work with, good-looking skins, decent drops in-game and lots of them (new operation cases dropping like crazy, that you could sell and buy some keys too, with it), a lot of trading ! (do you remember those times guys ? :D). Such times where, even Silver ranks had decent people with decent aim...not what we have in 2018 (from 2016 onwards); Nova ranks that can't even move the fu cking mouse around, let alone talk about aiming. People that used their brain, to control the map, to win. Times where smurfing wasn't a thing. Times where CHEATERS WERE IN LOW NUMBERS AND IN THE LAST TIER OF GLOBAL RANK. Times where you could play the original CS maps, like Assault and Militia and Aztec ; where you could play hostage maps in competitive !

What do we have now in 2018 ? Servers full with cheaters, at any level. Maybe the low Silver tier is the exception, the rest is fiiled with CHEATERS ! 4/5 games you find cheaters. You queue for competitive, you find yourself with cheaters. You queue for wingman, you find yourself with even more cheaters (it's a playground for them, you see, they even "host" hacks vs hacks mode). You queue for fu cking casual, you find sometimes even here cheaters ! And they are that kind of filth that don't even hide their cheats here (here they don't get reported, a good way to test/ screw a little with cheats...people don't even bother to report them). And EVEN if you do report them, with the whole server, it takes AT LEAST 7 days to maybe, MAYBE, to get a ban. But Overwatch is not working for casual, so you might as well just surrender yourself to the cheaters, change the server or ALT+F4 the game.

What else do we have ? Smurfers. Lots of them too. Even at Silver level, you find high-level players that "they wanna have some fun wrecking some noobs" you see, their reasoning, but they are so low that they can't keep up to the ranks that they are and instead, they come lower rank to crush some noobs and make themselves feel good, because they suck at their tier. I bet these guys are the type from school that went to beat younger-age boys to feel "warriors", because they couldn't mess with one of their size.

What else do we have ? Low-quality player base overall, but most of it made of turkish and slav-filth. Angry-raging russian and turkish kids screaming on mic. Every time I need to block them to be able to bear the game. They don't speak english at all, so why should I even bother to listen ? All they know is "rush B" and "cy ka". "I don't speak london !". I live in central Europe, why every fu cking game I need to play with these inferior filths that don't use their brain at all ? The only purpose of their heads is to serve the purpose of not getting the rain in their throat, trust me on this ! People with 0 kills in round 8, telling me what to do or where my skill lies. Get the fu ck out of here, inbreed-rats !

What else do we have ? Ah, map restrictions and removals. Now you are supposed to play "certain" maps in competitive, because they are the "meta". It's a fu cking MOBA now, we only play heroes that are MVP-stars in the patch. FU CK active duty !! >>> I am tired of dust 2 and mirage and inferno and nuke. Fu ck cobble too, for all it's worth, such a sh it map that even the pro players sh it on it, that's why it got removed recently. I am playing these maps for years, FOR YEARS, do you get it ? All I wanted was, hostage map mode rework, if not the maps themselves. I play CS since 99', I was BORNED on the fo cking Assault (fo ck as the englishmen say !) ! And they removed most of the classic maps, you can't even fool around on them anymore. Valve sh its on hostage maps, they do so for 6 years, but detonation mode is no exception, maps like dust 1, vertigo, aztec ?! All deleted from the game, and let me tell you something : at the pace Valve works fixing a map (6 months to 1 year for one single fu cking map), we will never see those maps again in the game.

And to wrap this overall : What VALVE does about all this ? Nothing ! Absolutely NOTHING ! There are bugs, existing since the beta, that were not fixed. And they will never be fixed. It took them 6 years to fix the fu cking molotov bugs...oh but wait ! they are still not fixed properly. There are even molotov glitches that players exploit for better visibility. Hit detection is still A FU CKING MESS. You shoot entire mags in them and they still "no damage taken". People with high-ping, instead of being at disadvantage, they fu cking own you with their ping because the server reports them at locations that they aren't.

Cheaters ? Well let me tell you the reality : cheaters = is what keeps the game alive, you see. They will never be banned entirely, not even if they catch them all. Yea they ban in waves sometimes, to raise the morale of the peasants that "wow valve thx you really care 4 the game I love u, I buy more crates when my momma gets her paycheck !!". But cheaters is what makes this game still stand ; they put money into the game. Same with smurfing !
The real definition of VAC is = Valve-Allows-Cheating ! And it has been like this since 2015, if not since always. Look at the hacking scandals on E-sports, so many teams cheating for a greater show. And they are allowed to ! It's like TV shows, it raises the audience and makes them money. Money is what Valve is after for, not a "proper FPS game that will last for decades", like their predecessor, CS 1.6 .

Where is Source 2 upgrade ? Where is the audio codecs upgrade from Source 2/ Dota 2 ? 64-bit mode ?! This is not 2007 anymore, there are developers like New World Interactive (known for Insurgency and Day of Infamy) that upgraded their source engine version of the game to 64-bit ! A small indie company did it, but a millionaire corporate company like Valve with big budget and personnel, can not ?!?! OH ! But they are working on a big update ! It's called panorama UI. A fu cking user-interface upgrade. Like the players of CS GO would GIVE A FU CK about news repositioned on the home screen or patch notes in a smaller window. Nothing more joyful when the game has so many bugs and cheaters, but to press ESC and see that the options menu is repositioned. Outstanding ! A really, but really, FU CKING JOKE !

People, there are even free-to-play FPS-games, way better than CS GO. Much cooler gun play and mechanics, more realtistic recoil-patterns, more guns, better maps, better BALANCE and most of all, LESS CHEATERS ! You just need to get out of the sphere of this sh it game called "CS GO" and try some others. I promise you, you will find, as now in 2018, better FPS-games than CS GO, even free ones.

Forget this game ! It was nice for the time it lasted, but now it's over. Stop supporting a sh it FPS-game, full of bugs, of smurfers, and cheaters. Valve only cares about selling pink-skins to rip you of your money, but they deliver sloppy-crappy updates like "sounds rework and 1 gun rework in one year". There are developers out there with better games, that really try hard and put effort and passion in their games, and deserves your attention ! Just try it.

*written by a CS veteran and fan, Mercenaru signing out !*
Αναρτήθηκε 24 Νοεμβρίου 2016. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 19 Μαΐου 2018.
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20 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
2 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
920.5 ώρες συνολικά (79.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Hmm, how should I start ?

I think they (the devs) are not exaggerating when they say that their game is the "ultimate ww2 game". The amount of content this game has to offer is huge. It's not just a FPS-game as you may think. Beside basic infantryman, you can drive tanks, fly airplanes, drop as paratrooper, even ride bicycles !! The amount of guns and vehicles is huge, each class with unique selection of weapons. You also earn medals for your performance in battle, that act as a perk which grant you a small bonus (e.g. faster reload) and ribbons that increases your soldier proficiency within a tier and unlocks the weapons in that category.

The graphics are good, they really reflect ww2 "color-palette", unlike other games. The sound ambience/ music/ gun-sounds are great too. Maps are nicely done, with both rural and urban encounters, with forests and hills, rivers and lakes.

As a technical side-note, don't get fooled by the game's size on hard drive as I was in the beginning. It is very-well done, very optimised I might add, all my hits are registered, no lag.

My personal oppinion, this is the Call of Duty 2 or Day of Defeat that I wished to be and never got to. This game is all the good fps-ww2 themed combined + wargames like world of tanks/ airplanes.

IF you loved any of the games I mentioned here, you MUST try this game !!

PS: I never encountered a game where you can buy premium membership (veteran) with in-game currency. In this one, you can. Gold is not mandatory for veteran membership.
Αναρτήθηκε 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016.
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9 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
3 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
415.8 ώρες συνολικά (296.1 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
As the name suggests, Chivalry is about medieval warfare. You are playing a foot-soldier from 4 classes of your chosing : archer, man-at-arms, vanguard and knight, EACH with unique weapons and pros/ cons. There are many game modes, classic team deathmatch, free-for-all, capture the flag, horde (zombie) mode, duels. My favourite is team objective, where each team competes for a series of map objectives (like raiding villages, conquering castles, assaulting forts and defending kings etc).

Chivalry will offer you a very satisfying time fighting with lots of weapons (swords /axes/ maces/ spears/ polearms/ bows/ crossbows, and many others) in 1st person or 3rd camera. 1st person camera feels like playing Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, for those of you who know the game.
You can use different atack moves to kill your enemy, each with advantages and disadvantages. This game also features lots of gore, which is to my liking :warcry:, and you can also chop members off and decapitate enemies in killing-blow.

Graphics are quite demanding, but offers a nice degree of quality, even for 2016. The sound ambience and music is great, with voice acting even greater, and weapon sounds and clashes even much MORE greater ! You can also taunt and mock your enemies (which is a common thing in Chivalry and fun to do) and complement them via "radio messages"

Combat, I would describe it as, straight from Dark Messiah, and even enhanced. Very pleasant to learn special moves and tactics like dragging etc.

Game is easy to play, hard to master ; it's easy swinging swords left and right, but to become a true sword-master ? Hah this takes time and thinking. But once you do become a veteran of this game, you will discover an immense pleasure in dueling with other high-level player and beat the challenge.

I am a true fan of this game, even before, I played a lot of Age of Chivalry, it's predecessor as HL2 mod. It's much more challenging and fun to play than other PvP games like Dark Souls or Mount and Blade.

So, get this game and meet the real men on the battlefield ! *what is it ?* Oh my grand mace says he wants to give you a kiss !
Αναρτήθηκε 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 22 Νοεμβρίου 2018.
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