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総プレイ時間:74.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:71.5時間)
Found this game through some random webpage top10 2019 games with coop. I had one glance and asked my friends if we wanna give it a go. Looks looked promising and boy was I glad we decided to go for it. For me its the best non pvp shoter I ever played honestly that can accommodate 3 players. If you are all about that coop fun dont hesitate. Game is also highly enjoyable solo which I have played for like 30% of my game time.
General game info: I see it as a shooter meets Dark Souls but not as hard. Concept attempted before but never was it fun or playable especially in coop mode. You cant just run through everything especially at the start but with time you learn to play and get gear it gets easier and you can just go the harder game mode. Normal mode is way undertuned in my personal opionion and I have not played at all basically except adventure mode where you got to farm. I would suggest starting first campaign on hard and moving to nightmare when you feel its going to easy.
There are 4 atcs each taking some considerable time at the beginning but later when you know your way around its a breeze. Each act has 2 zones (I think) and each zones 3 boss fights of which one is final. In between there are of course mobs and minibosses and some resources to gather.
Big thing in this game there are secrets. Lots of them. If you find them its up to you. I find it very fun so for me its a plus. Cant really go into this as I dont want to spoil stuff but I can say some bossfights can be done in many ways fore diffirend rewards.
投稿日 2020年1月9日.
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総プレイ時間:139.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.3時間)
I am going to start off saying I am a huge fun of the board game and have been following Isac for a long time now getting everything I can for my board version including paying a ripoff price for the forgotten circles expansion just because game is so good. I have completed one full 2 man campaign and one 3 man campaign that is about 70% done. Played every character minus 4 out of which 3 we didn't manage to unlock. I loved every moment. Every mistake we made at the start and every win and loss. The game that lives and breathes cooperation in the best sense of the way, is interesting not because you can just kill monsters and repeat but everything is a new challenge on every step of the way. Repetition is so minimal its almost unbelievable for 200h/95 scenario game.

None of that is in the online version.

My review is always going to be negative even before I opened the game since someone decided to run Early Access (EA) with no multiplayer what so ever. It is beyond me how that decision was made. How someone could even think that is a good idea. And I'm not saying its not a campaign mode multi and I was expecting it day one. It's just nothing. Even this rougelike mode that I will discuss further you can't play with anyone. I am just stunned honestly.
I am absolutely sure that people who made this decision have not played this game solo and check how much it loses when you play it alone even when you can still have the full campaign behind it. It is just not the same thing.

To people who will ask me why did I buy the game - my short answer is to have it and wait for multilayer basically. But I also thought to give this rougelike mode a try. So lets get to that.

You get to play 4 chars in all combos of 2. That seems pretty low for a game that has so many chars but fine its EA. Can't chose starting cards. Just because not. Which makes playing classes that you know well a very unpleasant experience. For any players that know the game insane mode is a obvious choice since that just gives you what you get normally in the board game - doesn't make it easier (which I would argue is not a good usage of a word insane).
You start in a town but its completely pointless since you cannot do anything there and there is zero lore or anything. So you have to start with what they give you exactly. There is zero room for anything at this point. NONE.
I tried the red mission but one of my characters died isntantly in the first turn from two attacks. So yeah clearly balanced.
So I switched to yellow and it was a instant faceroll with brute/spellweaver combo.
I do not have it in me to describe all the bugs that I encountered but just to name a few:
-game bugged when I had a choice of taking damage or burning cards. I wanted to burn a card but nope menu still there. After that I clicked to take damage and still nothing. Nothing worked. Progress lost > game restart.
-I had two cards in discard pile and one in available cards when playing spellweaver and game informed me I do not have enough cards and exhausted the spellweaver with his rollback engine card in hand.
-AI target focus bugs are constant and to many to name
-push/pull mechanics when killing a mob broken
-you can short rest mid your turn (when you got cards active) by pressing alt and then hovering over your char portrait then releasing alt and going to the short rest button avoiding other parts of the UI (not kidding). Or at least I could today.
And million others.

