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Recente recensies door Jackabyte

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23.0 uur in totaal (21.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Go work your cringe nine to five.

I'll be gaming.
Geplaatst 3 juli 2021.
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988.6 uur in totaal (925.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If for whatever reason you're only getting around to TF2 now you need to know about the bot crisis.

Basically hackers/trolls/terrible people are flooding TF2 with aimbots ruining a lot of games and making the game feel genuinely unplayable at times. Valve isn't going to do anything about this since TF2 makes trucks of money despite never getting updated.

However there are some ways to get genuine good game experiences but you have to go for some community servers. I'm specifically talking about https://creators.tf and FACEIT[www.faceit.com]. Both providing great ways to play TF2 without the fear of bots.

Despite the bot crisis I still recommended TF2 100%. It's free (provided you don't get sucked in to it's economy) it's fun and I got 900+ hours out of it.
Geplaatst 3 juli 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 3 juli 2021.
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5.4 uur in totaal (1.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I solved the puzzle in the wrong timeline and the game congratulated me for it 10/10
Geplaatst 20 april 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 20 april 2021.
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15.5 uur in totaal (7.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
You already know this game.

It has the best soundtrack out of any game ever as well as a plot that is written by a 12 year old and I mean this in the best way possible. The gameplay is great for speed and emerald collecting stages. The mech stages, however, are ass. Also it has the chao garden, which lots of people prefer over the main game.

Just remember to mod the game so you can improve it in any small way you can. I recommend you to watch this video.

I miss my wife Tails
Geplaatst 17 april 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 17 april 2021.
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5.7 uur in totaal

Geplaatst 17 april 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 17 april 2021.
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17.4 uur in totaal (9.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Welcome to Rivals of Aether, here we have...

  • Elemental Furries
  • 100% accurate Smash Bros characters.
  • Surprisingly high-quality Undertale characters
  • Even more community made furries.
  • Speedrunner Mario
  • Professional twitch streamer and part time archaeologist, Jerma985
  • Characters that shouldn't have guns with guns
  • Ronald McDonald - The Ultimate Lifeform.

    In all serious this game is great even without mods but with mods it's fantastic. Most of the custom characters are amazing weather for being actual well made characters or just really, really, well made and incredibly dumb.

    Great Game.
    If you're a smash bros fan and you don't have this you are missing out.
Geplaatst 17 april 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 17 april 2021.
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26 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
0.0 uur in totaal
Playing this soundtrack on shuffle is what feels like to be bipolar.
Geplaatst 24 maart 2021.
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98 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
35 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
31.7 uur in totaal (8.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
"Are you winning Son?"

"I'm trying to talk people out of suicide and give relationship advice."
Geplaatst 19 maart 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 19 maart 2021.
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3.2 uur in totaal
Despite there being many, many open world games out there very few have an actual feeling of freedom. That feeling of "The world is your oyster so go anywhere and do what you want." I felt this playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and I also felt this playing this game.

A short hike is a game where you should take a short hike up a mountain. Or not. You can go around the mountain or you can help all the cute little animals scattered around. You can explore anywhere and by exploring anywhere you get rewarded with new discoveries, items and people.

However exploration is only good if it's fun to actually move around and in this game it absolutely is! Climbing, gliding and jumping all these things just feel so smooth and freeing.

Also this game is just so cute and cozy. Mostly thanks to it's artstyle and chill soundtrack. Like if Animal Crossing was an adventure game. If you think the artstyle is too blocky you can change it in the settings so it's way more smooth and easy on the eyes.

Honestly I see no problems with this game except for maybe the length. It's only 2 hrs long. But that's not really a problem at all considering the price.

At the end of the day, A Short Hike isn't a mind blowing experience. But it's a game that makes you feel something that very few games do. And that, that is special.

Also, you can fish in this game. Therefore it is automatically good.

Great Game.
Geplaatst 15 maart 2021.
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61.3 uur in totaal (21.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
"So what is this game about anyways?"
It's another quirky Indie RPG that people compare to Earthbound/Undertale. Although a more appropriate comparison would be Earthbound and Night in The Woods. It's funny it's sad it's scary. If you like games like Undertale, Earthbound, Lisa the Painful, Yume Nikki and many other similar games this is for you.

However because it's one of these quirky Indie RPGs I recommend you to go in this game as blind as possible.

"Is it worth full price?"
In my opinion, yes it is. If you want to talk about length it took me 22 hrs to beat the game but I haven't touched much of the side content. There is a lot of side content. This ranges from lots of hidden dialogue to hidden areas, multiple endings and even side quests. This probably one of the best things about the game. The massive amount of side and hidden content makes it so everyone's first playthrough is unique to them. Which is an amazing thing to pull off in any game.

"What're the flaws of the game?"
Not being able to skip some of the repetitive dialogue can drag things out especially on repeat playthroughs to get the other endings.
Also some areas can drag on a bit too long.

"Anything else about the game I need to know about?"
First the warnings don't lie. You have to be in a good headspace before going into the game.
Second (and this is important) go into options and toggle the run automatically option. You can thank me later.

Yes, this game deserves the praise it gets and deserves to stand side by side with it's two more popular cousins Undertale and Earthbound to the point where it even surpasses them in some areas.

Great Game.
Geplaatst 23 februari 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 15 maart 2021.
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