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Publicada el 16 MAY 2017 a las 19:37
Actualizada el 12 JUN 2017 a las 18:30

It's a really big shame what this game has become, considering it was my favorite FPS from 2008-2012, even took the place of my beloved Counter-Strike which I am playing since I touched the PC first time somewhere in the late 90's.

I do not recommend this game anymore, for the following reason : it's pretty much dead *and more below*. Yes, there are a few servers still running (private ones, not valve servers), but a lot of them are filled with bots and fake players (spectators that never play), so if you see a server that has 20/32 players...it's most likely it's only half of the numbers, actual players. I already tested severals servers and it's like this (at least for Europe, as I tested the servers under 100 ping, as I do not wish or recommend to play on servers above 100 ping).

Now, people say and claim on forums that this game is very much alive, especially during weekends. This MAY be true *during weekends*. But, and there is a big BUT, unfortunately, this game is no longer the same game I have played from 2008-2012. I mean, the game is the same in terms of engine/ graphics/ mechanics, but the player base and rules have changed. Yea, there is a big clusterf uck now, as you have to argue with every admin on the server, for some of the following reasons ::
1. either you don't obey their silly "server-rules" like, for example, you camp under capture point (but let's make it clear, capturing in 2 seconds and staying 1 second more is considered camping !!) and it seems that on every server, admins forbid it, AND
2. they simply don't like you, either you are too good or too bad, or they desire your class which you have taken and they will kick you, as simple as that ! I once played as sniper and the admin wanted my class, and said that I should get into rifleman, I said "I don't want to be rifleman, I suck with M1 Garand" but in the end I surrendered the class to him and took the assault and I got kicked 10 seconds afterwards...
Or after playing 30 minutes, trying to win for your side, they command you to switch sides. And if you don't obey in like, 10 seconds, bam KICK.
Very roughly put, you have to lick the a ss of the admin for a nice time on his server.
And to be honest, considering DoDs player count as it is now, admins should be much more forgiveful, especially towards new players. I am veteran and I am used being kicked for either breaking the rules or just because I upset the admin, but new players aren't. Most of the times, admins won't even tell you in english, most private servers are french and german ones, and they speak their native language. I hope you have learned them in school, in order to understand what "his majestic commands" are. I can really expand this list of, unfair kick motives, but this review will get the size of a book and nobody wants to read a book in a review. I already feel it's too much written.

And in conclusion, we have also the player-motive. Most of the players nowadays in DoDs are mature to very mature (that's a plus, really not many kids here), but the thing is...these players come in the game to blow some steam, or better said, to chat a lot and have "fun", but in my book, that is equal to troll a lot (like playing only bazookas and camp in a certain point all the round just to get a flashy 2 kills and then laugh after in microphone). They really spam the microphone non-stop, with things unrelevant to the game, and DoDs has the shi tty not-updated codecs from "source 1 episode 1" engine, the quality is really shi t, you hear a lot of bass and gain and boost, most of the times you won't even understand what they are saying, it's just a big noise and mess. But I jumped a little off-point, the thing that I really hate about the players in DoDs nowadays, is like I said above, they play to troll a lot and they really don't want, or even TRY, to win the game. On several occasions I found myself as being the only one, who was actually capturing and trying to win the game. They just camp, camp and camp, and talk on mic, and if somebody gets in their way, well they score a kill and again, back to talking and laughing, but they don't bother to win the game, to actual give a f uck, you know ? And I hate that...

Now, considering all the points I have made above :
-very low player count, many bots and spectators
-shi tty individual admin rules on each server you enter, consider licking them in order to stay
-players tend to troll more and play less
*and I can make more points in comments, if a certain individual has questions or doubts*

I do not recommend this game anymore, not even on special sale. Maybe only and ONLY IF, you really want a WW2 FPS game and you have played them all except this one. I am sorry to say this to my beloved game, but it is as it is, like that saying. It's Valve's fault that this game is left to die, just like an old gun, never to be used again.
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2 comentarios
eyecarrot19 29 JUN 2017 a las 22:57 
there are 4 full servers for each part of world, lol
but idk for china or australia
naqoyqatsi 12 JUN 2017 a las 20:01 