So ok despite the bugs you get to the end of the mission and then... Nothing. Can't use the money because you are not in town. You can equip items if you got any and that's about it. Other then that if you didn't level up you get to do nothing. So I think Probably at the end of the missions series you get to spend the gold right?. No. I got to marches after three missions straight and still no shop or any way to spend the gold. At this point I quit since I just can't take it. I would also like to mention that mission two and mission three for me had the same exact layout and monsters to a tee. Only gold and trap placement was not the exact same.

Don't know how to end really. I have not been so disappointed about a game for a long time. I guess I will waiting for campaign or at least any resemblance of multiplayer since I have like 5 friends that are dying to play it with me but its to hard to manage in real life with the time and distances constraints. But I would not dare to mention this game to them I would ruin their impression and give them zero feel for what gloomhaven really is.
Such a shame.
投稿日 2019年7月20日.
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As someone that always loved the card games in general but could never afford or be bothered to gather countless cards I was very excited to try the new Free2Play MTG. I had my doubts after getting one of the plainswalkers game in the past but still positively approached the game.
Me and my friend wanted so badly to get a duel off as we played in real life few years back using some sets bought for cheap but still had alot of fun. Well of course you cant. Not from the start a least. You guessed it, you have to unlock it first. Yep - you have to unlock multiplayer games in a multiplayers card game.
But thats just a tip of the iceberg really. There is so many things that are bad about this game that its just impossibile do concive how a game like this could have been released at all.

I wont make it to list all of the things that wrong with this game but heres just a few from the top of my head:
  • One of the worst Menu systems I have seen im my 20 years of gaming. I was surprised that I can be that pissed off about menu but then I realise that its just plain insult.
  • Wanna play anything? You HAVE to play what game wants you to play first. You wanna skip tutorials cause you played 10 years of MTG? Well to bad for you, you cant.
  • Connection to steam cloud or any network capability of this game should be reffered to every time you look for a methaphor of an absolut worst one ever implemented into a game. You literally get disconnected all the time losing your wins (dont register), losing achievements (i dont care about those but some ppl do), card pack and lots of more annoying stuff.
  • Deck builder is so bad I cannot even describe it. It is the most useless, uninnovative, annoying piece of crap my sore eyes have ever glanced at. Honestly you need to witness it to understand how irritating can just putting 60 cards togather in a deck be. Its beyond atrocious.
  • Pack of course have 6 cars in them - yes you heard right - not 15 as in MTG. And to get one pack you need to do some griding as well. All in all you would need to grind alottttt to not spend money If you wish to have all the cards.
  • You can get some gold (in game money) with quests daily or weekly but guess what? Yes thats right they bug out to so sometimes you get the gold, sometimes you dont. Like everything in this game, quests are also boring and mostly consist of getting wins with decks that game have created for you.
  • You play multiplayer. You crash your oponent. He concides. What happens? He gets swapped for AI. This has to be the biggest WTF of card game history. You are literally forced to waste time and play the rest o the game with an AI. Best of it is you can lose to the AI and not get points. I think there is nobel prize winner on this game programmers team and all people who played this game have a special place in our hearts for this guy - its just not warm and fuzzy.

I was going to name PROS but I hardly can? I tought maybe the campaigns but those force you to do tutorials for HASTE or TREMPLE which for me was so boring I couldnt take it as a positive. I thought I can give a game system a pass but after first strike sometimes didnt work (it just didnt, sometimes yes sometimes not) I cant even do that.

Just dont touch this game. You will want to like it but it will just piss you off and dissapoint you to the point you cant take it anymore. I played maybe 10 hours last 5-6 cause i really wanted to give it a chance.

It is disgusting.
It is bad.
It is broken.
Do not get near this game.
投稿日 2015年9月23日. 最終更新日 2015年9月23日
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