a3z | blu7
Akira アキラ 暁 अकीरा​ 아키라 Акира اكيرا อาคีระ
read my description for things that are mildly important
i made this text lowercase to look hip and cool

A paper clip
A tin foil hat
3 cut rubber bands
A half eaten hashbrown
An empty jello container

1. Is your profile picture from Loud House?

2. Is your profile picture from Homestuck?
What the ♥♥♥♥

3. Is your profile picture from Eddsworld?
Nah, it's from Homestuck.

4. Were you really in Eddsworld?
Yes, you can look in the credits of "Saloonatics."

5. What's your profile picture?
See question 4.
Duzahn 1 de jul. às 10:13 
comeback time?
[.iG]Ak Warsman 15/ago./2023 às 2:29 
hiya, shot you an add for an item I am desperate for
SweetieWish 12/mar./2023 às 12:08 
i havr trade
Quintino ツ 26/nov./2022 às 12:08 
Added, i'm interested in a trade with your Tec9 Sandstorm.
Kazuma_ 10/set./2022 às 7:58 
hello, added to play together :steamhappy:
山中难以捉摸的蛇 30/ago./2022 às 1:50 
+rep 我和你玩过