Rage Quitter
Steve   Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Chats,live streams or tweet me for more goodness.


Rage Quitter 2022年12月25日 21時51分 
All the best my friend. Have a safe a prosperous New Year.
Ravishin' RazZzy! ~KMA~ 2022年12月25日 19時30分 
Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year!
Oblivion Minotaur 2022年11月16日 16時19分 
Can I be your friend?
Ravishin' RazZzy! ~KMA~ 2022年10月4日 6時42分 
Yes, was good to chat with ya, but I wouldn't say it was morbid. Loss of loved ones is always very sad.
Rage Quitter 2022年10月3日 22時45分 
Miss you too Razz! good to catchup again. Even though we did get a bit morbid towards the end.
Ravishin' RazZzy! ~KMA~ 2022年10月3日 11時52分 
Miss you, Steve!