Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
"Guts, why does God take the best people from us?"
"Well, when you're in a garden which flowers do you pick first?"
"The most beautiful ones."

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27 Hours played
Do yourself a favor and ignore the degenerate comments and just take them as a joke. This game deserves so much more than that kind of attention.

Actual Review:
Okay, get this: this game is a mixture of some of the best hybrid PS2 games ever, with classic fps and some other greats. This game has elements of Serious Sam, Duke Nukem, Jak & Daxter / Ratchet & Clank, Kya, Max Payne, Hat in Time, and so many more I will probably realize later down the line. The arcade is an arena, cod zombies+a few others that do their own thing, and standard versus (has been updated with bots and arena shooter modes). Best part, it does all of it REALLY well. I mean I am absolutely dumbfounded. When this game gets full release, it's almost 100% going to be my GOTY, and I play LOTS of different games.

It feels like a game made by people who have been playing all kinds of games for a long long time as much as they could, then put the best parts of those games in to their own game. Making something that could end up being one of the best games ever made.

I can't believe I got this on sale, I have to give more money somehow. An easy 40 dollar game and could be worth more, and I don't believe any game is actually worth over 40 dollars, barring some very extreme exceptions.

Number keys for swapping weapons would be nice (IMPLEMENTED), plus a way to quickly sort the weapons so they are in an order the player likes. The suiciders need to make more noise, currently they just make a sizzle noise but do the same damage as the ones in serious sam. Would be cute and funny if they did some adorable attempt at going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!. (IMPLEMENTED AND ADORABLE) Collision on the environment can be weird when prone, resulting in shots hitting the floor I'm laying on. Sneaking sucks and is unnecessary, but if made better could allow another play style. The default keybinds are messed up, probably the result of the game being made with a different keyboard layout. Ammo is weird, specifically for guns that have more shots per ammo. For example, I have truly no idea how much ammo I really have in bubble guns. While I don't struggle much with it at all, the game could use more direction on where to go. A simple skybeam or a map would be nice.

Serious Sam - some weapons and most enemies
Duke Nukem - main character honestly feels that bad ass. also some weapons feel more duke nukem than serious sam.
JakDax/RatchetClank - third person feels the same, and the game has the same sort of "make up a world" thing going for it.
Kya - mostly just same reason as above, but if you played kya you know how it feels different.
Max Payne - Same dodging, minus the slow motion and painkillers.
Hat in Time - I mean, look at it. It even has some of the same 3d mario jumps.
Crash Bandicoot - Those damn bonus levels. So infuriating.

Edit: I said Mad Max rather than Max Payne. HUGE MISTAKE. There are no Australian post-apocalypse vehicle fights.

Updated 5/3/2024 I'll do a full rewrite on 1.0
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