The Important Life Story Of A Certain Cat...

So yeah, that's me, The Cat. That's my name. You have a problem with my name? You do? Well, that's what they call me. They are too stupid for me to tell them my real name. You are too stupid too, as you are one of them. "They" are the humans, my supposed enemies but also the ones I live with. Not really the best situation.

I bet your name isn't better, anyway. You have no right to make fun of me. It's probably just Bob or something like that, anyway. Nobody has interesting names, here. Humans don't. Their names are "Mom", "Dad" and Mike". Those are the humans in my family. Dad is the tallest human, Mom is a little bit smaller, and Mike is very small. I think he is their human kit.

We Cats have different meows for each other. My friend from next door is called "Mrow", my mom was called "Mroyw"and my dad, "Moryow". I call those names very pretty and original.

I don't remember my parents much, in fact, I don't remember them at all, but Old Cats in our group told me their names. I think they died when I was young, but even that I cannot remember.

See, we Cats always go into the details. Unlike those humans. I've seen one eating and leaving half of his fish.

I know what you're thinking right now. Yes, it's a real waste. Kind of sad, if you ask me. It's exactly what I thought too, and so I went and gobbled it all up. I've got a big scolding for that one.

I live in a plain old house. In that house, there's Dad, Mom, and Mike. I already spoke about them, didn't I? Dad and Mom always put their arms around Mike. I think that's called an "affection mark". I heard them talking about it. About how they should give Mike more affection marks.

Since Mike isn't exactly the nicest human, I don't think that they should, but I wouldn't tell them. First of all, they wouldn't understand my meows, and second of all, even if they could understand, they would ignore my opinion. I'm always ignored.

The house is normal, like any other house. Well...that depends on what you consider a house. It looks like a huge block with holes in it. Does that work with your idea of a house?

When you go out of it, you see some other houses that look exactly like mine. I think some human built all those weird blocks. No Cat in its senses could –– and would –– ever build something like that!

I wonder who got the idea of living in a block and taking poor little Cats out of the nature to live with them. That human must have been very stupid. I envy the Cats living in the nature, like the ones that I left behind. They must be so happy right now, always being outside and not having someone getting water out of his eyes every time you kill a mouse or a bird, even if it's for food.

One of their good points is that they care about my sleep. They let me sleep in a big basket, which could be comfortable, and kind of is, except there is only one pillow placed in it. If someone asked me, I would tell them that, but as always, no one asks poor, little, forgotten me.

I do hope you will be caring about my life. Because we Cats are always forgotten. We're there, we save everything, we are the most heroic animals existing, but we are never acknowledged.

By Fourminette
форулировщица 27 Nov, 2024 @ 11:07am 
Прими го трейд
Shaktikazahn 24 Nov, 2024 @ 10:37am 
Elite move
76561199417483038 16 Nov, 2024 @ 9:20am 
+rep cool trader
хач-ловкач 20 Sep, 2024 @ 6:22am 
Прими го трейд
лови пулю 21 Aug, 2024 @ 3:45pm 
Прими го трейд
Landalmeena 23 Jul, 2024 @ 10:00am 
Time for some epic plays. Ready?