Captain India
"Best Techies i've ever seen" - Bilbo Teabaggins
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Hyena 13 May, 2023 @ 5:30am 
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K a м ΐ.カミ 27 Aug, 2022 @ 12:59pm 
You are an amazing person, so honest and you have high honer when it comes to trading. If you come to read this, maybe add me again so we can have a fun chat together. If i forgot you or decline you, just comment on my profile! Anyone who reads this, i promise you a good time with him! Thank you for being honest and kind to me!:golden:
K a м ΐ.カミ 27 Aug, 2022 @ 12:59pm 
You are an amazing person, so honest and you have high honer when it comes to trading. If you come to read this, maybe add me again so we can have a fun chat together. If i forgot you or decline you, just comment on my profile! Anyone who reads this, i promise you a good time with him! Thank you for being honest and kind to me!:golden:
K a м ΐ.カミ 27 Aug, 2022 @ 12:58pm 
You are an amazing person, so honest and you have high honer when it comes to trading. If you come to read this, maybe add me again so we can have a fun chat together. If i forgot you or decline you, just comment on my profile! Anyone who reads this, i promise you a good time with him! Thank you for being honest and kind to me!:golden:
K a м ΐ.カミ 27 Aug, 2022 @ 12:58pm 
You are an amazing person, so honest and you have high honer when it comes to trading. If you come to read this, maybe add me again so we can have a fun chat together. If i forgot you or decline you, just comment on my profile! Anyone who reads this, i promise you a good time with him! Thank you for being honest and kind to me!:golden:
K a м ΐ.カミ 27 Aug, 2022 @ 12:58pm 
You are an amazing person, so honest and you have high honer when it comes to trading. If you come to read this, maybe add me again so we can have a fun chat together. If i forgot you or decline you, just comment on my profile! Anyone who reads this, i promise you a good time with him! Thank you for being honest and kind to me!:golden: