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Recent reviews by FATBEAR

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16.8 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Even with the endless list of botched launches for big name games over the last few years, this might be the worst launch experience I've ever had.

-No Widescreen Support on launch (Why? is this 2009?)
-No Public PvE or campaign lobbies (Again, why?)
-Crashes still occurring during cutscenes
-Spend 10 minutes trying to unf*ck the default control scheme
-Campaign goes from fine to impossible the moment you get your teammates. Why? The AI is worse than braindead. I'd rather have 007 GoldenEye AI than this. AI teammates will ignore objective, ignore a flashing red elites, refuse to target ranged enemies most of the time, constantly walk in front of you while you are shooting, etc.
-PvP does not work 75% of the time, and when it does you likely to get disconnected seconds before the match ends.

Does anyone QA test games anymore?

The server issues on launch are to be expected, but the rest of this is inexcusable. Don't waste your time or money on this until they fix the above.
Posted 6 September, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
326.4 hrs on record (321.8 hrs at review time)
One of the best games Valve has ever made. The addition of bots was a fantastic idea and I hope more games follow Valve's lead. This kind of innovation is what it takes to keep a 17 year old game fresh and popular. Just look at the number of reviews in the past 30 days. This is the kind of longevity and player engagement other devs (Bungie) can only dream of.

Posted 8 June, 2024.
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444.2 hrs on record (442.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 7 July, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
17.4 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
>Be me.
>Be 40 years old.
>Be a fan of GTA since I was a young lad.
>Enjoying GTA5 Online, maybe a little too much.
>Spend every day saving up money to purchase expensive car in GTA5 online.
>The day finally comes, my heart warms with pride as I drive around fictional city of Los Santos in my beautiful vehicle.
>Start a street race with some randos, I win.
>12 year old boy screams at me while hacking my account and stealing my new car and all of my money.
>My car is gone forever, what do?
>Consider asking Rockstar for help, maybe they can ban this kid and get my car back.
>Rockstar bans the hacker, returns my car and blocks all hacks forever.
>Hackers whine like babies, all is well.

Bravo Rockstar, you guys are saints!
Posted 17 June, 2017.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries